Flowtown Reveals Timely.is: Twitter Sharing Tool For Power Users

It's Magic

Well … actually, it's not. What we do is analyze your past 199 tweets and figure out the best time slots. We then use this info to auto-schedule your tweets and learn as your followers grow. – from Timely.is

I have been using Timely from Flowtown for a few weeks now. It came my way from Keith Crawford's (@tsudo) recommendation on #blogchat (a chat about blogs that happens every Sunday night at 8 p.m CST). I love it – I have a browser share button and every time I see interesting articles I use Timely to schedule it so that I am not sending out tweets in a hurry. It is a useful tool.

I was so happy to receive word last night that today Timely announced the official launch of Timely and moving to the domain http://Timely.is. The new site will enable users to have unlimited free accounts and collaborators (you can tweet from multiple accounts if you have one for personal and work). Ethan Bloch of Flowtown pointed me to http://timely.flowtown.com/#/howitworks which gives their algorithm. Timley also integrates to bit.ly and provides stats on retweets.  Timely will help you see how your tweets are doing and gives you chance to tweak them. A few of my tweets that have two links in them did better but this is too early to tell.

What do you think of Timely? Try it and let us know in the comments below.

Timely Report

Screenshot of a Timely Report

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Written by:
Shashi Bellamkonda is the Chief Marketing Officer at Surefire Social. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. Shashi is passionate about helping startups and small business and has been recognized twice as one of the Top 100 Tech Titans by the Washingtonian and Top 100 Small Business Influencer Champion 2011 by Small Business Trends. Follow him on Twitter @shashib.
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