ABM - Demand Gen Report https://www.demandgenreport.com/tag/abm/ Mon, 13 May 2024 16:48:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.demandgenreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/dgr_v3_funnel-1-150x150.png ABM - Demand Gen Report https://www.demandgenreport.com/tag/abm/ 32 32 #B2BMX24 Day 1 & 2 Recap: Crafting Immersive Content That Matches The Modern Buying Experience https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/b2bmx24-day-1-2-recap-crafting-immersive-content-that-matches-the-modern-buying-experience/40995/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:14:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/b2bmx24-day-1-2-recap-crafting-immersive-content-that-matches-the-modern-buying-experience/ I hate to say it, but if you're not in sunny Scottsdale right now… you're missing out big time! The weather couldn't be more beautiful, and the content couldn't be any better. The first two days of the 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange featured a host (pun intended) of industry all-stars taking the stage with sessions ranging from AI to ABM — and even musicals!

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I hate to say it, but if you’re not in sunny Scottsdale right now… you’re missing out big time! The weather couldn’t be more beautiful, and the content couldn’t be any better. The first two days of the 2024 B2B Marketing Exchange featured a host (pun intended) of industry all-stars taking the stage with sessions ranging from AI to ABM — and even musicals!

The underlying theme throughout most of the sessions was the various factors that impact the backbone of marketing: Content. For content creation, specifically, Forrester VP, Principal Analyst Phyllis Davidson kicked off the event with her opening keynote, “B2B Content Lessons From Taylor Swift: Shake Off Your Old Strategy & Experiment To Engage.”

Davidson explained that the top three reasons for Swift’s success — and the three components practitioners can bring into their day-to-day — are her ability to evolve, adapt and engage with her fans. Starting with evolution and adaption, Davidson started with a blunt fact: The majority of marketers fail to understand the changing buying landscape and don’t work to refine or adjust their content to keep up.

“The content that most of us put out there is not loved or well received by our audiences,” said Davidson. “Buyers believe that almost 60% of content is irrelevant and that they receive better information from other sources. I’m sure we can all relate to that as consumers of content — a lot of vendor-created material is useless, because it’s incredibly biased.”

Tapping Into Emotions To Create Memorable Content Experiences

That said, it’s often difficult for marketers to shake off their biases, because the concepts of product and pricing are deeply engrained in common “best” practices. Jay Mandel, The Brand Coach, noted in his session — “From Manipulation To Empathy: Redefining Marketing In A Changing World” — that creating content around pricing doesn’t cut it in the modern world. Pricing product information alone isn’t enough to differentiate, so marketers need to find other avenues of creativity.

{loadposition GIAA}“You need something bigger than making money if you’re going to convince anyone of anything,” said Mandel. “You can’t operate with the mentality that ‘We have problem;’ you need to understand that your customer has a problem. You need to reframe your products from the consumer’s perspective and address it. Based on those insights, you can better understand what your customers’ goals are and how you can address it.”

Dan Gingiss, an international keynote speaker and customer experience coach, also took the keynote stage with “Elevating B2B Marketing: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities With Customer Experience,” where he suggested practitioners eliminate biases by putting themselves in the shoes of their customers.

“You need to become a customer of your own business, so fill out a form, register for something on your website or even ‘forget’ your password,” said Gingiss. “As consumers, you’ll notice the things that are annoying. So, you have to turn it around and become a customer of your own brand, and that’s how you’ll find extraordinary opportunities.”

While Gingiss admitted that it often feels time- or money-intensive to innovate or adapt marketing strategies, he continued that practitioners don’t have to do anything elaborate or over the top; instead, he noted they can engage audiences by creating immersive content that evokes emotions.

“Immersivity is about creating an experience people feel in their bones, because that’s how we remember things,” he explained. “Most of all, you need to appeal to one of the five senses or emotions — if you think back to all the memories you have of being a child, most of them will come back to an emotional moment or something you can smell, taste, see or touch.”

For example, Jake Sanders, Content Marketing Manager for Ninjacat, shared one of his most successful assets during a panel discussion titled “Retain, Engage, Sustain: Crafting Content That Keeps Customers Coming Back.” Sanders explained that he wrote a musical to replace the deluge of blogs his company was churning out, as he candidly admitted he was tired of sending blogs into the world because no one really reads them.

“If you can be entertained in the way that you relate information, and it’s filled with education and actual qualitative insights with quantitative data, you can marry that with fun,” said Sanders. “You want to educate, entertain and inspire people, and a lot of us are missing that. It can even be as simple as playing around with rhyming schemes or alliteration or fun words. You want your content to reflect that you love what you’re doing.”

Experimenting, Testing & Embracing AI

There’s no modern marketing conference with discussing the tools and technology influencing strategy creation and execution, so Davidson naturally brought up the power of AI experimentation in content creation. She noted the top two areas with the heaviest AI influence are production and promotion. She continued that everyone’s still thinking about AI — “whether they’re playing or running away from it,” — but the narrative’s finally shifting away from fears of AI stealing jobs.

“We’re seeing that humans are still exceedingly important in this process, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future,” said Davidson. “Don’t worry: We’re going to find all kinds of interesting ways to use GenAI and keep our jobs.”

Chiming into the AI narrative was Dan Glicksman, who runs demand generation for CDM Media. In his session, “Make It A Marketing Sensation Soiree: Level Up Engagement & Have Key Targets Coming Back For More!,” he recommended marketers embrace AI but do so with caution in mind.

“We need to be careful how we use AI,” said Glicksman. “Honestly, it’s a practice: There’s a lot of information, with a ton of bias, that is based on models that are constantly being trained. And training means it’s making mistakes.”

As marketers embrace the nuanced approach to AI-generated content creation, Davidson also stressed the importance of experimentation, because “if you don’t experiment, you’re just going to scale brand new ways to do things without really testing them.” She continued that there are three ways to test AI:

  1. Testing different versions of content with the same audience;
  2. Testing assets generated by AI versus humans; and
  3. Testing AI to manage experience orchestration.

“What we see is mostly online experimentation, and for more than a decade it’s been about experimenting with different types of promotions,” noted Davidson. “That includes changing the banner ad or email subject line to see what looks better — Your typical A/B testing practices. That needs to continue to happen, but you need to take experimentation beyond that. You can’t simply come up with an idea, run it full force then wonder if it worked. You need to do real testing.”

Shifting ABM Approaches To Focus More On GTM

If anything was made clear on day one of #B2BMX24, it’s that the buying experience in B2B has changed dramatically in recent years. Buyers are now more informed and demanding than ever before, and they expect a personalized and seamless experience from start to finish.

Steve Armenti, VP of Revenue Marketing at Digital Ocean (former global demand gen lead for Chrome Enterprise), shared his insights into why marketers should shift toward an account-based go-to-market (GTM) framework. Coincidentally, his framework brought together the theories of emotionally resonant content and adaption.

“An account-based GTM framework is a strategic, long-term approach to entering a market through advanced targeting with specific, high-value accounts or segments,” Armenti explained. “You need to personalize marketing and sales efforts to the unique needs of the decision-making process at those accounts.”

Alright, we’ve officially hit the full circle moment — while there’s only so much room per page, the #B2BMX24 coverage isn’t stopping. You can check out our blog here, which further delves into ABM frameworks and sales activation plays, and stay tuned on our website for our day three recap.

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#B2BMX24 Campfire Session: How To Build A Sales Activation Playbook For ABM Strategies https://www.demandgenreport.com/blog/b2bmx24-campfire-session-how-to-build-a-sales-activation-playbook-for-abm-strategies/40998/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 16:36:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/b2bmx24-campfire-session-how-to-build-a-sales-activation-playbook-for-abm-strategies/ There are many flavors of scrappy account-based marketing, but the common ingredients are always resourcefulness, creativity and adaptability. With 57% of practitioners in soon-to-be-released DGR research indicating that they're prioritizing investments in account-based experiences, Mason Cosby, Founder of Scrappy ABM, took the B2B Marketing Exchange stage to host the third-ever campfire-style session with “The First Step To ABM Is Activation: Building Your First Sales Activation Play.”

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There are many flavors of scrappy account-based marketing, but the common ingredients are always resourcefulness, creativity and adaptability. With 57% of practitioners in soon-to-be-released DGR research indicating that they’re prioritizing investments in account-based experiences, Mason Cosby, Founder of Scrappy ABM, took the B2B Marketing Exchange stage to host the third-ever campfire-style session with “The First Step To ABM Is Activation: Building Your First Sales Activation Play.”

Cosby kicked his presentation off by level-setting his classification of ABM, which he defines as a revenue strategy that aligns revenue teams around a set of shared accounts. Revenue teams, for their part, are defined as tightly aligned sales, marketing and customer success departments. However, alignment remains a key issue, as it’s the No. 1 reason ABM fails, Cosby explained. He continued that the other two reasons for failure include:

  • A tech stack and KPIs not set up for ABM; and
  • A lack of dedicated resources.

“You can’t just go to your sales team and tell them that you’re building an ABM program, because they’ll just Google the term and get a bunch of information that sounds really complicated,” said Cosby. “Instead, tell them you’re going to build a playbook that will help surface meetings for them.”

{loadposition GIAA}With that in mind, he explained that the ABM playbook must be built around sales activation plays, which are “the repeatable processes for sales or customer success teams when they become involved in specific customer conversations.” The benefits of these activation plays, he continued, consist of:

  • A natural alignment of sales and marketing;
  • Starting the transition of KPIs and the martech stack; and
  • Simplifies the process of getting started.

In other words? Sales activation plays directly address the top three reasons for failure. With that in mind, he shared the “Four D” framework of building activation plays, which include:

  • Data, a summary of the target, messaging, positioning, personas, product and any input that impacts the content and targeting of the activation play;
  • Distribution, which are defined strategies, tactics and channels for how the data is then distributed to the target audience;
  • Destination, which consists of the “what” and “where” that data and distribution push prospects to, whether it’s pages, content, conversion points or desired outcomes; and
  • Direction, which are the conversion points or paths that are established to better track target direction and outcomes for the activation play, such as forms, CTAs and demos.

Once there’s a successful playbook in place and sales’ calendars are filling up with meetings, Cosby shared that marketers can then focus on refining the playbooks and more directly tailoring them to specific accounts.

“If you’re starting scrappy, focus on one playbook and choose the one that aligns with your largest or most reliable data source,” said Cosby. “This ensures repeatability and allows for a smoother transition into more advanced ABM programs later on. The goal is to balance volume with control and data specificity. Don’t jump into a 1:1 approach right away — instead, build a foundation with a targeted playbook.”

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Integrate’s Media Arm, Pipeline360, Offers Content Syndication, Account Intelligence & Digital Advertising Solutions https://www.demandgenreport.com/solution-spotlight/integrate-s-media-arm-pipeline360-offers-content-syndication-account-intelligence-digital-advertising-solutions/38622/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 18:42:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/integrate-s-media-arm-pipeline360-offers-content-syndication-account-intelligence-digital-advertising-solutions/ Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate is designed to accelerate speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, deliver 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, provide AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making.

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Integrate offers a cross-channel demand management SaaS platform for enterprise B2B demand and marketing operations teams. Integrate is designed to accelerate speed-to-business value through powerful integrations, deliver 100% marketable and compliant leads with trusted governance, provide AI-powered insights to enhance and expedite smart decision-making.

Integrate works with organizations like Salesforce, Microsoft, Akamai and Pluralsight to power its B2B marketing strategies.

The Lowdown

Pipeline360 is Integrate’s media arm that offers an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, account intelligence enhancement and digital advertising.

Back-Of-The-Box Details

Pipeline360 seeks to enable a strategic, holistic demand generation approach tailored for the reality of today’s B2B purchasing process. Powered by Integrate, Pipeline360 combines targeted display, content syndication and a comprehensive marketplace model to help ensure that marketers achieve 100% compliant and marketable leads by:

  • Effectively engaging with audiences much earlier in the buying cycle;
  • Connecting with buyers at every stage of the process; and
  • Optimizing programs to drive performance.

Who It’s For

Demand generation teams and B2B marketing teams seeking to drive predictable, compliant pipeline.

What It Solves

Pipeline360 helps marketers:

  1. Acquire high-quality leads at scale;
  2. Ensure all leads adhere to local and global data privacy laws and guidelines through data governance;
  3. Optimize program performance via analytics; and
  4. Drive outcomes that demonstrably drive pipeline.

What Makes It Special

Pipeline360 brings content syndication management and campaign management — including display advertising, lead validation and standardization — under one roof with links to CRM and marketing automation data.



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Demandbase Reveals AI-Powered Advertising Innovations https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/demandbase-reveals-ai-powered-advertising-innovations/38625/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:45:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/demandbase-reveals-ai-powered-advertising-innovations/ Demandbase, a provider of AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), released new innovations for its GTM platform, Demandbase One. The innovations are designed to tap into the power of AI to offer more self-serve capabilities to users.

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Demandbase, a provider of AI-driven account-based go-to-market (GTM), released new innovations for its GTM platform, Demandbase One. The innovations are designed to tap into the power of AI to offer more self-serve capabilities to users.

Specifically, the innovations include:

  • Campaign Outcomes, which allows customers to pick their ideal campaign outcomes and then utilizes Demandbase’s Demand Side Platform (DSP) to optimize each impression and campaign strategy;
  • Campaign Influence Metrics that reportedly make it easier to review B2B-specific influences, such as increases in website engagement, pipeline and revenue;
  • Creative Library Enhancements that provide digital marketers with more control over their creative assets to create and launch native, video and connected TV campaigns within the campaign builder; and
  • Job Level and Job Function Exclusions designed to prevent impressions from being served to people outside of the buying group, regardless of their intent level.

“While our expert teams will always be here to partner with customers on successful campaign strategy, we have also always had a significant AI component behind our DSP and are excited to offer more self-serve capabilities,” said Gareth Noonan, General Manager, Advertising at Demandbase, in a statement.

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#B2BMX 2024 Preview: The Roadmap To Revenue Revealed https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/b2bmx-2024-preview-the-roadmap-to-revenue-revealed/38636/ Tue, 23 Jan 2024 23:50:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/b2bmx-2024-preview-the-roadmap-to-revenue-revealed/ The road to hell might be paved by good intentions, but the road to excellent marketing is paved by attendance at the B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX). This year's event, which takes place in Scottsdale, Ariz., will feature a roadmap consisting of hands-on and actionable marketing sessions to help B2B practitioners gas up their marketing strategies and accelerate confidently for the rest of 2024.

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The road to hell might be paved by good intentions, but the road to excellent marketing is paved by attendance at the B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX). This year’s event, which takes place in Scottsdale, Ariz., will feature a roadmap consisting of hands-on and actionable marketing sessions to help B2B practitioners gas up their marketing strategies and accelerate confidently for the rest of 2024.

With more than 80 sessions that include Breakouts, Lunch & Learns, Case Studies, Workshops, Keynotes and Labs across five tracks — Content2Conversion, Demand Gen Summit, Sales Impact Summit, Go-To-Market Strategy and ABM In Action Live — there’s something for every marketer in the line-up. Let’s peek into this year’s agenda and see what’s in store.

Kicking off the event with the opening keynote is “B2B Content Lessons From Taylor Swift: Shake Off Your Old Strategy & Experiment To Engage,” featuring Forrester’s Phyllis Davidson. Throughout this session, Davidson will take a page out of Swift’s songbook to talk about better connecting with your audience, personalizing content and experimenting with new approaches and technology.

Interestingly, that’s not the only Taylor Swift-themed session on our docket this year. We also have “Enter Your B2B Brand’s Reputation Era,” with MNTN’s Jon Zucker, who plans to walk attendees through how CTV helps marketers ensure that they’re in the initial consideration set and provides brand-safe protections to ensure that delicate reputation stays intact.

While we’re on the topic of powerful women, I’m most excited for “Women In Revenue: How To Get Paid What You’re Worth,” a panel discussion that will share insights into the pay gap and how women can fight for their right to equal pay.

Before we move on, let’s circle back to the Keynote circuit. While Davidson will kick off the event Monday evening, the other keynoters we have on tap include:

  • The Experience Maker Dan Gingiss, with “Elevating B2B Marketing: Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities With Customer Experience,” which will cover how integrating customer experience principles can address the distinct challenges faced by B2B marketers and provide actionable strategies to drive transformative change within your organization;
  • Google’s Steve Armenti, with “B2B Buyers Want A Better Purchasing Experience — Get The ABM Framework That Delivers It,” to discuss how to use ABM in a new capacity to meet the evolving needs of today’s B2B buyers; and
  • Two more that will be announced soon — I can’t give everything away!

Moving on, refining go-to-market strategies will remain a major focus of the event, with track sessions that include:

  • “It’s Not A Sales Or Marketing Issue; It’s A Brand Issue: No BS Brand Tactics For B2B Marketing Leaders Who Want To Win,” featuring Kate DiLeo from the Brand Trifecta; and
  • “Our Hard Work Is Hardly Working: The Unseen Reason Everyone Is Busy But Nothing’s Getting Done & How To Fix It Today,” with Andrea Fryrear of AgileSherpas.

It’s also not a secret that B2B marketing has changed dramatically in the last few years in response to rapidly evolving business buyer behavior. To help practitioners address the changing dynamics, eMarketing Strategy’s Ruth Stevens will take the stage with “What’s Working In B2B Marketing: New Developments, New Tools + New Techniques,” where she’ll share what’s real and what’s really working in social media, content marketing and trade shows and events.

Stemming off Stevens’ presentation, the topics she covered will be expanded in:

  • “Make It A Marketing Sensation Soiree: Level Up Engagement & Have Key Targets Coming Back For More!”, featuring Dan Glicksman from CDM Media;
  • “The Power Of Live Events: Driving Growth Through Experiences,” with Huong Nguyen, Shiloh Events;
  • “Navigating The Intersection: The Convergence Of Demand Generation & Account-Based Marketing In B2B,” featuring a panel of speakers from Versique, Blue Yonder, Grubhub and Lumen Technologies;
  • “Integrating Pursuit-Based Marketing Into Your Sales & Marketing Mix,” with Kim Saving, Accenture; and
  • “Using Data To Drive Demand,” with Cisco’s Christine Otts.

And that’s not even scratching the surface: We also have bunch of Case Study sessions on Monday, several Lunch & Learns taking place across Tuesday and Wednesday, Workshops for All-Access Pass holders and our third-ever Campfire session, a keynote/workshop hybrid!

Other key elements of #B2BMX will include:

  • The CMO Mentors program, which connects up-and-coming practitioners will seasoned industry vets;
  • Our popular, invite-only CMO Exchange;
  • An invite-only B2Bvip networking event;
  • The Killer Content Awards ceremony; and
  • Networking receptions.

Make sure to check out the full agenda and register now, and if you’re feeling lucky: Reach out to me on LinkedIn and I might hook you up with a discount code!

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Integrate Launches New Media Division, Pipeline360 https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/integrate-launches-new-media-division-pipeline360/38648/ Fri, 12 Jan 2024 16:41:00 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/integrate-launches-new-media-division-pipeline360/ Integrate, a demand management platform, debuted Pipeline360, its new media arm that seeks to offer an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, enhanced account intelligence and digital advertising.

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Integrate, a demand management platform, debuted Pipeline360, its new media arm that seeks to offer an all-in-one integrated media solution for content syndication, enhanced account intelligence and digital advertising.

Pipeline360 incorporates what was previously known as the Integrate Lead Generation Marketplace with multichannel, full-funnel, global campaign management, including real-time analytics, lead validation and standardization and enhanced segmentation.

 As part of the media division’s release, Pipeline360 and Demand Metric conducted “The 2024 State Of B2B Pipeline Growth” survey, which found that:

  • 80% of B2B marketers report getting new qualified leads is mission critical or an urgent priority, yet 53% of B2B marketers are unable to meet their pipeline goals; and
  • 93% of B2B marketers say that data compliance and accuracy is a priority at their company.

“This gap in marketers’ ability to meet pipeline goals underscores the complex intersection of challenges B2B marketers face today — budget constraints alongside rising targets, a convergence of brand and demand, all while facing heightened scrutiny on data privacy,” said Jeremy Bloom, Co-founder and CEO of Integrate, in a statement. “We developed Pipeline360 to provide our customers with a flexible solution that makes it easy and seamless to generate a robust pipeline enriched with high quality leads. This complements our SaaS platform’s capability to connect, govern and measure performance across multiple demand channels.”

The introduction of Pipeline360 closely follows Integrate’s release of Data Guardian, a data protection offering designed to help ensure marketing leads are high quality and compliant in the highly regulated data landscape.

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The Intersection Of AI & ABM: Transforming B2B Content Syndication https://www.demandgenreport.com/demanding-views/the-intersection-of-ai-abm-transforming-b2b-content-syndication/8128/ https://www.demandgenreport.com/demanding-views/the-intersection-of-ai-abm-transforming-b2b-content-syndication/8128/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:54:20 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/the-intersection-of-ai-abm-transforming-b2b-content-syndication/ 1markIn the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and ABM has ushered in a new era of efficiency and effectiveness in content syndication. As businesses strive to reach and engage their target audience, these technologies are playing a pivotal role in reshaping B2B content strategies, providing unprecedented value to marketers. This is not an “OR” solution but an addition to current solutions in place.

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1markIn the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and ABM has ushered in a new era of efficiency and effectiveness in content syndication. As businesses strive to reach and engage their target audience, these technologies are playing a pivotal role in reshaping B2B content strategies, providing unprecedented value to marketers. This is not an “OR” solution but an addition to current solutions in place.

AI-Powered Personalization

One of the primary ways AI is influencing B2B content syndication is through advanced personalization. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to understand buyer behavior, preferences and intent. This enables marketers to create highly personalized content that resonates with individual prospects. From tailored email campaigns to dynamic website content, AI-driven personalization ensures that each touchpoint is relevant and compelling.

In the context of content syndication, AI helps marketers deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. Through predictive analytics, AI identifies patterns in buyer behavior, allowing marketers to anticipate the content needs of their target accounts. This not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of conversion by providing valuable, targeted information.

ABM: Laser-Focused Targeting

ABM, on the other hand, complements AI by offering a strategic framework for content syndication. ABM revolves around identifying high-value accounts and tailoring marketing efforts specifically for them. This aligns seamlessly with the precision that AI brings to personalization. Together, AI and ABM enable marketers to create hyper-targeted content strategies that address the unique challenges and interests of key accounts.

In the realm of B2B content syndication, ABM ensures that content is not just broadly distributed but also strategically placed in front of decision-makers within target accounts. By aligning content distribution with the account’s specific needs and pain points, marketers can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. AI can also help expand ABM lists by building look-a-like lists that may target companies that were not even on a company’s radar but looking for a specific type of solution.

Efficient Lead Scoring & Qualification

AI plays a crucial role in optimizing lead scoring and qualification in B2B content syndication. Traditional methods often rely on static criteria, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. AI-driven lead scoring, however, dynamically assesses the potential of leads based on real-time interactions, behavioral patterns and historical data.

This dynamic approach ensures that sales teams focus their efforts on leads with the highest likelihood of conversion, improving overall efficiency and productivity. In the context of content syndication, AI-driven lead scoring allows marketers to prioritize the distribution of content to accounts that are more likely to move through the sales funnel, maximizing the impact of their syndication efforts.

Enhanced Analytics & Measurement

AI not only aids in the creation and distribution of content but also revolutionizes the way marketers measure its effectiveness. Advanced analytics powered by AI provide a granular understanding of how content is consumed, shared and acted upon. This level of insight allows marketers to refine their content syndication strategies continuously.

ABM complements these capabilities by providing a holistic view of the account-level impact. By measuring the engagement and conversion rates of target accounts, marketers can gauge the overall success of their content syndication efforts. This data-driven approach enables agile decision-making, allowing marketers to adapt their strategies in real-time for maximum impact.


In the dynamic landscape of B2B marketing, the synergy between AI and ABM is reshaping content syndication strategies. The marriage of AI-powered personalization and ABM’s targeted approach is unlocking unprecedented levels of efficiency and effectiveness. As businesses strive to stay ahead in the competitive B2B arena, leveraging the combined power of AI and ABM in content syndication is not just a choice but a strategic imperative for success. Remember, this is not an easy task and is not something that can happen overnight; it takes planning, support, executive sponsorship and patience.

Mark Nachlis is a 25-year veteran in the B2B space and the Co-founder and Managing Director of Revline Marketing, Inc., a marketing firm that owns first-party data and provides B2B solutions for agencies.

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https://www.demandgenreport.com/demanding-views/the-intersection-of-ai-abm-transforming-b2b-content-syndication/8128/feed/ 0
The Top B2B Marketing Topics Of 2023, According To ‘Demand Gen Report’ Readers https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/demand-gen-report-wrapped-the-hottest-topics-in-b2b-marketing-in-2023/8124/ https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/demand-gen-report-wrapped-the-hottest-topics-in-b2b-marketing-in-2023/8124/#respond Wed, 06 Dec 2023 15:08:47 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/demand-gen-report-wrapped-the-hottest-topics-in-b2b-marketing-in-2023/ Since 2016, one of the most eagerly anticipated days for musically inclined Millennials and Gen Z'ers is Spotify Wrapped Day. While it's fun to see how you stacked up against other fans (shout out to my fellow top 3% Taylor Swift listeners!), it's also a genius marketing move by the audio streaming service.

The post The Top B2B Marketing Topics Of 2023, According To ‘Demand Gen Report’ Readers appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

Since 2016, one of the most eagerly anticipated days for musically inclined Millennials and Gen Z’ers is Spotify Wrapped Day. While it’s fun to see how you stacked up against other fans (shout out to my fellow top 3% Taylor Swift listeners!), it’s also a genius marketing move by the audio streaming service.

By tracking users’ listening habits and behaviors, Spotify whimsically walks listeners through a series of slides that outline a their top artists, tracks, genres and more — all specifically optimized for social media sharing. The result? Lots of FOMO from non-Spotify listeners and a ton of free marketing.

So, the model got me thinking: What would Demand Gen Report’s (DGR) — and the greater B2B community’s — Wrapped look like? And so, here we are:

The Top 5 Posts


1. “From Discord To Harmony: Achieving Sales & Marketing Alignment”

OK, it’s definitely embarrassing that something I wrote isn’t in the No. 1 spot — but if anyone has to beat me, I’m glad it’s Den Kozlov from person-based advertising platform Influ2! He penned a byline that shared the three “ingredients” to sales and marketing alignment, and its popularity with our readers further cemented organizations’ struggles to unite disparate teams.

2. “Future-Proofing B2B Marketing: Key Strategies For 2024 Planning Success”

Ah, here’s something by yours truly! After keeping an eye on the trends and evolutions throughout the year, I wrote this article to help marketers jumpstart their ideation for 2024 by putting together a list of six trending topics to help steer you in the right direction. A topic-based article in a topic-based article — it’s publication inception, folks!

3. “3 Ways Generative AI Can Drive More Sales In Customer Interaction”

This piece, written by AI-powered customer experience platform Simplr’s Damien Thioulouse, outlined the three components of leveraging generative AI to autonomously identify and effectively execute sales motions within customer interactions. Generative AI has touched nearly every part of our professional lives, so it’s a no-brainer that practitioners want to learn more.

4. “2023 Content Preferences Survey Report: Personalized, Data-Backed Content Enables B2B Teams To Fast Track Buyer Enablement, Speed Up Path To Purchase”

To pull some stats from the report du jour: 71% of buyers downloaded and consumed multiple assets to help with the decision-making process, and an equal number said they shared such content with their team members. Better yet, 46% said they increased the amount of content they consumed during this time. However, the caveat came down to diversification: And practitioners were eager to consume recommendations for improving content quality, quantity and organization.

5. “State Of Audio/Video Marketing: B2B Companies Unleash A New Era Of Storytelling & Business Growth”

Podcasts, Connected TV (CTV), webinars… if you recorded it, B2B practitioners likely consumed it. As organizations diversified their storytelling strategies by incorporating mixed media models, the power of audio and video content was clearly top of mind for marketers.

The Top 5 Topics


1. Third-Party Insights

Year-over-year, DGR research finds that buyers increasingly value third-party input when evaluating solutions and products — and this user data shows that more companies are looking to incorporate those insights.

2. Buyer Behavior

Buyers seem to change their preferences more than they change their clothes. Between demands for personalization, self-service experiences and more, practitioners were clearly concerned about meeting prospects’ needs through 2023.

3. Content Preferences

I hate to say it because it’s so overdone, but content is king: It informs every aspect of the buyer’s journey, and marketers in 2023 sought to stay on top of buyers’ top preferences.

4. Demand Generation

Ah, our good ‘ole namesake. Demand generation is the name of the game and continues to be an important area of focus for practitioners.

5. Account-Based Marketing/Experiences

Whether you practice ABM, ABX or both, it’s clear that marketers are continually staying on top of the latest trends in account-based strategies.

The Top 5 Webinars


1. “Mastering The Trifecta: AI, Marketing & Sales”

It’s easy to see why this webinar secured the second spot in the list, as it featured industry superstars Latane Conant, CRO of AI-powered revenue platform 6sense, and Justin Keller, with conversational marketing platform Drift at time of recording and now VP of Growth Marketing at AI-powered customer engagement platform Movable Ink. It’s no secret that AI is incredibly top of mind, and the pair’s discussion about leveraging AI in everything undoubtedly struck a chord with viewers.

2. “AI In The Fast Lane”

Another webinar, another AI topic, another batch of B2B superstars! For this one, Keller was joined by customer experience expert Jay Baer for a discussion aimed at all forward-thinking marketers looking to rev up their strategies, exceed customer expectations and confidently navigate the fast-paced world of marketing.

3. “To Boldly Go Where Demand Is: Engaging B2B On Connected TV”

As humans, we’re creatures of habit. In fact, 90% of B2B buyers will always go with who they already know when making a purchase. To help practitioners interested in CTV advertising,  Alexa Guttroff, Product Marketing Manager at CTV performance marketing platform MNTN, outlined data-backed, first-party insights to demonstrate why CTV is the demand gen machine every B2B marketer needed in their mix.

4. “How To Fuel Your Marketing Strategy & Drive Growth With Feedback”

Without the right insights, understanding buying behavior, anticipating market needs and knowing what will resonate with audiences can be challenging in the best of times. SurveyMonkey’s Lead Product Marketing Manager Stephanie Pye satiated practitioners’ desires for more third-party-validated content by providing a tactical overview of how to use external information.

5. “Practical ABM Methodologies To Beat The Odds In 2024”

Throughout 2023, marketers were contending with small teams and minimal resources — and they were determined to do more with less. To learn some best practices on how to succeed in the uncertain marketplace, this webinar featured RollWorks’ VP of Revenue Marketing Jodi Cerretani, who discussed market trends and shared ABM plays to help attendees maximize efficiency and ROI.

As the trials and tribulations of 2023 grow farther away in B2B’s rearview mirror, the trends and strategies that influenced this year’s marketing will undoubtedly remain prominent throughout 2024. At DGR, we’re excited to see what new trends 2024 brings and how marketers will leverage them to enhance their existing strategies.

The post The Top B2B Marketing Topics Of 2023, According To ‘Demand Gen Report’ Readers appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

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The #B2BMX Agenda Is Brewing: Here Is Your First Look https://www.demandgenreport.com/blog/the-b2bmx-agenda-is-brewing-here-is-your-first-look/8101/ https://www.demandgenreport.com/blog/the-b2bmx-agenda-is-brewing-here-is-your-first-look/8101/#respond Tue, 14 Nov 2023 22:56:38 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/the-b2bmx-agenda-is-brewing-here-is-your-first-look/ If you're an avid reader, follower and subscriber to Demand Gen Report, you've probably already seen promotional emails, LinkedIn posts and updates about our biggest event of the year: The B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX) in Scottsdale, Ariz. (coming this February 26-28, 2024). You also may have already gotten information about our Super Early Bird and Early Bird rates…

The post The #B2BMX Agenda Is Brewing: Here Is Your First Look appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

If you’re an avid reader, follower and subscriber to Demand Gen Report, you’ve probably already seen promotional emails, LinkedIn posts and updates about our biggest event of the year: The B2B Marketing Exchange (#B2BMX) in Scottsdale, Ariz. (coming this February 26-28, 2024). You also may have already gotten information about our Super Early Bird and Early Bird rates…

But if you’ve never been to #B2BMX, I bet you’re thinking, “How can I justify buying a ticket this early on when I don’t know what to expect, what I’m going to learn and who I’m going to meet?”

That is a valid question/concern. It’s like buying a concert ticket without knowing who will take the stage. As the Content Director of the event, and the person who curates the entire agenda and recruits all the speakers, I realized it is my job to pull back the curtain a bit and provide some insight into the planning process at all stages.

So here we are.

I’ve been hard at work looking for real B2B practitioners to share their stories and best practices on our stage in a way that gets the audience excited; our attendees often tell us that they go back to their offices with a ton of notes and tips on how they can do their jobs better and crush their goals for the remainder of the year. The timing of the event is ideal for that reason… you’ll have 10 whole months to implement and test everything you’ve learned and (hopefully) see the same success as your peers.

While the entire agenda is not fully built out yet, I’m excited to share a handful of sessions and speakers you can expect in hopes it gives you enough to click that “Register” button and book your travels (and save a ton of money with our Early Bird rates). This is just a taste of what we have planned, and I promise I’ll be back with more updates next month.

Roll Up Your Sleeves During Our Interactive, Hands-On Workshops

On Monday, Feb. 26, we will kick off the event with a series of Workshops for All-Access Pass holders. There will be between four and eight 2.5-hour sessions to choose from, including:

Preparing For The Next Generation Of B2B Marketing-Driven Experiences,
with Matt Roberts & Derek Boshkov of Demand Spring

During this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about the actions you need to take today to deliver the next generation of marketing-driven experiences, including how to plan for the skills you’ll need and techniques to influence your executive partners to lend you the support you need to grow.

Take A Seat At Our Demand Gen Summit Track For The Latest In, Well, Demand Generation

Our Demand Gen Summit track is filling up with awesome sessions already! There are three sessions I’m especially excited about:

Turning Data Into Dollars: Unleashing DTC Insights For B2B Growth,
with Tara Clever, SVP of Marketing & Partnerships at MarginEdge

In this session, Tara will explore the unconventional blend of direct-to-consumer (DTC) and performance marketing strategies that when leveraged in B2B led to 40X inbound revenue in just four years at MarginEdge. This presentation will delve into the dynamic world of DTC marketing and unveil its hidden potential for supercharging your B2B growth.

The Golden Ticket: How To Build A Pipeline Acceleration Campaign,
with Jennifer Fields & Katie Dell’Erario of Nexthink

Partners in Pipeline — Jen and Kait — both work as Sr. Demand Gen Marketing Managers at Nexthink, and are focused on integrated global customer upsell and new logo campaigns. They will talk the audience through steps to building, learning and measuring success with pipeline progression tactics.

How Bid-To-Future-Value Can Bring In More Qualified Leads From Search & Display,
with Ken Williams of Search Discovery

In this session, Ken Williams, Google Solutions Lead at Search Discovery, will explain what bid-to-value is, why Google believes it will be important after the removal of third-party cookies in 2024 and how B2B brands can use some advanced analysis techniques to take full advantage of this powerful feature.

Get ABM Tips & Best Practices From A Googler During This Keynote

At B2BMX, you’ll see, hear from and meet B2B practitioners from companies of all shapes, sizes, budgets and industries. I personally believe there is something to learn from them all! So, I’m really, REALLY excited to have Steve Armenti of Google take our stage this year. Steve is a Group Marketing Manager, Global Demand Generation at Google and leads all growth marketing efforts for Chrome Enterprise, including campaign strategy, media activation, field marketing, web, marketing automation and operations and data analytics.

During his keynote, he’s going to dive into all aspects of account-based marketing (ABM). The keynote is titled, “B2B Buyers Want A Better Purchasing Experience — Get The ABM Framework That Delivers It” and Steve will show you how to use ABM in a new capacity to meet the evolving needs of today’s B2B buyers.

I hope this information gives you the push you need to buy your ticket to #B2BMX. This event is near and dear to my heart, and I love flying out to Scottsdale every year to meet with our B2B community. The location is top notch, the weather is stunning, the vibes are immaculate, the networking is endless and the fun doesn’t stop for three days. I guarantee you will have the best time and you will learn so much!

I’ll be back with more information soon! But in the meantime, check out the website, look at the agenda (there are more sessions there, too!) and get your ticket at our Early Bird Rate before the Dec. 7 deadline (and save up to $900!).

Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

– Klaudia Tirico

Content Director, B2BMX


B2BMX is way more fun with your entire team! Bring a colleague (or more) to tackle our five breakout tracks together. We’re offering a 40% off discount to groups of three or more!


Want to speak at B2BMX? Submit your presentation here and you might hear from me!

The post The #B2BMX Agenda Is Brewing: Here Is Your First Look appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

https://www.demandgenreport.com/blog/the-b2bmx-agenda-is-brewing-here-is-your-first-look/8101/feed/ 0
LinkedIn Releases AI-Assisted Intelligence Features https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/linkedin-releases-ai-assisted-intelligence-features/8097/ https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/linkedin-releases-ai-assisted-intelligence-features/8097/#respond Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:51:18 +0000 https://www.demandgenreport.com/linkedin-releases-ai-assisted-intelligence-features/ LinkedIn released two AI-powered features — Account IQ and Relationship Map — to enhance its existing Sales Navigator platform. Account IQ seeks to provide smart summaries that leverage generative AI to provide a deep dive on accounts with just the click of a button, while Relationship Map is a flexible, shareable, visual representation of buyer circle hierarchies built by reps. […]

The post LinkedIn Releases AI-Assisted Intelligence Features appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

LinkedIn released two AI-powered features — Account IQ and Relationship Map — to enhance its existing Sales Navigator platform. Account IQ seeks to provide smart summaries that leverage generative AI to provide a deep dive on accounts with just the click of a button, while Relationship Map is a flexible, shareable, visual representation of buyer circle hierarchies built by reps.

Specifically, Account IQ works to blend real-time LinkedIn first party data — such as people, LinkedIn posts and workforce trends — with third-party data to create a holistic snapshot of a company. Key features include:

  • Streamlining account research with insights in a single click; and
  • Quickly preparing high-level account plans.

For its part, Relationship Map offers opportunities to multithread and build relationships with multiple decision-makers, with a real-time, shareable view of “who’s who” that everyone can access. Reported benefits include:

  • Automatically alerting sales reps when a contact leaves their account and suggesting a replacement while exporting updated contact information to CRMs;
  • Seeing new, relevant highlights on leads, such as recent LinkedIn posts; and
  • Sharing Relationship Maps with colleagues on Sales Navigator contracts to help enable asynchronous collaboration and ensure data integrity during account transfers.

The post LinkedIn Releases AI-Assisted Intelligence Features appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

https://www.demandgenreport.com/industry-news/linkedin-releases-ai-assisted-intelligence-features/8097/feed/ 0