demand generation - Demand Gen Report Mon, 13 May 2024 16:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 demand generation - Demand Gen Report 32 32 Meet The Winners Of The 13th Annual Killer Content Awards Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:20:00 +0000 Marketing is nearly synonymous with creativity and strategy, and when those two attributes are executed in tandem, magic happens — and the most outstanding campaigns win a “Finny.” The Finnys, of course, are the trophies given out to the winners of the Killer Content Awards (KCAs). Hosted annually at the B2B Marketing Exchange, the most recent batch of KCA winners were honored during an Awards Ceremony at #B2BMX.

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Marketing is nearly synonymous with creativity and strategy, and when those two attributes are executed in tandem, magic happens — and the most outstanding campaigns win a “Finny.” The Finnys, of course, are the trophies given out to the winners of the Killer Content Awards (KCAs). Hosted annually at the B2B Marketing Exchange, the most recent batch of KCA winners were honored during an Awards Ceremony at #B2BMX.

The 13th annual KCAs celebrated the marketers who creatively connected with their audiences by leveraging influencers and turning basic content formats into engaging experiences. With more than 150 nominations across 13 categories, the Demand Gen Report team worked alongside the #B2BMX team to analyze all the submissions and narrow the list down to 25 final winners.

“For years, the Killer Content Awards have honored B2B companies that are forging a new path beyond the status quo to deliver exceptional buyer engagement and content experiences,” said Klaudia Tirico, Content Director for the #B2BMX event series. “The 13th annual ‘Finnys’ recognized the relentless pursuit of storytelling that not only survives but thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of attention. This year’s nominations were an exceptionally difficult bunch to judge, as each one stood out as a testament to creativity, strategy and the power to authentically engage buyers and customers in the ever-evolving B2B marketing and sales industry. Congratulations to all winners and nominees!”

So, without further ado, let’s meet the winners!

Account-Based Marketing Campaign

  • Bombora
  • BOL

Design Concept/Theme

  • Honeywell Aerospace
  • Resonate

Influencer Campaign

  • Demandbase
  • SAP

Research-Based Content

  • TechTarget + Amazon Web Services
  • OutSystems

Sales Enablement Content

  • Clearwave
  • INFUSEmedia

Buyer-Focused Content

  • Boeing
  • 2.718 Marketing

Channel/Partner Marketing

  • Cisco Systems Inc.
  • Sage with Unreal Digital Group

Interactive Content

  • Mastercard
  • Activate

Nurture Campaign

  • Purechannels — The Channel Agency
  • ExtraHop

Short-Form Content

  • Grant Thornton LLP

Multi-Touch Campaign

  • Intellimize
  • Myriad Genetics

Video Content

  • VisiQuate
  • Insight Enterprises, Inc.

Audio Content

  • NinjaCat
  • Project Management Institute

Don’t worry: We’re not going to wax poetic about creativity and then just leave you hanging with a few bullet points. We’re already hard at work putting together an interactive iPaper that showcases our winners in the engaging medium that they deserve, so make sure to check back in with us next month!

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#B2BMX24 Day 1 & 2 Recap: Crafting Immersive Content That Matches The Modern Buying Experience Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:14:00 +0000 I hate to say it, but if you're not in sunny Scottsdale right now… you're missing out big time! The weather couldn't be more beautiful, and the content couldn't be any better. The first two days of the 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange featured a host (pun intended) of industry all-stars taking the stage with sessions ranging from AI to ABM — and even musicals!

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I hate to say it, but if you’re not in sunny Scottsdale right now… you’re missing out big time! The weather couldn’t be more beautiful, and the content couldn’t be any better. The first two days of the 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange featured a host (pun intended) of industry all-stars taking the stage with sessions ranging from AI to ABM — and even musicals!

The underlying theme throughout most of the sessions was the various factors that impact the backbone of marketing: Content. For content creation, specifically, Forrester VP, Principal Analyst Phyllis Davidson kicked off the event with her opening keynote, “B2B Content Lessons From Taylor Swift: Shake Off Your Old Strategy & Experiment To Engage.”

Davidson explained that the top three reasons for Swift’s success — and the three components practitioners can bring into their day-to-day — are her ability to evolve, adapt and engage with her fans. Starting with evolution and adaption, Davidson started with a blunt fact: The majority of marketers fail to understand the changing buying landscape and don’t work to refine or adjust their content to keep up.

“The content that most of us put out there is not loved or well received by our audiences,” said Davidson. “Buyers believe that almost 60% of content is irrelevant and that they receive better information from other sources. I’m sure we can all relate to that as consumers of content — a lot of vendor-created material is useless, because it’s incredibly biased.”

Tapping Into Emotions To Create Memorable Content Experiences

That said, it’s often difficult for marketers to shake off their biases, because the concepts of product and pricing are deeply engrained in common “best” practices. Jay Mandel, The Brand Coach, noted in his session — “From Manipulation To Empathy: Redefining Marketing In A Changing World” — that creating content around pricing doesn’t cut it in the modern world. Pricing product information alone isn’t enough to differentiate, so marketers need to find other avenues of creativity.

{loadposition GIAA}“You need something bigger than making money if you’re going to convince anyone of anything,” said Mandel. “You can’t operate with the mentality that ‘We have problem;’ you need to understand that your customer has a problem. You need to reframe your products from the consumer’s perspective and address it. Based on those insights, you can better understand what your customers’ goals are and how you can address it.”

Dan Gingiss, an international keynote speaker and customer experience coach, also took the keynote stage with “Elevating B2B Marketing: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities With Customer Experience,” where he suggested practitioners eliminate biases by putting themselves in the shoes of their customers.

“You need to become a customer of your own business, so fill out a form, register for something on your website or even ‘forget’ your password,” said Gingiss. “As consumers, you’ll notice the things that are annoying. So, you have to turn it around and become a customer of your own brand, and that’s how you’ll find extraordinary opportunities.”

While Gingiss admitted that it often feels time- or money-intensive to innovate or adapt marketing strategies, he continued that practitioners don’t have to do anything elaborate or over the top; instead, he noted they can engage audiences by creating immersive content that evokes emotions.

“Immersivity is about creating an experience people feel in their bones, because that’s how we remember things,” he explained. “Most of all, you need to appeal to one of the five senses or emotions — if you think back to all the memories you have of being a child, most of them will come back to an emotional moment or something you can smell, taste, see or touch.”

For example, Jake Sanders, Content Marketing Manager for Ninjacat, shared one of his most successful assets during a panel discussion titled “Retain, Engage, Sustain: Crafting Content That Keeps Customers Coming Back.” Sanders explained that he wrote a musical to replace the deluge of blogs his company was churning out, as he candidly admitted he was tired of sending blogs into the world because no one really reads them.

“If you can be entertained in the way that you relate information, and it’s filled with education and actual qualitative insights with quantitative data, you can marry that with fun,” said Sanders. “You want to educate, entertain and inspire people, and a lot of us are missing that. It can even be as simple as playing around with rhyming schemes or alliteration or fun words. You want your content to reflect that you love what you’re doing.”

Experimenting, Testing & Embracing AI

There’s no modern marketing conference with discussing the tools and technology influencing strategy creation and execution, so Davidson naturally brought up the power of AI experimentation in content creation. She noted the top two areas with the heaviest AI influence are production and promotion. She continued that everyone’s still thinking about AI — “whether they’re playing or running away from it,” — but the narrative’s finally shifting away from fears of AI stealing jobs.

“We’re seeing that humans are still exceedingly important in this process, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future,” said Davidson. “Don’t worry: We’re going to find all kinds of interesting ways to use GenAI and keep our jobs.”

Chiming into the AI narrative was Dan Glicksman, who runs demand generation for CDM Media. In his session, “Make It A Marketing Sensation Soiree: Level Up Engagement & Have Key Targets Coming Back For More!,” he recommended marketers embrace AI but do so with caution in mind.

“We need to be careful how we use AI,” said Glicksman. “Honestly, it’s a practice: There’s a lot of information, with a ton of bias, that is based on models that are constantly being trained. And training means it’s making mistakes.”

As marketers embrace the nuanced approach to AI-generated content creation, Davidson also stressed the importance of experimentation, because “if you don’t experiment, you’re just going to scale brand new ways to do things without really testing them.” She continued that there are three ways to test AI:

  1. Testing different versions of content with the same audience;
  2. Testing assets generated by AI versus humans; and
  3. Testing AI to manage experience orchestration.

“What we see is mostly online experimentation, and for more than a decade it’s been about experimenting with different types of promotions,” noted Davidson. “That includes changing the banner ad or email subject line to see what looks better — Your typical A/B testing practices. That needs to continue to happen, but you need to take experimentation beyond that. You can’t simply come up with an idea, run it full force then wonder if it worked. You need to do real testing.”

Shifting ABM Approaches To Focus More On GTM

If anything was made clear on day one of #B2BMX24, it’s that the buying experience in B2B has changed dramatically in recent years. Buyers are now more informed and demanding than ever before, and they expect a personalized and seamless experience from start to finish.

Steve Armenti, VP of Revenue Marketing at Digital Ocean (former global demand gen lead for Chrome Enterprise), shared his insights into why marketers should shift toward an account-based go-to-market (GTM) framework. Coincidentally, his framework brought together the theories of emotionally resonant content and adaption.

“An account-based GTM framework is a strategic, long-term approach to entering a market through advanced targeting with specific, high-value accounts or segments,” Armenti explained. “You need to personalize marketing and sales efforts to the unique needs of the decision-making process at those accounts.”

Alright, we’ve officially hit the full circle moment — while there’s only so much room per page, the #B2BMX24 coverage isn’t stopping. You can check out our blog here, which further delves into ABM frameworks and sales activation plays, and stay tuned on our website for our day three recap.

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Agile Isn’t Enough For Sustainable Business Growth: How Brands Can Use Marketing Experimentation To Spur Continual Innovation Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:30:00 +0000 1marioThe internet, already a place where trends, products and platforms come and go with incredible speed and velocity, is changing faster than ever before.

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1marioThe internet, already a place where trends, products and platforms come and go with incredible speed and velocity, is changing faster than ever before.

Propelled by the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI), mass adoption by global communities (5.3 billion people are now online around the world) and consumers’ seeming insatiable demand for digital products and services, the internet and its vast web of interconnected ecosystems is changing before our eyes.

Understandably, businesses are trying to transform alongside it. Many are struggling to keep up.

With the digital landscape changing daily, staying ahead of the latest trends and consumer sentiment demands more than adapting to change. It requires brands and global enterprises to actively drive it.

The Role Of Experimentation In Digital Marketing

Experimentation-as-a-service (EaaS) provides a framework for actively driving trends.

EaaS, a systematic approach to assessing the efficacy of marketing tools and techniques, isn’t a new concept. It is newly relevant, as AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms are making it more efficient, effective and impactful.

{loadposition GIAA}Most importantly, it allows brands to proactively shape their marketing strategies rather than perpetually reacting to market dynamics.

For maximum effectiveness, brands should test several aspects of their marketing campaigns, including content, design, user experience and channel strategies. In doing so, brands begin to understand consumer behaviors and preferences, elevating sustainability and business growth potential.

For instance, a social media campaign that is continuously monitored and tweaked based on user engagement metrics can achieve significantly higher reach and impact compared to a static campaign.

With EaaS, digital marketers and the brands they support can leverage often-enormous data sets to make their companies more customer-centric than ever before.

AI Data Analytics For Better Decision-Making

Data is an abundant resource for many brands and leveraging it to make informed decisions is often easier said than done.

For instance, global data volume is quickly approaching 175 zettabytes, an unfathomably large number that is the functional equivalent of creating a stack of Blu-ray discs that can reach the moon 23 times.

This deluge of digital information has made data-driven decision-making more of a talking point and less of an operational reality.

Today, less than a quarter of executives say they’ve successfully created data-driven organizations. Despite having more data than ever before, companies are less effective at using this information than they were four years ago.

AI and ML are helping to solve this problem. These technologies are excellent at data analysis, identifying patterns and producing actionable outcomes that would otherwise be unavailable to brands.

As the “Harvard Business Review” succinctly explains, “This means that as a firm gathers more customer data, it can feed that data into machine learning algorithms to improve its product or service, thereby attracting more customers, generating even more customer data.”

While products and services with weak data footprints will inherently provide less data, practically every brand can leverage this technology to create more insights that drive better decision-making processes.

The goal is to maximize personalization. Adobe reported that 71% of consumers say they expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and with more than three-quarters getting frustrated with brands when they fail to deliver, this is a critical dynamic for effective digital marketing experimentation.

With the average person encountering more than 1,700 online advertisements every month, these personalized encounters are critical to cutting through the noise and maximize marketing ROI.

Make Marketing Experimentation A Priority In 2024

Learning to create a dynamic feedback loop between brands and consumers won’t happen overnight. However, making it a strategic priority in 2024 can significantly impact marketing strategy and ROI, enabling businesses to make informed, real-time decisions that fuel sustainable growth and market impact.

Put differently, using AI and machine learning to distill actionable insights from vast data sets enables brands to forge a dynamic feedback loop with their customers, leading to more effective decision-making and a robust competitive edge.

That’s the power of making change, not just responding to it.

Mario Peshev is the CEO of DevriX, a global WordPress agency providing scalable, long-term technical partnerships along with marketing and business consulting. He is also a Core contributor to the WordPress project, an Inbound Certified marketer and a multi-disciplined business owner with a wide scope of skills.

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How Email Marketing Innovations Will Impact Brand Strategies Fri, 09 Feb 2024 17:16:00 +0000 1cynEmail: An endlessly reliable channel for marketers of every stripe. For years, marketers have counted on email as the channel with the highest ROI (an average of $36 per dollar spent). The future looks bright for email, with the global marketing email market expected to hurtle toward a $17.9 billion valuation by 2027.

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1cynEmail: An endlessly reliable channel for marketers of every stripe. For years, marketers have counted on email as the channel with the highest ROI (an average of $36 per dollar spent). The future looks bright for email, with the global marketing email market expected to hurtle toward a $17.9 billion valuation by 2027.

But it would be a mistake to conflate email’s reliability with stodginess. As marketers encounter technological changes and evolving customer expectations, email marketing can adapt, becoming more personalized, timely and reflective of consumer desires.

Throughout 2023, no technological development has rocketed into prominence more than artificial intelligence (AI). As generative AI platforms for public use rolled out last year, marketers and customers alike have expressed interest in the technology’s capacity to improve buying experiences.

Buyers are particularly interested in AI’s ability to help them navigate purchase and return experiences, gain insight into products and take advantage of personalized recommendations and promotions. What better channel to showcase AI’s benefits while building on the consistency and accessibility email already provides?

AI’s Power To Optimize Messages

AI’s transformative power in email marketing is undeniable. In this digital age, capturing attention and fostering engagement demands resonant emails. That’s where AI steps in, revolutionizing how we connect with customers.

Today’s consumers crave personalization and richer experiences. In fact, more than 70% of global consumers believe AI can elevate their customer journey, with Millennials and Gen Z waxing even more enthusiastic (80% and 83%, respectively). Generative AI is the answer, empowering marketers to craft emails that hit the mark for every individual. And the results speak for themselves: Nearly all (95%) marketers who’ve embraced Gen AI find it “effective,” with more than half declaring it “very effective.”

{loadposition GIAA}The magic of AI lies in hyper-personalization and relevance. Imagine emails that whisper directly to each subscriber, speaking to their unique needs and interests. This laser focus translates to higher open and click-through rates.

Gen AI assists marketing teams by:

  • Producing first drafts of headlines and email copy for marketers to edit and refine;
  • Facilitating better engagement testing with rapidly generated subject line variants;
  • Providing alternative copy in various tones to more closely match brand voice and campaign goals;
  • Offering suggestions to improve a marketer’s copy for greater effectiveness with customers; and
  • Translating copy into multiple languages for greater messaging inclusivity.

While free, accessible consumer-facing models have catapulted Gen AI into the spotlight, its potential to transform the email experience for marketers and consumers extends far beyond content generation. Predictive models will evolve beyond merely crunching marketing data to generate insights — they’ll actively suggest ways to elevate your email marketing strategy and tactics. AI’s near-future uses include:

  • Customized email templates for specific audiences and campaigns, with the power to suggest images, layouts and calls-to-action for the best possible performance;
  • Activity and attribute-based subscriber clusters, facilitating dynamic subscriber segmentation to improve the impact of email campaigns;
  • Customer feedback analysis identifying pain points and surfacing subscriber sentiment to make messages more relevant; and
  • Predictive insights based on past email performance and subscriber rates to help marketers pinpoint send times and frequency.
Other Emerging Technologies

While AI is undoubtedly making waves in improving marketing emails, it’s not the only player in the game. Email clients, for example, constantly evolve, often with little warning. These updates can wreak havoc on carefully crafted emails and templates, leading to a frustrating user experience.

Think about it: With email volume tripling in recent years, marketers are spending more and more time testing emails to identify issues and manage (often costly) fixes. Meanwhile, email remains a vital channel for delivering positive brand experiences, and customer expectations are higher than ever.

A whopping 85% of customers have said that just two negative experiences can make them ditch a brand, even one they love. The potential loss of subscribers (and missed revenue) resulting from broken emails or ineffective personalization is no small matter.

The right technology automatically monitors email to notify marketers about unforeseen changes. By reviewing frequently used templated and automated sends, marketers can mitigate problems and retest emails quickly and efficiently to maintain a high-quality user experience.

Brands must invigorate their approach to email marketing, acknowledging email as a leading omnichannel force to offer a unified brand experience bolstered by ever-improving personalization and interactivity. Brands that ignore these technological advancements — and the critical customer experience enhancements they provide — do so at their own peril.

Cynthia Price is the SVP of Marketing at email marketing platform Litmus. Her team grows and supports the Litmus and email community through content marketing, demand generation and events. She has been in the email marketing industry for more than 10 years, and was previously VP of Marketing at Emma, an email service provider. She’s passionate about creating authentic communications and harnessing the power of email — the heart of the marketing mix.

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Audyence Launches Real-Time Demand Platform To Refine Demand Generation Mon, 05 Feb 2024 21:15:00 +0000 Audyence, a media buying platform, released its Real-Time Demand Platform (RTD), which the company claims is the first programmatic platform in B2B advertising that allows marketers to purchase based on acquisition, not impressions or clicks.

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Audyence, a media buying platform, released its Real-Time Demand Platform (RTD), which the company claims is the first programmatic platform in B2B advertising that allows marketers to purchase based on acquisition, not impressions or clicks.

Created by senior marketing technology executives and leveraging machine learning, Audyence RTD analyzes more than 17.5 billion firmographic, behavioral and technographic data points to help reduce the operational and capital expenditures associated with planning, purchasing, selling and executing demand generation campaigns.

“The global B2B lead generation industry is already a $21 billion market growing more than 15% per year, but it’s still too dependent on manually managing campaigns and a troubling lack of transparency,” explained Audyence Co-founder and CEO Karl Van Buren in a statement. “That’s where Audyence RTD comes in. To buy leads before our solution, marketers had to work with five or six or more brokers, negotiate with each separately by email or phone call and then manually manage those separate campaigns. We’re automating that entire process from end to end for as many publishers as they want to work with through our marketplace, reducing agency labor costs by 20X.”

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Google & Yahoo Implement New Bulk Sending Rules Mon, 05 Feb 2024 21:04:00 +0000 On Feb. 1, 2024, Yahoo and Google implemented new bulk email sending rules to help pare down the amount of unwanted emails sent to inboxes. Bulk senders — which Google classifies as those who send more than 5,000 messages to Gmail addresses in one day — are now facing several new rules and guidelines to inform their sending strategies.

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On Feb. 1, 2024, Yahoo and Google implemented new bulk email sending rules to help pare down the amount of unwanted emails sent to inboxes. Bulk senders — which Google classifies as those who send more than 5,000 messages to Gmail addresses in one day — are now facing several new rules and guidelines to inform their sending strategies.

Specifically, the companies are requiring senders who send significant volumes to:

  • Strongly authenticate their emails following these best practices;
  • Provide a one-click unsubscribe option and processes those requests within two days; and
  • Stay under a .3% spam complaint rate threshold.

“These changes are like a tune-up for the email world, and by fixing a few things under the hood, we can keep email running smoothly,” wrote Neil Kumaran, Group Product Manager, Gmail Security & Trust, in a blog post. “But just like a tune-up, this is not a one-time exercise. Keeping email more secure, user friendly and spam-free requires constant collaboration and vigilance from the entire email community, and we’ll keep working together to make sure your inbox stays safe.”

In the same blog post, Marcel Becker, Yahoo’s Sr. Director of Product, shared a statement that noted, “Yahoo looks forward to working with Google and the rest of the email community to make these common sense, high-impact changes the new industry standard.”

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BlueWhale Research Launches Digital Programmatic Display & Social Audience Solution Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:45:00 +0000 BlueWhale Research, Inc., a provider of demand generation services to B2B technology organizations, expanded its product portfolio through the launch of AUDIENCE. The new release seeks to help marketers access niche audience segments and more precisely refine their targeting strategies.

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BlueWhale Research, Inc., a provider of demand generation services to B2B technology organizations, expanded its product portfolio through the launch of AUDIENCE. The new release seeks to help marketers access niche audience segments and more precisely refine their targeting strategies.

AUDIENCE is designed to leverage a combination of job roles, functions, firmographics and specialized technology intelligence, such as past purchases and installs, through BlueWhale’s partnership with HG Insights to create highly customized campaigns. To help users rely on their existing advertising infrastructure, BlueWhale also invested in third-party audience integration tools. 

“Our tradition of and commitment to delivering tangible ROI for our demand generation customers is constant, reliable and very well-known,” said James Oberhausen, President and General Manager of BlueWhale Research, in a statement. “With the launch of AUDIENCE, we are delighted to offer more opportunities for our clients and agency partners to enjoy the dedicated service and positive outcomes that are characteristic of BlueWhale’s offerings. Digital advertising teams are a new focus for us in our customer base and agency partnerships. Our attention to this important and complex function in marketing and broader go-to-market organizations promises to deliver tremendous value for everyone in 2024 and beyond.”

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Integrate Unveils AI-Driven Insight Engine, ‘Performance Center’ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 15:59:00 +0000 Integrate, a B2B marketing demand management platform, released its Performance Center, an AI-driven insight engine created to identify gaps in buying groups, optimize media partnerships and enable a better understanding of cross-channel marketing results.   

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Integrate, a B2B marketing demand management platform, released its Performance Center, an AI-driven insight engine created to identify gaps in buying groups, optimize media partnerships and enable a better understanding of cross-channel marketing results.   

According to the company, there are two key features of Performance Center:

  • Identifying gaps in buying groups and gaining insight into buying group behaviors to help identify the accounts that have the most/best buying group coverage; and
  • Leveraging big data and machine learning to create Integrate’s proprietary trust and reliability score for media partners, which is based on an algorithm running on millions of data points that track media partner campaign performance.

“B2B marketers are faced with doing more with less, and doing it faster, and everyone is looking to AI to raise the threshold of what’s possible and accelerate decision-making and productivity,” said Aaron Mahimainathan, Chief Product Officer at Integrate, in a statement. “With millions of data points passing through our platform each month, we’re building AI capabilities from the ground up into our product to enable B2B marketers to make informed decisions so they can deliver more meaningful impact to pipeline, revenue and business outcomes.” 

The release of Performance Center is hot on the heels of the debut of Pipeline360, Integrate’s new media arm that seeks to offer an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, enhanced account intelligence and digital advertising.

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#B2BMX 2024 Preview: The Roadmap To Revenue Revealed Tue, 23 Jan 2024 23:50:00 +0000 The road to hell might be paved by good intentions, but the road to excellent marketing is paved by attendance at the B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX). This year's event, which takes place in Scottsdale, Ariz., will feature a roadmap consisting of hands-on and actionable marketing sessions to help B2B practitioners gas up their marketing strategies and accelerate confidently for the rest of 2024.

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The road to hell might be paved by good intentions, but the road to excellent marketing is paved by attendance at the B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX). This year’s event, which takes place in Scottsdale, Ariz., will feature a roadmap consisting of hands-on and actionable marketing sessions to help B2B practitioners gas up their marketing strategies and accelerate confidently for the rest of 2024.

With more than 80 sessions that include Breakouts, Lunch & Learns, Case Studies, Workshops, Keynotes and Labs across five tracks — Content2Conversion, Demand Gen Summit, Sales Impact Summit, Go-To-Market Strategy and ABM In Action Live — there’s something for every marketer in the line-up. Let’s peek into this year’s agenda and see what’s in store.

Kicking off the event with the opening keynote is “B2B Content Lessons From Taylor Swift: Shake Off Your Old Strategy & Experiment To Engage,” featuring Forrester’s Phyllis Davidson. Throughout this session, Davidson will take a page out of Swift’s songbook to talk about better connecting with your audience, personalizing content and experimenting with new approaches and technology.

Interestingly, that’s not the only Taylor Swift-themed session on our docket this year. We also have “Enter Your B2B Brand’s Reputation Era,” with MNTN’s Jon Zucker, who plans to walk attendees through how CTV helps marketers ensure that they’re in the initial consideration set and provides brand-safe protections to ensure that delicate reputation stays intact.

While we’re on the topic of powerful women, I’m most excited for “Women In Revenue: How To Get Paid What You’re Worth,” a panel discussion that will share insights into the pay gap and how women can fight for their right to equal pay.

Before we move on, let’s circle back to the Keynote circuit. While Davidson will kick off the event Monday evening, the other keynoters we have on tap include:

  • The Experience Maker Dan Gingiss, with “Elevating B2B Marketing: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities With Customer Experience,” which will cover how integrating customer experience principles can address the distinct challenges faced by B2B marketers and provide actionable strategies to drive transformative change within your organization;
  • Google’s Steve Armenti, with “B2B Buyers Want A Better Purchasing Experience — Get The ABM Framework That Delivers It,” to discuss how to use ABM in a new capacity to meet the evolving needs of today’s B2B buyers; and
  • Two more that will be announced soon — I can’t give everything away!

Moving on, refining go-to-market strategies will remain a major focus of the event, with track sessions that include:

  • “It’s Not A Sales Or Marketing Issue; It’s A Brand Issue: No BS Brand Tactics For B2B Marketing Leaders Who Want To Win,” featuring Kate DiLeo from the Brand Trifecta; and
  • “Our Hard Work Is Hardly Working: The Unseen Reason Everyone Is Busy But Nothing’s Getting Done & How To Fix It Today,” with Andrea Fryrear of AgileSherpas.

It’s also not a secret that B2B marketing has changed dramatically in the last few years in response to rapidly evolving business buyer behavior. To help practitioners address the changing dynamics, eMarketing Strategy’s Ruth Stevens will take the stage with “What’s Working In B2B Marketing: New Developments, New Tools + New Techniques,” where she’ll share what’s real and what’s really working in social media, content marketing and trade shows and events.

Stemming off Stevens’ presentation, the topics she covered will be expanded in:

  • “Make It A Marketing Sensation Soiree: Level Up Engagement & Have Key Targets Coming Back For More!”, featuring Dan Glicksman from CDM Media;
  • “The Power Of Live Events: Driving Growth Through Experiences,” with Huong Nguyen, Shiloh Events;
  • “Navigating The Intersection: The Convergence Of Demand Generation & Account-Based Marketing In B2B,” featuring a panel of speakers from Versique, Blue Yonder, Grubhub and Lumen Technologies;
  • “Integrating Pursuit-Based Marketing Into Your Sales & Marketing Mix,” with Kim Saving, Accenture; and
  • “Using Data To Drive Demand,” with Cisco’s Christine Otts.

And that’s not even scratching the surface: We also have bunch of Case Study sessions on Monday, several Lunch & Learns taking place across Tuesday and Wednesday, Workshops for All-Access Pass holders and our third-ever Campfire session, a keynote/workshop hybrid!

Other key elements of #B2BMX will include:

  • The CMO Mentors program, which connects up-and-coming practitioners will seasoned industry vets;
  • Our popular, invite-only CMO Exchange;
  • An invite-only B2Bvip networking event;
  • The Killer Content Awards ceremony; and
  • Networking receptions.

Make sure to check out the full agenda and register now, and if you’re feeling lucky: Reach out to me on LinkedIn and I might hook you up with a discount code!

The post #B2BMX 2024 Preview: The Roadmap To Revenue Revealed appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

Cvent Acquires Jifflenow & iCapture To Expand Trade Show & Conference Offerings Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:17:00 +0000 Cvent, an event platform, acquired appointment scheduling platform Jifflenow and lead capture solution iCapture to help expand the capabilities of Cvent's event marketing and management platform. These two acquisitions follow Cvent's own acquisition by Blackstone, which was executed based upon a series of partnerships Cvent formed throughout 2022 and 2023.

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Cvent, an event platform, acquired appointment scheduling platform Jifflenow and lead capture solution iCapture to help expand the capabilities of Cvent’s event marketing and management platform. These two acquisitions follow Cvent’s own acquisition by Blackstone, which was executed based upon a series of partnerships Cvent formed throughout 2022 and 2023.

By blending Jifflenow’s and iCapture’s technologies with its own platform, Cvent seeks to streamline post-event follow-up and enable sales and marketing professionals to capture, qualify and convert leads more efficiently. Specifically, the company plans to:

  • Leverage Jifflenow’s technology to book qualified appointments at events to convert leads into business opportunities; and
  • Use iCapture’s universal lead capture solution to facilitate more intelligent and efficient lead capture onsite.

“Over the past nearly 25 years, we’ve helped power global meetings and events programs, and these acquisitions highlight our continued commitment to innovation and delivering the best-in-class solutions our customers need to drive their businesses forward,” said Reggie Aggarwal, CEO and Founder of Cvent, in a statement. “We’ve known and respected Hari [Shetty, CEO and Founder of Jifflenow] and Brady [Roberts, President and Co-founder of iCapture] since the inception of both Jifflenow and iCapture, and we are extremely excited to welcome their teams to Cvent.”

Cvent’s enhanced trade show and conference solutions will be showcased at the company’s user and industry conference, Cvent CONNECT 2024, which take place June 10-13 in San Antonio, Texas.

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