Create a Facebook Friends Collage with MediaBooze

Now you can turn your Facebook friends into a work of art. MediaBooze offers a quick and simple way to create and customize your own Facebook Friends Collage. You can get a digital, letter-size collage for free, or a printed, 21″ wide poster starting at $35 with free shipping.

I gave MediaBooze a try, and it was easy. After logging in through Facebook, I was prompted to select my top four friends. Then, to personalize my collage, I chose background colors as well as the look and width of spacing between pictures. I had the option to write a personal quote for the top of my collage.

Within seconds, my free 8.5″ collage was generated. I got a custom collage of all my favorite people in the world–my Facebook friends! My top four friends were featured at the top, along with my name and quote. I printed my collage and slid it into the cover of the ring binder I use to organize class handouts. And, I can order a poster-sized collage to hang on the wall if I'd like.

MediaBooze is a cool idea for creating a personal image to display or share. What would you do with yours? MediaBooze will be demoing at Tech Cocktail Chicago, so stop by and say hi.

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Written by:
Meg Rayford is a communications consultant based in Northern Virginia. She previously spent two years as the Director of Public Relations for a nonprofit startup, where she learned a lot about providing clean water for impoverished countries, even within the confines of a bootstrapped startup. She is the editor of Tech Cocktail, and she develops media strategies for companies in Washington, DC and Virginia. You can read her most recent work in the marketing chapter of the upcoming book, "Social Innovation and Impact in Nonprofit Leadership," which will be published in Spring 2014 by Springer Publishing. Follow her @megkrayford.
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