Latest In: Openprise

data orchestration Ed King Openprise Openprise Data Orchestration Platform Oracle oracle cloud marketplace
Openprise Launches Data Orchestration Platform For Oracle

Openprise Launches Data Orchestration Platform For Oracle

Openprise, a data orchestration platform for marketing and sales, has released a new data orchestration application for the…

Industry News April 17
GDPR Openprise
Poll: Only 43% Of Marketing, Sales Reps Aware Of GDPR

Poll: Only 43% Of Marketing, Sales Reps Aware Of GDPR

Openprise, a data orchestration platform for marketing and sales, unveiled new poll data that shows only 43% of B2B sales…

Industry News November 29
data compliance Data management GDPR Openprise
Openprise Unveils GDPR-Focused Updates To Data Orchestration Platform

Openprise Unveils GDPR-Focused Updates To Data Orchestration Platform

Openprise, a data orchestration solutions platform for marketing and sales, announced new capabilities designed to provide visibility, control and access…

Industry News October 31
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series