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Isometric Business to Business Marketing, B2B Solution, business marketing concept. Two business partners shaking hands.

How The Self-Service Buying Journey Is Causing A Role Reversal Between Marketing & Sales 

There’s a considerable gap between demand generation marketers’ expectations and their goals, as 80% consider getting new qualified…

Industry News July 10
Journey Further
Link building vector image with author headshot

Google’s Link Contradiction: Company Downplays Importance, But Leak Reveals Dominance

Google recently downplayed the importance of links in search rankings in its updated spam policy, creating confusion and…

Demanding Views July 8
DGR Exclaimer Web 072024 feature

The Brand-Demand Connection: Your Secret 1:1 Email Marketing Weapon

B2B marketers are always looking for the next best thing to get their messaging across, but as it…

July 5
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series