intent signals - Demand Gen Report Tue, 12 Mar 2024 17:25:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 intent signals - Demand Gen Report 32 32 Demandbase Releases New Multi-Language Intent Solution For B2B Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:58:22 +0000 Demandbase, a go-to-market (GTM) company, unveiled a new multi-language intent solution that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to help organizations capture intent signals from global markets. The tool supports 133 languages, including non-Latin alphabets.

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Demandbase, a go-to-market (GTM) company, unveiled a new multi-language intent solution that leverages natural language processing (NLP) to help organizations capture intent signals from global markets. The tool supports 133 languages, including non-Latin alphabets.

According to Demandbase, it already processes more than 1 trillion English intent signals per month, and the company says the addition of non-English intent will represent hundreds of billions of intent signals. The new solution includes languages such as Arabic, Danish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish and more.

“Demandbase loves to innovate based on customer feedback,” said Brewster Stanislaw, Chief Product Officer at Demandbase, in a statement. “We have listened to our growing international customer base and have delivered an incredible addition to our global account intelligence. This means that our customers can now target as precisely in non-English-speaking markets as they’ve been accustomed to in English-speaking markets, making their marketing and sales decisions more accurate and effective. It also means less waste in GTM market efforts, increasing efficiency in time, budget and resources.”

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ServiceNow Increased Sales-Created Pipeline By 3X Wed, 18 May 2022 15:50:57 +0000 ServiceNow is a cloud computing platform designed to help companies manage digital workflows. The company's goal was to have its field marketing managers be the last mile to ensure all teams were operating off the same data to initiate outreach at the right team and with the right messaging following the company's rapid growth.

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ServiceNow is a cloud computing platform designed to help companies manage digital workflows. The company’s goal was to have its field marketing managers be the last mile to ensure all teams were operating off the same data to initiate outreach at the right team and with the right messaging following the company’s rapid growth.

“We’ve seen massive growth lately, which led to the creation of additional product lines and the desire to break out in different regions,” explained Heather Rath, ServiceNow’s Director of Field Marketing West. “There’s a lot of complexity as we look at sales’ needs and priorities, and if we break out a new industry team, they might have different priorities than an existing core team.”

The Problem

Rath’s problem was all in the name: As the company’s Director of Field Marketing West, she didn’t have much expertise or insights into the accounts that would operate out of ServiceNow’s East Coast buying centers. In addition to identifying geographic specificity, Rath also wanted to:

  • Enhance the data fueling mid- and post-funnel ABM strategies; and
  • Promote stronger collaboration between sales and marketing.

“Ultimately, our priority is to drive new and accelerate open pipeline to close — we’re not looking at loose metrics,” said Heather Rath. “But when we’re delivering interactions, engagements or account insights to sales, we want to make sure we’re delivering the most qualified, sales-ready engagement and the most up to date information and materials to sales to ensure we’re starting that conversation at the right time.”

And, in terms of the Western enterprise’s already existing ~1600 accounts, Rath wanted to ensure her team was focused on post-lead engagement for each account to ensure it was being targeted with the appropriate strategy and messaging. As Rath puts it, “our ultimate goal was to connect marketing awareness to sales readiness.”

“When we talk about post-lead engagement, we want to ensure we have the right programs with the right messages to support those open opportunities and drive them to close,” she continued. “However, we can’t use the same tactics across the full funnel, because messaging will be different dependent upon the industry, persona and intent data we’re receiving.”

She continued that she wanted to build a pathway to connect marketing awareness to sales readiness.

“The handoff, or insights, we deliver to sales is what’s most critical to the campaign — so often we’re executing programs, whether it’s a live event or online program, it’s always important to ask, ‘Why is this important?’ Why are we asking sales to do this?’” explained Rath. “We wanted to make sales more successful as we look across all stages of the funnel and promote that ABM mentality.”

The Solution

ServiceNow adopted MRP Prelytix, an enterprise ABM platform, to leverage its analytic capabilities to synchronize efforts across both field marketing and campaign teams. By leveraging MRP’s insights and orchestration capabilities, Rath was able to seamlessly move top-of-funnel marketing leads into mid- and post-funnel sales leads.

On the geographic side, MRP analytics helped Rath identify what region intent signals were coming from so her team could act accordingly with the right messaging. For example, if the signal’s coming from San Jose, that would indicate a retention play is needed; if it’s originating from Charlotte, that could indicate a new acquisition.

“The great thing about the analytics tool is that we can get laser-focused not only on the geography and region, but also home in on specific accounts that might need additional support,” Rath explained. “We’ve been able to build micro clusters, if you will, that enable us to get very targeted on specific personas, intent, propensity or buying groups to execute successful campaigns.”

She continued that the team is also leveraging “two-touch” campaigns, which wrap a broader, early-stage outreach with a more targeted direct mail campaign. Rath emphasized that campaign follow up is “critical.”

“We collaborate most with extended marketing campaign and product management teams to ensure we have the right messaging, and then we connect with our inside sales and solution sales experts to ensure they’re driving the follow-up,” said Rath.

The Results

To best showcase ServiceNow’s results from the MRP ABM implementation, Rath cited a specific campaign she ran for a vaccine management company that required her team to quickly pivot and leverage insights and data to formulate a success campaign on the fly.

She explained that her team was able to prioritize accounts that were searching for specific keywords based on certain solutions that target personas and accounts ServiceNow did or did not own. As a result of its efforts, the team saw 3X sales-created pipeline.

“Collaboration is so important — not only at the top of the funnel but through the funnel,” explained Rath. “Being able to leverage these intelligent insights and meet accounts where they are is key to our business, in addition to ensuring we’re delivering the most pertinent information at the right time. The more actionable and qualified insights we can deliver to sales is just going to increase that trust and level of partnership. Having everyone on the same page and striving toward the same goal is really important.”

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#BII21 Spotlights Renewed Focus On Buyer-Centric Strategies, The Relevance Of Intent Data To Account Experiences & Personalization Tue, 27 Jul 2021 19:13:35 +0000 Data models and buyer centricity have taken center stage in modern B2B, with many organizations falling back on their databases to provide insights into key accounts for effective strategy building. Organizations are also relying on signal data and account intelligence insights to build engaging campaigns that address buyers' pain points.

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Data models and buyer centricity have taken center stage in modern B2B, with many organizations falling back on their databases to provide insights into key accounts for effective strategy building. Organizations are also relying on signal data and account intelligence insights to build engaging campaigns that address buyers’ pain points.

2021’s Buyer’s Insights & Intelligence Series, hosted by Demand Gen Report, explored B2B’s renewed focus on buyer-focused strategies, and how organizations are using intent signals and account insights to deliver relevant messaging to the right accounts. This year’s event also examined the changing landscape of ABM, as organizations have centered their strategies around new datasets and models to improve account engagement and reporting.

Driving Engaging Buyer-Centric Marketing Strategies With Relevance

As today’s buyer demands more personalized experiences in an increasingly quickening purchasing journey, it seems that intent and automation need to work together to provide marketing teams with the information they need at the exact time they need it. From those insights, it’s up to marketing teams to tailor content as necessary.

There are “four P’s” to customer engagement and sales effectiveness, which include persistence, promptness, personalization and performance, Conversica thought leaders explained in their session. The experts championed the use of conversational engagement to help streamline communications and deliver a consistent, timely and relevant line of outreach.

“You might be killing it only using one of these P’s, but if the rest aren’t in place, you won’t drive the engagement you should be,” explained Amanda DePaul, Sr. Director of Demand Generation for Conversica.

Organizations should use those P’s as the baseline of their customer journey, which is increasingly speeding up. As evidenced in a session hosted by Demandbase, the timeline buyers follow for purchasing decisions is continuing to increase. As such, it’s important that marketing teams double-down on intent data analysis to identify the next best step to take.

“Supporting customers throughout their process allows you to dynamically adapt to them, it’s intricate but not daunting,” said Tracy Kraft, VP of Revenue Marketing for Demandbase. “One way we’re doing this is by mapping our advertising to those buyer stages so that we truly are identifying the right account with the right content at the right, which helps us meet buyers where they are.”

With an emphasis on the early stages of the journey, experts from Outreach shined a light on the importance with engaging customers from the on-set of communication during their fireside chat session. To build trust, organizations need to ensure prospects feel valued and heard. It’s from the establishment of that initial relationship that a stronger relationship will form and increase trust throughout the rest of the journey. Of course, that trust-building comes from the analysis of various datasets.

However, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the litany of buying signals and data points needed for tailored outreach. In ON24‘s session, Cheri Keith explained that the first step is that the data being pulled should align with marketing goals and, to help identify if the goals are being met, organizations can poll current clients to get a feel for their temperature.

Implementing More Datasets To Create Relevant Engagement

To maintain a buyer-centric strategy, B2B organizations need timely, clean data to personalize their buyer engagement and address buyers’ specific pain points. To reach that level of buyer personalization, organizations have started to lean on first-party and third-party data and intent signals to help build out their digital marketing initiatives.

During Folloze‘s session, Randy Brasche and FireEye‘s Marlowe Fenne explored the importance of first- and third-party data, as they can help you gain a holistic view of a buyer and can allow for more organizational agility. These data insights can inform an organization’s strategies and help them pivot their content and messaging for each individual buyer for increased engagement and conversion rates.

“First- and third-party data insights are what light the fuse under the buyer’s journey,” Fenne explained. “It frames how you started that journey and can really help you accelerate customers through their journeys in new ways that are engaging and relevant. Make agility one of your advantages as you look at your data, and you will find more success with engaging your customers.”

In TechTarget‘s session, Andrew Briney pointed to content interactions as one of the most accurate sources of intent signals, as it helps organizations identify where an account’s interests are for more accurate personalization. Organizations can use this intent data to develop messaging that speaks directly to their buyers’ needs more accurately and efficiently.

“Direct interactions help you stop guessing and start knowing who to reach out to,” said Briney. “This is a precise way to gauge what your buyers want because it’s based-on interactions directly from individual users at these accounts. This allows you to create a model that pinpoints who the exact buyers are and what they are interacting with for more relevant engagement.”

Leveraging Predictive Models To Automate Account List Building

With most marketers doubling down on ABM to engage key accounts, they are turning to predictive models to measure how they provide value for those accounts and determine how they can improve their engagement for greater revenue generation.

In a session from RollWorks, Allison Dyer explained that B2B marketers need to leverage their ICPs and existing accounts to create a framework that vets new intent signals and helps build new target account lists for engagement. This framework feeds predictive models with new account data and provides marketers with various account insights to uncover new ways to engage them in future campaigns.

“We’re using our machine learning and predictive models to do this at scale,” Dyer continued. “We divide our models into tiers so that when the outputs come out, everyone on the marketing and sales team understands high-value engagement within those tiers. By matching account data with the target account list that is coming out of sales, marketers can gain key insights that they never thought about.”

During this webcast, Andrew Mahr, Chief Customer Officer at Triblio, also spoke to the relevance of predictive models in ABM, exploring how marketers can use these models to orchestrate multi-stage, multichannel programs automatically for optimal account reporting.

Mahr explained that predictive models allow B2B organizations to build personalized 1:1 engagement programs at scale, but can also help predict which types of programs will be successful based on prior account interactions. Organizations can implement account data into its predictive models to automatically identify intent for more accurate account reporting, informing SDRs about which accounts to interact with and at what times more consistently.

“I would call this ‘tomorrow’s ABM,’ where everything is happening in an automated process that is more synchronized and dynamic,” said Mahr. “Data picks the accounts we should be engaging with and drops them all into the right campaign at the right time. We can then design these programs for consistent output to sales reps and build predictability into the forecasting and pipeline development process.”

For additional insights and access to the full sessions, check out the full series on-demand.

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True Influence Offers 80 Million Verified Contacts To B2B Marketers Wed, 16 Jun 2021 18:30:32 +0000 True Influence, an intent-based data and marketing provider, released the contact data for 80 million domestic and international professionals into its True Influence Marketing Cloud. Previously, this data was only available through True Influence's managed services.

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True Influence, an intent-based data and marketing provider, released the contact data for 80 million domestic and international professionals into its True Influence Marketing Cloud. Previously, this data was only available through True Influence’s managed services.

The True Influence Marketing Cloud was introduced in Aug. 2020 to provide intent signals from customer records to understand the total active market and gain an omnichannel view of individual customers. The new contact data reinforces the Cloud’s offerings by allowing B2B marketers to build their own targeted audiences and extend the value of their campaigns by supplementing leads delivered with similar intent-driven contacts without the use of third-party cookies.

The third-party cookie exclusion follows the industry trend of moving away from the pseudo-intrusive data collection process, with a variety of companies introducing alternate datasets as replacements. Specifically, True Influence’s contact data will enable users to segment and target audiences based on topical interest, buying group and firmographic/demographic information. Customers can use the data to build intent-driven audiences and activate them across adtech channels by overlaying first-party data and ABM audiences, as well as prioritize them based on spiking intent.

In a statement, True Influence CEO Brian Giese explained, “We created our identity graph capabilities without third-party cookies to provide a channel where user engagement can continue while eliminating the struggle that some companies will have as the industry moves away from third-party cookies.”

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5 Trends Shaping Demand Gen Throughout 2021 Tue, 06 Apr 2021 13:42:25 +0000 The series of digital adaptations marketers were forced to take throughout 2020 have bled over to shape 2021 demand gen strategies. As businesses scrambled to find sustainable ways to conduct business as usual in a year that was anything but, the new tactics and practices proved to show potential for the long haul.

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The series of digital adaptations marketers were forced to take throughout 2020 have bled over to shape 2021 demand gen strategies. As businesses scrambled to find sustainable ways to conduct business as usual in a year that was anything but, the new tactics and practices proved to show potential for the long haul.

The remote work environments fueled an explosion of digital marketing that encouraged (read: forced) marketers to identify innovate ways to connect with prospects. To accomplish that, data reigned supreme as it enabled companies to identify prospects’ intent signals and produce targeted advertisements that buyers were looking for.

“The beauty of digital marketing is you can track all the different elements and data points behind it, and then understand how to respond based on the behaviors you were seeing,” said Lauren Eubanks, Sr. Demand Gen Manager of Technology Advice, in an interview with Demand Gen Report.

Additionally, virtual and hybrid events secured their place in marketers’ portfolios, demonstrating they have what it takes to enhance or even replace in-person events. Without further ado, here are five of the biggest trends shaping demand gen marketing throughout the rest of the year.

Live From Their Home, It’s Your Marketing Team!

Live events, such as webinars, have proven incredibly successful — in fact, 53% of marketers indicated that it generated the most revenue and identified the most qualified leads. While webinars require a lot of thought, planning and tapping into certain professionals to produce a polished piece, there’s an opportunity to make them more relatable and personal.

“I’m a huge believer in LinkedIn live,” said Brian Giese, CEO of True Influence, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “The closer we can connect people to the conversation, the better we are. We’ve hired a whole production staff internally to be able to do that — it’s huge. I mean, it speaks, right? It doesn’t speak quietly, like a podcast, it speaks to you like we’re on Zoom, on video.”

As these less formal live sessions max out at an hour or two, time is of the essence. However, there are opportunities for longer events, so marketing teams can take things a step further by…

Getting Virtual With It

As most in-person events are on pause for the foreseeable future, organizations can scale smaller live videos into full-blown events that feature a series of industry speakers. Giese explained that the virtual alternatives are seeing just as much, if not more, success than their in-person counterparts.

“We held our True Influence Virtual Summit 2021 on Jan. 21 with Howie Mandel as our host, and we had over 3000 attendees,” said Giese. “If the event were live, we wouldn’t have that many people attend. The virtual nature condenses all the information into salient, well-said information.”

One of the biggest drivers of the success of virtual events is the load it takes off companies in terms of budgeting, booking and hosting. After all, attending in-person events isn’t cheap and planning for entire teams travel and lodging is a stressful, time- (and money-) consuming feat.

“Virtual events are a lot more cost effective and typically generate more attendees,” said Eubanks. “Companies have figured out that this is a strategy they should do long term, not just once a pandemic is over.”

To generate interest in these live events to take them to their full potential, marketing teams should…

Keep An Eye On The Prize

Tailor advertisements to specific customers through programmatic displays to identify what a buyer’s desires are. These advertisements directly address the problems prospects are trying to fix or the solutions they’re seeking.

“Programmatic display is growing like crazy,” said Giese. “It used to be that we’d drive our cars to the store and see a billboard; that’s meaningless now. We can associate the digital banner ad to the specific person looking at it and identify what company they’re from. With eyes on the specific person, we can send them better messaging.”

Of course, this messaging isn’t available without the proper tools. To that end…

Take An Inside Look

Intent data and signals are a huge aspect of identifying what prospects are looking for and identifying where they are in the buying cycle. This slightly intrusive marketing strategy relies on third- and first-party intent data to track prospects’ internet activity and identify what they’re looking for, as well provide insights into their likelihood to act.

“Most of our customers use intent data, which shows what a person is interested in by topic,” said Giese. “It enables us to make offers based on what a prospect is actually interested in, as opposed to what we think they’re interested in. The infusion of intent is sustainable, factual and predictable.”

Despite the reliability of intent data, it’s not always foolproof. If companies don’t immediately see the results they’re looking for, it’s nothing to worry about because…

When You Try Your Best But Don’t Succeed

A series of trial and error is only to be expected when something new is being tested or put into practice. While it’s not out of the realm of possibilities for these strategies to see immediate success, it’s also important to take a realistic approach and not be afraid of failure.

“Not everything works; no one concept works the same for every company,” said Eubanks. “Companies have to keep testing and trying out different ways of generating leads or demand. When they start to see success, focus on that and continue to scale it while bringing in new ideas and letting it snowball.”

Demand generation will continue to be a staple of B2B, so it’s important that companies embrace the changes that come along with it. For additional insights into how the pivot to digital impacted traditional demand gen strategies, be sure to check out What’s Working In Demand Generation.

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True Influence Marketing Cloud Is Designed To Aggregate & Analyze Intent Signals Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:24:09 +0000 The True Influence Marketing Cloud is a digital platform that connects data and customer experiences to help marketing and sales understand, acquire and retain customers. It is designed to provide on-time, accurate demand generation, brand protection and campaign analytics critical for integrated marketing.

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The True Influence Marketing Cloud is a digital platform that connects data and customer experiences to help marketing and sales understand, acquire and retain customers. It is designed to provide on-time, accurate demand generation, brand protection and campaign analytics critical for integrated marketing.

Back-of-the-Box Details

The Marketing Cloud is designed to integrate a user’s CRM or marketing automation platforms into the cloud, analyzing intent signals and providing buyer insights through machine learning, AI and natural language processing capabilities. These insights include:

  • Campaign insights and performance analytics;
  • Programmatic advertising;
  • Content syndication; and
  • All stages of demand generation.

The service also has an Identity Graph designed to match and link intent data signals, providing users with an omnichannel view of buying groups and their individual customers.

Who It’s For

The True Influence Marketing Cloud is designed for B2B marketing and sales teams with a CRM or marketing automation platform.

What Makes It Special

The True Influence Marketing Cloud provides a comprehensive view of a business’ demand generation data from a single platform, removing the need for integrating multiple channels to multiple locations.


True Influence
103 Carnegie Center Drive, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540

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No Playbook, No Problem: 3 Steps To (Re)build Pipeline In 2020 Fri, 05 Jun 2020 23:57:31 +0000 Jodi HeadshotWe're all familiar with the usual content flow for the first quarter of the year. It's usually chock-full of titles such as “How to do XYZ in 2020” or “5 Top XYZ Trends for 2020,” — the list goes on. Hey, we did it too, because the first quarter is usually a good time to reset and refocus priorities. But all that first-quarter advice has come to a screeching halt, and to be honest, we've been left with no real playbook to win in 2020.

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Jodi HeadshotWe’re all familiar with the usual content flow for the first quarter of the year. It’s usually chock-full of titles such as “How to do XYZ in 2020” or “5 Top XYZ Trends for 2020,” — the list goes on. Hey, we did it too, because the first quarter is usually a good time to reset and refocus priorities. But all that first-quarter advice has come to a screeching halt, and to be honest, we’ve been left with no real playbook to win in 2020.

 We can’t count how many emails have overflown your inbox “hoping” you’re doing well in these “uncertain times.” Of course, we hope that. But when it comes down to it, the current climate impacts all of us one way or another. Even for those who’ve found some positivity, there’s likely still a sense of discomfort that accompanies necessary change. Your customers and prospects are looking for you to appeal to their very real day-to-day struggles, forcing you to become more aware of your approach than ever.

Your Pipeline Rebound

So, what can you do? We put our own internal playbook to the test and walked away with three clear steps that other B2B marketers can take to rebuild what may have been hit in the wake of waving goodbye to the status quo.

1. Get crystal clear on fit, engagement and intent signals (starting with your low-hanging fruit).

While it seems logical, we often forget that when resources are tight and expectations are high, you need to ingest as many ready-to-buy signals as possible to prioritize your investments and actions. This looks like analyzing three core buckets when making your target account list (TAL):

Fit: We’ve often internally coined this as “fit-first,” since it gives you a known landscape to explore when figuring out who would be a fit for your product. If an account doesn’t match key firmographic or technographic attributes (company size, industry, revenue, location, etc.), then all the “intent” signals in the world can’t really make up for this. So, to start, make sure you either take into account or readjust your customer profile. That may look like removing industries hard-hit by economic downturn or looking at new attributes if your product offering has shifted.

Intent: Once you’re solid on clear fit attributes, you can begin to layer in intent signals. If you have a handful of topics you know someone should be searching for, keep tabs on when those topics surge and add them to your list. If you are in the security space, that may look like ingesting articles on cybersecurity trends or searching for general industry tips.

Engagement: Last but not least, engagement should target your low-hanging fruit. If you have accounts or buyers who have been visiting product-focused pages or pricing pages, this gives you the insight that they are much further into the buying process than someone who is potentially skimming your blog every few weeks.

2. Kick-off three channels to maximize reach within your new list.

Now you have a list of your most-likely-to-buy prospects packaged up in a target account list (TAL). Instead of spreading your marketing budget thin across any and all accounts or buyers, you now can funnel those investments where they’ll actually show results. There are three channels we’ve been leveraging internally that marketers can see results within three weeks:

Display Advertising: Hearing the phrase “double down on digital” over and over? Well, there’s a reason. This is your avenue to meeting unknown buyers in your new target account list (something in-person events used to supply often). Test personalization by company or industry, adding extra likelihood of them engaging with your brand.

Email: Already have a pool of known prospects? Now’s the time to stand out in their inbox, which means not repeating the same messaging across email. Be direct and offer something valuable. Try to send your top-tier accounts a relevant guide or E-book with their company name on the cover and a personal note.

Sales follow-up: Tired of hearing the marketing spiel about marketing and sales alignment? Well, there’s a reason you hear it so often. Don’t forget to involve your sales team in each campaign you launch, as they’re one of the strongest channels. Enable them with a talk track and personalized follow-up email templates. You can even include a quick video to stand out.

3. Get clear on campaign performance metrics and quantify how you’re building future demand.

Your traditional campaign response metric may not cut it to show real impact. Instead, you’ll want to shift to measuring this through the lens of your new TAL. This includes showing a 360-degree view of accounts targeted, TAL responses generated, TAL meetings booked, and, you guessed it, this lens throughout the rest of the funnel.

Beyond that, you’ll start to notice value over volume is a clear trend. Instead of reporting a generic number of responses to your sales team, you’ll be able to tell them why they’re valuable to your business.

One tip to always keep in mind is your ability to report on multi-touch attribution (MTA). With each of these actions geared toward your TAL, you may only see a response to a sales outbound message, which would then be sorted under last-touch sales attributed. To understand the full value of each marketing touch, you’ll need to set yourself up for success with MTA.

Jodi Cerretani is the Director of Demand Generation at RollWorks. In this role, she is charged with driving qualified pipeline through a mix of account-based and traditional marketing. Jodi has been working in B2B marketing and sales technology for nearly 10 years and loves the responsibility and thrill of contributing directly to the bottom line. In her free time, you can find Jodi enjoying a hike or a bike ride with her family in sunny and beautiful Boulder, Colorado. 

Ready to kickstart your own 2020 rebound? Check out our latest guide, 3 Account-Based Steps to (Re)build Pipeline: The B2B Marketer’s Must-Have Playbook, to fuel your marketing and sales engine.

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6sense & Bombora Partner To Add Intent Data To Engagement Platform Mon, 18 May 2020 13:06:41 +0000 6sense, an account-based engagement platform, has partnered with intent data aggregator Bombora to integrate Bombora's Company Surge data with the 6sense Account Engagement Platform.

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6sense, an account-based engagement platform, has partnered with intent data aggregator Bombora to integrate Bombora’s Company Surge data with the 6sense Account Engagement Platform.

This partnership will allow Bombora’s Company Surge data to be visible on 6sense’s intent and engagement platform and will provide signals, buyer research data and search history for. By integrating the solution with 6sense’s platform, joint customers are positioned to utilize the intent data to identify a wider range of target accounts, create a more accurate view of B2B industry, understand buyer behavior and improve custom.

“As part of our mission to deliver the most comprehensive account engagement platform on the market, we’re constantly expanding the data sources and insights our customers can use to focus their sales and marketing efforts,” said Viral Bajaria, CTO and Co-Founder of 6sense, in a statement. “Joint customers can now leverage Bombora intent data with 6sense’s robust segmentation, analytics and engagement features to shine a light on their Dark Funnel™ and engage the best accounts for their sales and marketing teams.”

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Infogroup Launches New Intent Data Capability Wed, 29 Apr 2020 18:41:32 +0000 Infogroup, provider of data and data-driven marketing solutions, has launched a new intent data feature within its Data Axle offering, a real-time data delivery tool. The feature is designed to combine intent datawith Infogroup's known business data to support account-targeting strategies via real-time API feeds.

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Infogroup, provider of data and data-driven marketing solutions, has launched a new intent data feature within its Data Axle offering, a real-time data delivery tool. The feature is designed to combine intent datawith Infogroup’s known business data to support account-targeting strategies via real-time API feeds.

The offering aims to provide marketers with more accurate intent data that businesses can implement into their marketing strategies. It is designed to analyze customers’ signals of interest in B2B products and services via multiple channels to help users create more efficient account-based marketing, customer prioritization, lead generation and ad targeting strategies.

“The combination of our industry-leading data assets and new intent signals enables us to seamlessly target decision-makers at in-market business locations,” said Michael Iaccarino, Infogroup Chairman and CEO, in a statement. “We’re using multiple partners to provide maximum coverage; and while other intent data providers primarily rely on topic licensing and programmatic efforts, we can work through all marketing channels to ensure the highest conversion rates for our customers.”

Prior to the announcement, Demand Gen Report sat down with Jeff Adee, SVP & General Manager, B2B at Infogroup, to learn more about the intent data capability.

Demand Gen Report: Intent has really blown up recently. Why is now the right time for Infogroup to start offering it?

Jeff Adee: We’ve had intent data in-house for about four or five months now — since Q4 of last year — to run against client programs. Marketers are getting more specific about who they’re trying to target, and obviously being more careful with their marketing spend. So, we wanted to make our data more actionable and intent is one way to do that. If we can get intent signals that equal anybody else in the marketplace as far as vocational coverage, topic coverage, scores and those types of things, we should have a pretty powerful combination.

DGR: Tell me a little bit about the actual intent insights. What else can users expect from this offering? What kind of data/insights can marketers really gather from it?

Adee: We have multiple partners that already gather intent data. So, we’re bringing those in and combining them into one large intent data set. And that’s what gives us the list in coverage over a single provider. So we see surges in intent based on online behavior, content address, keyword searches, and all the main online behaviors that people do in their business decision making effort. So we see those from all the different partners that we have right now. So not only do we have the keywords sorted into intent categories or topics, we also have the scores that the providers put on there. And then, on a vocational basis, we’re able to append those intent figures to the individuals that we have on our Infogroup B2B asset.

DGR: Are there any initial use cases that you could share? Has there been anything unique that you’ve seen customers or beta customers doing with the new data?

Adee: It is currently being utilized as a selection tool to narrow down a universe of prospects. In the past, people would come in and say, ‘Here is our best profile customer, here is the business IP code and job functions or title.’ In the past, that model would give us up to 100,000 names. Now we can say ‘OK, we can provide the same IP, same job, function title, same employee size criteria, but locations that are surging in the specific product or solution that marketer is actually selling.’ So those 100,000 names, turn to just 5000 names or 7500 names — it’s a much more fine-tuned marketplace of people that are in market for that specific solution.

The second thing that we’re doing that we’re seeing is on an intent basis, whether it be a client, internal profit file or internal house file. They can send that file over to us to find out who’s in market right now. Same thing on an acquisition and retention basis — we can make sure they don’t have heightened customer attrition numbers. They getting to the right people when they’re ready to re-purchase.

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RollWorks & Bombora Partner To Launch Intent Offering Mon, 27 Apr 2020 14:37:10 +0000 RollWorks, an account-based platform, has partnered with intent data aggregator Bombora to launch Account Intent as a part of their platform's Identification solution. The newctool is designed to identify in-market companies based on buyer's intent, allowing B2B marketers to make informed decisions about which accounts to target in their ABM strategy.

The post RollWorks & Bombora Partner To Launch Intent Offering appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

RollWorks, an account-based platform, has partnered with intent data aggregator Bombora to launch Account Intent as a part of their platform’s Identification solution. The newctool is designed to identify in-market companies based on buyer’s intent, allowing B2B marketers to make informed decisions about which accounts to target in their ABM strategy.


Account Intent will use Bombora’s Surge Score solution, which aims to help identify active accounts faster by integrating the solution directly into RollWork’s Account-Based Platform, allowing marketers to properly gauge how active a target account activity by intent percentage.

“We are thrilled that this partnership with Bombora allows our customers to take advantage of Account Intent data in a seamless way within the RollWorks Account-Based Platform so they can win new business and drive account growth at scale,” said Mike Stocker, VP of Strategic Partnerships at RollWorks, in a statement. “RollWorks chose to partner with Bombora because its Company Surge ® Score data uniquely measures intent signals across many data and content sources, establishes a baseline of activity for specific accounts, and then measures account-based increases in content consumption around specific topics.”

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