Latest In: marketing technology

ABM AdRoll CEO Figure Eight marketing technology nextroll RollWorks
NextRoll Names Robin Bordoli As New CEO

NextRoll Names Robin Bordoli As New CEO

NextRoll, the marketing technology parent company of ABM platform RollWorks and AI-powered marketing software AdRoll, has announced Robin Bordoli…

Industry News August 13
AdRoll data marketing technology nextroll nextroll platform services revenue streams RollWorks
AdRoll Group Rebrands As NextRoll, Unveils Marketing Platform Services

AdRoll Group Rebrands As NextRoll, Unveils Marketing Platform Services

AdRoll Group, known for its services RollWorks and AdRoll, has rebranded itself as the marketing and technology company…

Industry News September 10
Allocadia CMO data Gartner marketing technology MarTech Sam Melnick
What Type Of Marketing Technologists Do You Have On Your Team?

What Type Of Marketing Technologists Do You Have On Your Team?

As we look at the most important martech trends for the New Year, one thing becomes evident, and…

Demanding Views January 18
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series