digital marketing - Demand Gen Report Thu, 07 Mar 2024 22:17:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital marketing - Demand Gen Report 32 32 Agile Isn’t Enough For Sustainable Business Growth: How Brands Can Use Marketing Experimentation To Spur Continual Innovation Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:30:00 +0000 1marioThe internet, already a place where trends, products and platforms come and go with incredible speed and velocity, is changing faster than ever before.

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1marioThe internet, already a place where trends, products and platforms come and go with incredible speed and velocity, is changing faster than ever before.

Propelled by the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI), mass adoption by global communities (5.3 billion people are now online around the world) and consumers’ seeming insatiable demand for digital products and services, the internet and its vast web of interconnected ecosystems is changing before our eyes.

Understandably, businesses are trying to transform alongside it. Many are struggling to keep up.

With the digital landscape changing daily, staying ahead of the latest trends and consumer sentiment demands more than adapting to change. It requires brands and global enterprises to actively drive it.

The Role Of Experimentation In Digital Marketing

Experimentation-as-a-service (EaaS) provides a framework for actively driving trends.

EaaS, a systematic approach to assessing the efficacy of marketing tools and techniques, isn’t a new concept. It is newly relevant, as AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms are making it more efficient, effective and impactful.

{loadposition GIAA}Most importantly, it allows brands to proactively shape their marketing strategies rather than perpetually reacting to market dynamics.

For maximum effectiveness, brands should test several aspects of their marketing campaigns, including content, design, user experience and channel strategies. In doing so, brands begin to understand consumer behaviors and preferences, elevating sustainability and business growth potential.

For instance, a social media campaign that is continuously monitored and tweaked based on user engagement metrics can achieve significantly higher reach and impact compared to a static campaign.

With EaaS, digital marketers and the brands they support can leverage often-enormous data sets to make their companies more customer-centric than ever before.

AI Data Analytics For Better Decision-Making

Data is an abundant resource for many brands and leveraging it to make informed decisions is often easier said than done.

For instance, global data volume is quickly approaching 175 zettabytes, an unfathomably large number that is the functional equivalent of creating a stack of Blu-ray discs that can reach the moon 23 times.

This deluge of digital information has made data-driven decision-making more of a talking point and less of an operational reality.

Today, less than a quarter of executives say they’ve successfully created data-driven organizations. Despite having more data than ever before, companies are less effective at using this information than they were four years ago.

AI and ML are helping to solve this problem. These technologies are excellent at data analysis, identifying patterns and producing actionable outcomes that would otherwise be unavailable to brands.

As the “Harvard Business Review” succinctly explains, “This means that as a firm gathers more customer data, it can feed that data into machine learning algorithms to improve its product or service, thereby attracting more customers, generating even more customer data.”

While products and services with weak data footprints will inherently provide less data, practically every brand can leverage this technology to create more insights that drive better decision-making processes.

The goal is to maximize personalization. Adobe reported that 71% of consumers say they expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and with more than three-quarters getting frustrated with brands when they fail to deliver, this is a critical dynamic for effective digital marketing experimentation.

With the average person encountering more than 1,700 online advertisements every month, these personalized encounters are critical to cutting through the noise and maximize marketing ROI.

Make Marketing Experimentation A Priority In 2024

Learning to create a dynamic feedback loop between brands and consumers won’t happen overnight. However, making it a strategic priority in 2024 can significantly impact marketing strategy and ROI, enabling businesses to make informed, real-time decisions that fuel sustainable growth and market impact.

Put differently, using AI and machine learning to distill actionable insights from vast data sets enables brands to forge a dynamic feedback loop with their customers, leading to more effective decision-making and a robust competitive edge.

That’s the power of making change, not just responding to it.

Mario Peshev is the CEO of DevriX, a global WordPress agency providing scalable, long-term technical partnerships along with marketing and business consulting. He is also a Core contributor to the WordPress project, an Inbound Certified marketer and a multi-disciplined business owner with a wide scope of skills.

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BlueWhale Research Launches Digital Programmatic Display & Social Audience Solution Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:45:00 +0000 BlueWhale Research, Inc., a provider of demand generation services to B2B technology organizations, expanded its product portfolio through the launch of AUDIENCE. The new release seeks to help marketers access niche audience segments and more precisely refine their targeting strategies.

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BlueWhale Research, Inc., a provider of demand generation services to B2B technology organizations, expanded its product portfolio through the launch of AUDIENCE. The new release seeks to help marketers access niche audience segments and more precisely refine their targeting strategies.

AUDIENCE is designed to leverage a combination of job roles, functions, firmographics and specialized technology intelligence, such as past purchases and installs, through BlueWhale’s partnership with HG Insights to create highly customized campaigns. To help users rely on their existing advertising infrastructure, BlueWhale also invested in third-party audience integration tools. 

“Our tradition of and commitment to delivering tangible ROI for our demand generation customers is constant, reliable and very well-known,” said James Oberhausen, President and General Manager of BlueWhale Research, in a statement. “With the launch of AUDIENCE, we are delighted to offer more opportunities for our clients and agency partners to enjoy the dedicated service and positive outcomes that are characteristic of BlueWhale’s offerings. Digital advertising teams are a new focus for us in our customer base and agency partnerships. Our attention to this important and complex function in marketing and broader go-to-market organizations promises to deliver tremendous value for everyone in 2024 and beyond.”

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So, You’ve Inherited A Martech Stack: Now What? Fri, 02 Feb 2024 18:46:00 +0000 1arttyIn today's competitive landscape, organizations are continuously seeking strategies that maximize long-term value while containing costs. New marketing leaders — particularly CMOs — face the challenge of minimizing the cost of ever-growing tech tools without a full view of their organizations' needs. This is often referred to as the "Inheritance Tax,” and in this article, we'll explore how marketing leaders can reduce this cost while streamlining legacy martech tools to drive differentiation and efficiency while also enabling critical capabilities.

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1arttyIn today’s competitive landscape, organizations are continuously seeking strategies that maximize long-term value while containing costs. New marketing leaders — particularly CMOs — face the challenge of minimizing the cost of ever-growing tech tools without a full view of their organizations’ needs. This is often referred to as the “Inheritance Tax,” and in this article, we’ll explore how marketing leaders can reduce this cost while streamlining legacy martech tools to drive differentiation and efficiency while also enabling critical capabilities.

Minimizing The Inheritance Tax

When marketing leaders switch roles to a new organization, the Inheritance Tax can lead to unforeseen and often underestimated expenses. To lessen this burden, marketing leaders can take several steps. First, they need to prioritize understanding the originally intended marketing strategy and business goals associated with the inherited martech platforms.

By uncovering the “who” and “how” of the platform’s usage, marketing leaders can effectively navigate the challenges of a new instance. Seeking insights from key stakeholders and utilizing available learning resources, such as customer portals and consultancies, can expedite the onboarding process and minimize the Inheritance Tax.

Uncovering The Context

With more than 11,000 martech tools in 49 categories, it’s important to know the role and responsibility of each tool you’re investing — or currently invested — in. Keep in mind investment isn’t only in terms of software; business process is a critical factor in determining absolute ROI.

Leaders need to gain a holistic understanding of the current business goals associated with each platform and assess for technical updates. Are there new features that have been rolled out in the last year? Are you utilizing the full feature set of the platform relative to the capital expenditure/operation expenditure costs being spent on software licensing? If not, you’ll want to schedule a demo to review your software or consider having an external stack audit.

Identifying Key Stakeholders

Knowing the key stakeholders is crucial when inheriting systems that run your marketing and sales engine, as it enables effective collaboration and ensures alignment with team objectives. Additionally, it’s critical to have a pulse on team usage and adoption, particularly when organizational shifts happen that lead to user base churn. With that in mind:

1. Know your active users versus license holders/seats.

This helps you inform who is a part of the discussion group versus decision-making group on technical upgrades, enhancements and integrations.

2. Determine your super users and know your user productivity calculation.

The productivity calculation is total output/total input, which can help you determine your risk of churn in people and inform your process decisions.

Understanding Capabilities

Extracting performance analytics and information from a new (or new-to-you) platform is important. Equally important is understanding the systems’ capability, function and features. 

Lean into support for product info to ensure you are leveraging your tools and enhanced features. For example:

  • Ask for a 20-minute sales demo on the platform and have your team of experts listen for required customizations/configurations to achieve what you need from the tool or identify blind spots to functionality that exists that you may not be leveraging; or
  • Consider getting a tech roadmap audit or playbook to quickly identify opportunities, redundancies and challenges within your tech stack.

Understanding Cost Optimization

Knowing where to save and where to spend is critical. To create long-term value, executive leaders must identify spending areas that drive differentiation and support critical capabilities. Organizations can make informed decisions about resource allocation by analyzing the lifetime value of costs and recognizing that not all revenue is equal. This approach ensures that spending aligns with strategic objectives, enabling sustainable growth and profitability.

Streamlining Legacy Martech Tools

Legacy martech tools can become burdensome when they are underleveraged or overly customized, leading to longer ramp-up periods and frustrations during onboarding. Marketing leaders can mitigate these costs by adopting a proactive approach. Regular martech audits, conducted by outside partners or consultancies with unbiased views on the history of the systems, can assess the overall stack fitness and readiness to support business objectives.

These assessments help to identify opportunities for optimization and can limit the switching costs associated with new leadership and improve operational efficiency. Through careful cost containment and investment, organizations can position themselves for sustainable growth and profitability in the dynamic business landscape.

Arturo Mendiola is the Chief Growth Officer at Shift Paradigm, a digital marketing agency.

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How B2B Companies Can Jumpstart A Digital Commerce Program Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:27:09 +0000 1jonB2B brands are often years behind their B2C counterparts on digital transformation. Most successful B2C companies recognized long ago that they needed to digitize and create personalized, convenient experiences to acquire and retain customers. But many on the B2B side have been slower to adapt, perhaps assuming that the prototypical digital-first consumer is not their customer.

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1jonB2B brands are often years behind their B2C counterparts on digital transformation. Most successful B2C companies recognized long ago that they needed to digitize and create personalized, convenient experiences to acquire and retain customers. But many on the B2B side have been slower to adapt, perhaps assuming that the prototypical digital-first consumer is not their customer.

That assumption is no longer tenable. Older millennials are now often B2B decisionmakers, and that generational shift is only going to become more intense year-over-year. Add the leap in digital expectations driven by the pandemic and the increasing influence of Gen Z in the workplace, and B2B companies that fail to cater to savvier digital buyers will see greater churn and less evangelism, which is unacceptable — especially amidst economic turmoil.

Many B2B brands are curious or even intent on starting digital commerce programs — they just don’t know where to start. Here are the steps those brands can take to jumpstart their digital programs.

1. Figure Out A Digital Strategy

Before starting a digital program, brands need to do strategic legwork. What is your identity as a company? Who do you want to be? Where do your customers spend their time, and what do they care about?

Digital vendors will try to sell B2B brands on various, often high-ticket, items. Determining what matters to the brand and, most importantly, to the customer, is how brands cut through the noise and determine what’s worth precious dollars.

For example, if a company is selling drill bits, it may not want to pour a substantial amount of budget into a particularly sexy website. But it might be able to make its customers’ lives significantly easier — and boost retention, revenue and referrals — by transitioning its order process from forcing customers to sift through Excel spreadsheets to a self-service model. These are the decisions that accelerate positive change.

2. Take A Holistic Look At Your Customers

Many organizations claim to be data-driven, but in practice, that entails standing in a data lake, picking up on a random data point and launching a program based on that insight. For example, a marketing or analytics team might discern that customers in a certain age range respond especially well to advertising on a social platform. So, the team heads off to deploy that data by devoting money and time to an Instagram advertising initiative.

A better approach is to take a holistic customer view to understand how that person behaves across a company’s properties or those where the company is discoverable. By mapping the customer journey, the brand can better predict inventory, customer lifetime value and potential churn points, among other indicators. Together, these insights help a B2B company launching a digital program prioritize initiatives and craft a holistic strategy to improve marketing, sales and fulfillment.

3. Adopt A B2C Mindset

The companies that failed or almost failed to keep up with digitization focused on training the customer, which led to customer experiences that were inefficient for buyers. Instead, they should have analyzed how customers behave and constructed a digital experience based on that information. That’s traditionally been more of a B2C mindset, but more B2B companies are starting to recognize the value of selling to individuals.

One way to operationalize a B2C mindset is to consistently ask for feedback. Send customers surveys after 30 and 90 days, and analyze how they interact with you, what they especially like about your service and what they’d like to see change. This fosters a process of analysis and customer-driven optimization that should guide continuous and collaborative innovation. 

Another B2C imperative that should inform B2B digital programs is personalization: Customers should not be able to sense when they cross a business unit. If marketing learns something about a customer, that learning should be reflected in customer service. If a restaurant always places a similar order, a food distributor should be able to anticipate that customer’s needs. This has become expected in B2C; the same expectation is becoming table stakes in B2B.

4. Test & Learn

All the digital businesses that have built empires have done so through a robust process of strategy, analysis and ongoing testing and learning. B2B brands should compile data, modify their actions based on that data and rinse and repeat. This is how to break free from the old way of doing things, and it’s how legacy B2B brands will secure their place in an increasingly digital future.

Jon Reily is the SVP, Commerce Center of Excellence for Bounteous, a media company that seeks to help transform digital experiences.


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New Calendly Routing Tool Aims To Streamline Lead Qualification Mon, 10 Jul 2023 21:01:28 +0000 Calendly is designed to help individuals, teams and organizations automate the meeting lifecycle by removing the back and forth with scheduling. Calendly's cloud-based platform offers a new layer of the modern digital technology stack by connecting with critical tools to automate scheduling workflows, create a more delightful customer experience and provide insightful, measurable data to drive better business outcomes.

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Calendly is designed to help individuals, teams and organizations automate the meeting lifecycle by removing the back and forth with scheduling. Calendly’s cloud-based platform offers a new layer of the modern digital technology stack by connecting with critical tools to automate scheduling workflows, create a more delightful customer experience and provide insightful, measurable data to drive better business outcomes.

The Lowdown

Calendly Routing is a new solution built to empower sales and marketing teams to qualify, route and schedule meetings with high value leads and customers instantly from their company’s website. The tool integrates with Marketo, HubSpot and Salesforce to help sales, marketing and customer success teams close deals faster using the essential industry tools within their tech stacks.

Back-Of-The-Box Details

Calendly Routing aims to help users:

  • Increase website and email conversion by qualifying leads in real time: A customer can book a meeting after completing a HubSpot, Marketo or Calendly Routing Form on the desired company’s website.
  • Route leads and customers by Salesforce ownership: Automatically match existing customers and leads to their account owner from Salesforce before prompting them to schedule a meeting.
  • Scale business performance with one centralized scheduling platform: Inclusive of robust team features, solutions and integrations; deep analytics; and enterprise-grade security, including SCIM provisioning.

Who It’s For

Calendly Routing is for sales, customer experience and marketing teams.

What It Solves

Economic fluctuations and shifting consumer behaviors are putting immense pressure on organizations. Customers hold more power and expect real-time responses as companies risk losing business. According to Salesforce’s “State of Sales Report,” 82% of sales professionals said they’ve had to adapt quickly to new ways of selling. Revenue teams across sales, marketing and customer experience are being impacted in the process, facing increased demands to deliver more leads faster, and in turn, more revenue with fewer resources.

What Makes It Special

Calendly Routing is built on Calendly’s core scheduling platform that meets revenue teams’ needs throughout the customer lifecycle. Companies can enhance the customer journey from the moment a lead engages with their website and submits a form requesting to speak with the sales team.


Talk to sales.

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SugarCRM Releases New Digital Self-Service Capabilities Tue, 30 May 2023 17:52:08 +0000 SugarCRM is designed to help marketing, sales and service teams get a clear picture of each customer and reach new levels of performance and predictability.

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SugarCRM is designed to help marketing, sales and service teams get a clear picture of each customer and reach new levels of performance and predictability.

The Lowdown

SugarCRM recently debuted new digital self-service capabilities to help B2B sellers keep pace with customer demands. These new capabilities aim to empower customers to self-serve and connect with brands via 24/7 anytime, anywhere access via desktop or mobile devices.

Back-Of-The-Box Details

With Sugar self-service, all communication and interactions are digitized end-to-end, from the initial service request to final issue resolution. These self-service capabilities, added to the Sugar platform that unites marketing, sales and service teams, are designed to ensure every customer interaction is handled and optimized for growth so agents and account reps can communicate 24/7 to maximize existing customer sales.

In addition, with a modern and intuitive interface and best-in-class multi-factor authentication, the self-service capabilities aim to empower customers to maintain their personal profile, ask questions, submit service requests and create service tickets and easily add attachments. Organizations can seamlessly embed these capabilities into their existing web presence for a consistent brand experience.

Who It’s For

Self-service capabilities are playing a greater role in the B2B sector and are becoming highly relevant beyond the traditional after-sales service use case, enabling digital engagement all across the customer journey.

What It Solves

According to the company, enabling customers to self-serve increases customer satisfaction and reduces the overall inbound call and ticket volume, as well as operational and infrastructure costs. Customers can find answers or solve problems on their own terms, so teams can spend more time on value-added services.

What Makes It Special

Sugar’s new self-service capabilities are about creating better customer experiences in the moments when it matters to retain customers and nurture and build relationships for improved profitability.


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ON24 Scales Digital Engagement For Adobe Experience Cloud Customers Mon, 27 Mar 2023 14:20:00 +0000 Quick Scoop:

  • ON24 partnered with LeapPoint to help organizations deliver digital GTM strategies.
  • Through the partnership, organizations can build targeted promotional campaigns, scale personalized webinars, automate key multimedia processes, capture prospects' online behavior, optimize lead scoring and provide real-time prospect intelligence.
  • The partnership is powered by ON24 and Adobe Experience Cloud technologies.

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Quick Scoop:

  • ON24 partnered with LeapPoint to help organizations deliver digital GTM strategies.
  • Through the partnership, organizations can build targeted promotional campaigns, scale personalized webinars, automate key multimedia processes, capture prospects’ online behavior, optimize lead scoring and provide real-time prospect intelligence.
  • The partnership is powered by ON24 and Adobe Experience Cloud technologies.

ON24, a digital engagement platform, partnered with LeapPoint, a digital advisory firm, to help enterprises successfully develop and execute a digital-first go-to-market (GTM) strategy powered by ON24 and Adobe Experience Cloud technologies.

ON24 will build on its integrated Adobe Marketo by adding support and services to implement Adobe integrations to help customer adoption and success. The partnership seeks to assist marketers with:

  • Building targeted promotional campaigns;
  • Creating, scaling and delivering personalized webinar and content experiences;
  • Automating and managing webinar and multimedia content publishing;
  • Generating and capturing prospect digital behavior, business interests and buying intent;
  • Optimizing lead scoring, database segmentation and lead nurture; and
  • Providing real-time prospect intelligence and accelerating lead hand-off to sales.

“We believe we’re only at the beginning of digital transformation for sales and marketing, and there’s still a significant opportunity for enterprises to tap into all the first-party data that digital engagement provides,” says Callan Young, CMO of ON24, in a statement. “By combining our differentiated platform with LeapPoint’s deep domain expertise, we’ll further our shared goal of helping enterprises unify engagement data across every digital experience and use that intelligence to unlock actionable insights and fuel cost-efficient revenue and pipeline growth.”

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Validity Unveils New Sender Score Tools & Educational Resources Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:49:20 +0000 Validity, a data quality and email marketing success solutions provider, relaunched Sender Score, a destination for email marketers looking to level-up their programs and deepen their sending knowledge. The latest iteration includes educational resources and four new free tools to help all email marketers succeed in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. 

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Validity, a data quality and email marketing success solutions provider, relaunched Sender Score, a destination for email marketers looking to level-up their programs and deepen their sending knowledge. The latest iteration includes educational resources and four new free tools to help all email marketers succeed in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. 

Sender Score’s toolkit of quality assessments includes free list quality checks powered by BriteVerify, deliverability benchmarking and email revenue forecasting, and the new tools consist of:

  • Subscriber list analysis;
  • Subject line previewer;
  • Compliancy monitor; and
  • Blocklist remover.

Additionally, Sender Score now includes an educational learning branch that features curated content such as an email marketing podcast, titled “Email After Hours,” and Sender School, a course designed to help “demystify” email marketing.

“We are proud to enable email marketers to evolve their craft and become better senders,” said Greg Kimball, SVP, Global Head of Email and E-commerce Solutions at Validity. “By adding these new assessments, education and tools powered by Validity’s patented technology, our aim is to redefine the scope and impact of deliverability in the life of the modern email marketer and make the goal of leveling up email programs more achievable, whether you are a solo-sender or part of a large email marketing team.” 

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How Walker & Dunlop Launched A Webcast & Generated 1500 Registrations In 1 Week Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:23:44 +0000 Walker & Dunlop is an organization that finances commercial real estate properties. The company's SVP of marketing, Chris Zegal, is always focused on strengthening and expanding the company's brand with an innovative approach to customer outreach, which became even more paramount amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Walker & Dunlop is an organization that finances commercial real estate properties. The company’s SVP of marketing, Chris Zegal, is always focused on strengthening and expanding the company’s brand with an innovative approach to customer outreach, which became even more paramount amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was critical for the marketing team to communicate that Walker & Dunlop was still alive and well. The company had to let clients and prospects know that financing deals were still getting done and that they could count on Walker & Dunlop to be a voice of clarity and confidence in a market that was suddenly facing uncertainty.

The Challenge

Given the large sums of money changing hands, commercial real estate finance is an industry built on trusted relationships. Historically, sales teams across the industry relied on face-to-face client interaction to showcase their expertise, build trust and close deals at conferences, on golf courses, over dinners and wine and maybe even cigars. So, how could the company build virtual relationships — at scale — to instill trust and client engagement when travel and events had come to a complete halt?

Marketing identified several key goals to solve this challenge, such as:

  • Continuing to display a confident brand and extending its leadership in core markets;
  • Building awareness and fueling expansion for high-growth start-up divisions; and
  • Providing marketing and sales support for financing and property sales teams across the country, spanning 250 brokers and bankers.

Walker & Dunlop’s CEO, Willy Walker, saw an opportunity to create a high-visibility weekly webcast that would help establish the company’s reputation as a thought leader in the commercial real estate space. To that end, he tasked the marketing team with “building our brand as big and fast as we can.”

The Solution

After recalling that Walker wanted the webcast released “next week,” Zegal turned to Folloze, a buyer experience platform, to help his team build out a series of customer-facing webcasts featuring Walker and empower Walker & Dunlop’s 200-strong sales force to turn virtual relationships into revenue-generating opportunities.

The plan was to create an integrated, multichannel program with Walker on a virtual center stage, interviewing high-profile guests such as governors, NBA stars, Harvard professors and leading economists. The goal with “Walker Webcast” was to generate buzz for the company’s role in commercial real estate financing, provide fresh perspectives, create inspiration and foster education for all types of personal topics, including how to be a better leader, live a healthier lifestyle and become a better citizen.

The webcast series was launched in less than a week, with Folloze as the content and engagement hub. Walker & Dunlop relied on Folloze Boards, which are blank digital canvases that help marketers build content-rich destinations and campaigns across the entire B2B journey. The Boards are designed to transform customer data, such as firmographic, buying stage and intent, into memorable buying experiences that guide buyers through each stage of their journey.

Zegal said the proof of how easy it is to work with Folloze Boards is that no one on the team even talks about it — “it’s seamless: You create graphics, drag and drop and it’s done.”

Walker & Dunlop also built social media outreach programs around the webcasts, created a large YouTube following and turned the webcast into a podcast.

The Results

The webcast became a weekly engagement touch point with clients, investors, recruits and employees — keeping Walker & Dunlop top of mind.

“The weekly series has become the biggest webcast in our industry, with more than five million views across all channels — and we’ve surpassed more than 100 episodes,” Zegal said. “Folloze makes it easy to manage and showcase a huge amount of content every week.”

Key results of the collaboration with Folloze, the “Walker Webcast” and adjacent materials include:

  • The podcast landing in the top 3% of all business podcasts, in terms of downloads;
  • 1,500 registrations the first week of “Walker Webcast”;
  • More than 5 million webcast views across channels;
  • “Winning multiple awards and receiving several accolades,” according to Zegal;
  • More than 100 episodes published and counting; and
  • 150,000 visitors to Walker & Dunlop’s Folloze Board to date.

“People come to us for our expertise with something that’s pretty complicated, so there’s an element of trust and familiarity involved,” Zegal said. “Engagement is critical with this audience. Folloze helps us project that reputation as a company that our clients want to work with.”

Thanks to data from analytics integrated into the Folloze platform via partner Demandbase, Walker & Dunlop also discovered a high correlation between engagement with existing and net-new customers with the brand program: 69% of existing active accounts and 64% of new accounts participated in the Walker Webcasts.

“Most significantly, $7.5 billion of net-new transaction volume in 2020 came from companies that attended the webcast,” Zegal said. “So, we gained share, and we became No. 1 in our market in that year — while others were struggling, we rose to the top.”

From a CRM perspective, Zegal said the webcasts have proven to be great conversation starters and a powerful re-engagement tool.

“We had one client that watched 40 webcasts,” he said. “People are engaged, and engagement turns virtual relationships into real relationships and real monetary value. It also changes the dynamic with our CEO — when he walks in a room during a sales call, his presence has a halo effect.”

Zegal said he also plans to roll out Folloze to additional account teams across the business to create destination sites with personalized content for key clients.

“One of the reasons we went with Folloze was that we knew that it worked within our ecosystem, within our tech stack,” he explained. “There is a lot of potential to expand what we’re doing with Folloze, help build better relationships and cross-sell into our key accounts.”

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How To Shape The Customer Experience With ‘Phygital’ Marketing Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:51:33 +0000 1sharaBusinesses face mounting pressure to impress increasingly finicky customers, as more than 70% expect personalized interactions. And if customers don't receive the anticipated custom-made experience, they will typically move along to the next option. In fact, one in four consumers switched to a new product or buying method during the Covid-19 pandemic when a business didn't offer a personalized experience.

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1sharaBusinesses face mounting pressure to impress increasingly finicky customers, as more than 70% expect personalized interactions. And if customers don’t receive the anticipated custom-made experience, they will typically move along to the next option. In fact, one in four consumers switched to a new product or buying method during the Covid-19 pandemic when a business didn’t offer a personalized experience.

Within this challenging, consumer-driven environment, businesses can fulfill customer expectations by providing seamless physical and digital — or “phygital” — experiences. Hybrid phygital marketing delivers an immediate, immersive experience that doesn’t just make brands memorable — it captures new customers’ attention.

Modern businesses should consider these three ways to leverage a phygital strategy through QR codes and deliver continuously exceptional customer experiences: 

1. Use QR Codes To Deliver Information

Even in today’s increasingly digital landscape, printed materials like billboards, receipts, flyers and brochures are still valuable with guaranteed public views. However, the impact of printed collateral is limited — printed materials can be costly, and companies can’t make changes once they’ve printed and shipped. While businesses can almost always guarantee views, they may have trouble ensuring the right views. Did the intended audience see the printed materials and did it resonate?

Enter dynamic QR codes. Companies can share discount coupons, videos, campaign landing pages, app links and more on their collateral, bringing audiences from the physical to the digital world with just a smartphone camera.

With a dynamic QR code, companies can:

  • Keep digital collateral up-to-date even after distributing physical material;
  • Give interested consumers a way to engage with the brand and share data; and
  • Use QR code scan data to better understand consumers and refine future campaigns.

Dynamic QR codes don’t just help marketers update their messaging; they also promote accessibility. If customers can’t or don’t feel comfortable interacting with employees in person, dynamic QR codes give those clients a way to get the information on their own time and on their own terms. This accessibility and flexibility help companies engage with a broader portion of their customer base.

2. Establish A Phygital Framework

Teams deploying a phygital solution, such as a dynamic QR code, need to exercise patience as customer engagement doesn’t come immediately. First, marketers must ensure each tool properly connects with brand identity and meets safety standards. If customers don’t feel safe engaging with a brand when scanning a QR code, they often won’t continue engaging.

Businesses need to educate customers on how to recognize the signs of safe brand outreach. Consumers can check the safety and security of a QR code by:

  • Ensuring the consistency of a brand’s visual identity, as inconsistencies in a brand’s logo, font and colors may indicate a customer has encountered an imposter code;
  • Confirming the domain name matches the company’s URL, because consistent landing page branding suggests a customer is engaging with a safe QR code; and
  • Looking for standard signifiers of website security, as a safe QR code landing page — at the most basic level — should include Secure Sockets Layer Service (SSL), which allows businesses to add “HTTPS” to their domain.

In addition to education, brands should be accessible to customers wherever and whenever they decide to engage. Businesses can earn or increase customer loyalty at every touchpoint by clearly communicating that they have the tools to safely deliver personalized experiences.

3. Track Emerging Customer Needs

Dynamic QR codes create opportunities for data tracking by capturing the location, date, time and number of unique scans. When paired with a tool like Google Analytics, a dynamic QR code can secure information around end-user demographics and monitor user interests.

Digital platforms unlock these benefits and are purpose-built to share data, track customer preferences and secure customers’ data. Data security is particularly important as lawmakers introduce an increasing number of privacy laws.

Despite popular belief, brands cannot live track an end-user who scans a QR code. On the contrary, businesses can simply see how well QR codes perform with relevant indicators, such as measuring scans and engagement levels.

When connected to Google Analytics, QR codes help businesses understand:

  • User behavior, in the form of click-through and bounce rates, page views and session duration;
  • End-user demographics, such as native language spoken by users, country of residence and age and gender of the user; and
  • System information, including the browser, operating system or service provider used to scan the QR code.

This gathered data can help businesses fine-tune their marketing campaigns. For example, when running a QR code campaign across multiple locations, marketing teams can determine areas driving the highest and lowest number of scans. Based on this analysis, brands can double down on better-performing sites.

Phygital marketing through QR codes gives modern businesses the power to deliver a well-rounded customer experience that keeps otherwise static materials updated and relevant, engages consumers with the brand and delivers valuable business intelligence to the brand. And the ability to derive these customer insights from dynamic QR codes is no longer just nice to have; it’s a new baseline for meeting evolving customer expectations.

Sharat Potharaju is the Co-founder and CEO of Beaconstac, responsible for crafting the overall strategy and execution. Sharat is dedicated to achieving Beaconstac’s vision to enable digital connection with every physical object and place on the planet. Prior to his entrepreneurial career, Sharat spent a few years working in investment banking at Merrill Lynch in New York. Sharat holds a Master’s in Engineering Management from Duke University and a Bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.


The post How To Shape The Customer Experience With ‘Phygital’ Marketing appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

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