MRP Prelytix - Demand Gen Report Tue, 12 Mar 2024 17:28:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MRP Prelytix - Demand Gen Report 32 32 ServiceNow Increased Sales-Created Pipeline By 3X Wed, 18 May 2022 15:50:57 +0000 ServiceNow is a cloud computing platform designed to help companies manage digital workflows. The company's goal was to have its field marketing managers be the last mile to ensure all teams were operating off the same data to initiate outreach at the right team and with the right messaging following the company's rapid growth.

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ServiceNow is a cloud computing platform designed to help companies manage digital workflows. The company’s goal was to have its field marketing managers be the last mile to ensure all teams were operating off the same data to initiate outreach at the right team and with the right messaging following the company’s rapid growth.

“We’ve seen massive growth lately, which led to the creation of additional product lines and the desire to break out in different regions,” explained Heather Rath, ServiceNow’s Director of Field Marketing West. “There’s a lot of complexity as we look at sales’ needs and priorities, and if we break out a new industry team, they might have different priorities than an existing core team.”

The Problem

Rath’s problem was all in the name: As the company’s Director of Field Marketing West, she didn’t have much expertise or insights into the accounts that would operate out of ServiceNow’s East Coast buying centers. In addition to identifying geographic specificity, Rath also wanted to:

  • Enhance the data fueling mid- and post-funnel ABM strategies; and
  • Promote stronger collaboration between sales and marketing.

“Ultimately, our priority is to drive new and accelerate open pipeline to close — we’re not looking at loose metrics,” said Heather Rath. “But when we’re delivering interactions, engagements or account insights to sales, we want to make sure we’re delivering the most qualified, sales-ready engagement and the most up to date information and materials to sales to ensure we’re starting that conversation at the right time.”

And, in terms of the Western enterprise’s already existing ~1600 accounts, Rath wanted to ensure her team was focused on post-lead engagement for each account to ensure it was being targeted with the appropriate strategy and messaging. As Rath puts it, “our ultimate goal was to connect marketing awareness to sales readiness.”

“When we talk about post-lead engagement, we want to ensure we have the right programs with the right messages to support those open opportunities and drive them to close,” she continued. “However, we can’t use the same tactics across the full funnel, because messaging will be different dependent upon the industry, persona and intent data we’re receiving.”

She continued that she wanted to build a pathway to connect marketing awareness to sales readiness.

“The handoff, or insights, we deliver to sales is what’s most critical to the campaign — so often we’re executing programs, whether it’s a live event or online program, it’s always important to ask, ‘Why is this important?’ Why are we asking sales to do this?’” explained Rath. “We wanted to make sales more successful as we look across all stages of the funnel and promote that ABM mentality.”

The Solution

ServiceNow adopted MRP Prelytix, an enterprise ABM platform, to leverage its analytic capabilities to synchronize efforts across both field marketing and campaign teams. By leveraging MRP’s insights and orchestration capabilities, Rath was able to seamlessly move top-of-funnel marketing leads into mid- and post-funnel sales leads.

On the geographic side, MRP analytics helped Rath identify what region intent signals were coming from so her team could act accordingly with the right messaging. For example, if the signal’s coming from San Jose, that would indicate a retention play is needed; if it’s originating from Charlotte, that could indicate a new acquisition.

“The great thing about the analytics tool is that we can get laser-focused not only on the geography and region, but also home in on specific accounts that might need additional support,” Rath explained. “We’ve been able to build micro clusters, if you will, that enable us to get very targeted on specific personas, intent, propensity or buying groups to execute successful campaigns.”

She continued that the team is also leveraging “two-touch” campaigns, which wrap a broader, early-stage outreach with a more targeted direct mail campaign. Rath emphasized that campaign follow up is “critical.”

“We collaborate most with extended marketing campaign and product management teams to ensure we have the right messaging, and then we connect with our inside sales and solution sales experts to ensure they’re driving the follow-up,” said Rath.

The Results

To best showcase ServiceNow’s results from the MRP ABM implementation, Rath cited a specific campaign she ran for a vaccine management company that required her team to quickly pivot and leverage insights and data to formulate a success campaign on the fly.

She explained that her team was able to prioritize accounts that were searching for specific keywords based on certain solutions that target personas and accounts ServiceNow did or did not own. As a result of its efforts, the team saw 3X sales-created pipeline.

“Collaboration is so important — not only at the top of the funnel but through the funnel,” explained Rath. “Being able to leverage these intelligent insights and meet accounts where they are is key to our business, in addition to ensuring we’re delivering the most pertinent information at the right time. The more actionable and qualified insights we can deliver to sales is just going to increase that trust and level of partnership. Having everyone on the same page and striving toward the same goal is really important.”

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MRP Prelytix To Host Virtual Event For Enterprise-Class ABM Thu, 04 Nov 2021 16:04:18 +0000 Screen Shot 2021 11 04 at 12.11.32 PMMRP Prelytix, an enterprise-class predictive account-based sales and marketing platform provider, will host "Enterprise ABM: From Complexity to Clarity, Your Roadmap to Success" on Nov. 11, 2021. The virtual summit will bring together industry analysts, researchers and the enterprise marketing community to discuss the challenges and requirements of enterprise ABM.

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Screen Shot 2021 11 04 at 12.11.32 PMMRP Prelytix, an enterprise-class predictive account-based sales and marketing platform provider, will host “Enterprise ABM: From Complexity to Clarity, Your Roadmap to Success” on Nov. 11, 2021. The virtual summit will bring together industry analysts, researchers and the enterprise marketing community to discuss the challenges and requirements of enterprise ABM.

Joined by executives and experts from Google, AMD, Infinite Blue, Demand Metric, Forrester Research and more, the event will explore:

  • New ways to coordinate insights and actions across teams, platforms, channels and prospects worldwide;
  • Measurement best practices to help gauge the true impact of ABM programs;
  • Visions, successes and predictions on the future of enterprise ABM; and
  • A preview of the new MRP Prelytix ABM platform designed to advance enterprise administration and collaboration, data management, intelligent insights, omnichannel orchestration and revenue-based metrics for global buyer engagement.

“MRP is thrilled to offer this unique event for the global B2B marketing community,” said Pierre Custeau, CTO of MRP, in a statement. ​“In today’s B2B world, it’s all about making meaningful connections that last. We’ll highlight industry trends seen across intent data, privacy, predictive analytics, customer experience, orchestration, measurement and so much more. All enterprise marketers are welcome to join the discussion with speakers from across the globe as we separate theory from truth and chart a course to ABM maturity and performance.”

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Q&A With MRP’s Scott Matthews: How Predictive Data Is Impacting ABM & SaaS Technology Tue, 10 Aug 2021 12:55:15 +0000 ScottMatthews2With B2B buyers demanding personalized buyer experiences that mimic their consumer experiences, marketers have adopted new data-driven strategies to enrich their outreach. Furthermore, as organizations continue to double down on ABM, they have begun to leverage new data sets such as intent signals, buyer preferences and more to build buyer and customer experiences that drive engagement.

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ScottMatthews2With B2B buyers demanding personalized buyer experiences that mimic their consumer experiences, marketers have adopted new data-driven strategies to enrich their outreach. Furthermore, as organizations continue to double down on ABM, they have begun to leverage new data sets such as intent signals, buyer preferences and more to build buyer and customer experiences that drive engagement.

Scott Matthews, the new CEO of MRP Prelytix, sat down with Demand Gen Report to discuss his recent appointment and the future of MRP in the B2B SaaS technology space. He also dove into how the B2B buyer experience has changed in 2021, the impact predictive data is having on ABM programs and how SaaS technology can help marketers provide value and increase revenue.

Demand Gen Report: How has technology and customer experience impacted the way marketers do ABM in 2021?

Scott Matthews: The Covid-19 pandemic forced a sudden shift to remote operations and radically changed the way B2B firms reach prospects. Sales and marketing teams are almost entirely reliant on digital signals and connections to surface prospects, identify qualified leads and close the right deals.

The great thing about digital is that every signal can be harnessed and processed. This shift should be a tremendous advantage to gain new insights into customer needs and behaviors and connect the right message with the right buyer at the right time, all the time, and everywhere. Instead, companies are struggling due in large part to disconnected platforms and a lack of data orchestration.

Structurally, enterprise organizations today have sophisticated go-to-market approaches. Most ABM solutions are not equal to the challenge of supporting large enterprise teams who need to collaborate on programs across multiple product lines and geographies. But without a unified ABM approach and technology platform, costs explode and teams market at cross purposes, sowing confusion and even frustration among target accounts.

DGR: Data has always been vital for ABM, but the types of data marketers are using changes constantly. How are you planning to help MRP adapt to those changing data types?

Matthews: With rapid digitization in recent years, not only have channels multiplied, but so has the accuracy of data and disruptions to the buyer experience. Unfortunately, much of the data is unintelligible because it’s disconnected and incapable of delivering the company-level information needed to discover in-market accounts and pinpoint their topics of interest.

To optimize marketing actions, enterprises must simplify the enterprise operating environment, take control of data and leverage every channel at their disposal to connect with target accounts. This includes capturing intent data in multiple languages with full geographic context to indicate buyer location and buyer centers, as well as marrying this true intent data with predictive analytics to prioritize accounts and identify the next-best action across all channels.

The MRP platform combines real-time capabilities for harnessing intent data with predictive analytics to identify and score an account’s stage in the funnel, as well as the priority, timing and likelihood of action. Marketers can act on intent data in milliseconds, connecting with identified target accounts almost instantaneously with the right message to engage their goals and interests.

DGR: As the CEO of CrowdTwist, you innovated the concept of loyalty as a person-based behavior that can be modeled using predictive analytics and actioned using communication tools. Do you have plans for implementing this innovation at MRP? What are the first steps?

Matthews: MRP and CrowdTwist are built around the same concept of using data in new ways to reach and engage customers in a contextually relevant way. When I started at CrowdTwist, our idea was to look at the people buying a product or service, figure out how and why they behave the way they do and model this behavior across web, mobile and social to predict the best action to engage them. 

At MRP, we’re taking intent signals from hundreds of thousands of places and systems, processing first- and third-party data to predict buyers’ next likely action, and then orchestrating the right tactic of communication and resolution of the intent.  MRP is evolving its ABM model to increase the probability of success on behalf of our customer and deliver better results with less effort and higher payback.

DGR: Considering your experience in the SaaS and technology spaces, there’s bound to be some carry-over. How do you feel your expertise has prepared you to lead at MRP?

Matthews: This is my third role as CEO of a SaaS-based company, so I’ve had the chance to really understand how to build sustainable software businesses that have high percentages of recurring revenue. This includes delivering very high value and very low churn rates for the constituencies who use our software. 

The bottom line is that we are successful when our customers are successful. It comes down to prioritizing management and strategically investing in the right opportunities.  At MRP, we are overwhelmingly investing in technology to continue our leadership position. We will spend 3X more money in R&D this year than last, and this investment in our platform will extend our differentiation of features and functionality for our customers.

DGR: What is your vision to lead MRP to deliver truly personalized and orchestrated experiences for B2B organizations? What do you think it will take to get there?

Matthews: Technology and scale are going to win. It’s that simple.

Therefore, we continue to make such investments in our technology so that it can parse through billions of pieces of data in real-time to allow marketing to make far more efficient decisions as to who they should contact, when and with what precise message. The goal is to make the top of the funnel much more stratified than it currently is, and use intent signals to move a buyer through the sales cycle in the most condensed timeline possible

This is achieved by building a world-class platform that can process a huge volume of data in real-time, not as static chunks. The platform ingests more than 1.7 trillion signals a month to drive superior outcomes and fuels enterprise marketing excellence with analytics that are 50X faster than Hadoop, while requiring one twelfth of the resources. So, we are well equipped to help enterprise marketers turn data into incredible outcomes. The global scope of MRP, and our ability to capture and use intent data worldwide, sets us apart.

DGR: Customer value is becoming more and more essential to generating revenue. How do you plan on helping MRP provide customer value through its platform?

Matthews: One way is by delivering far better and more efficient integrations with other large enterprise systems to both show our ROI and prove quantitatively that the MRP platform is returning multiple times on every dollar spent. It’ll also make it faster and easier to move first, second and third-party data in and out of our platform. We’re putting a lot of emphasis on integration to ensure a seamless environment versus the siloed environment that plagues many marketing departments today.

Another important driver of value is collaboration. We are focused on how we can best connect marketing teams and their functional experts in a collaborative environment that enables them to share a real-time view of each target account and coordinate their actions at each. We are also looking at how non-technical people can create and adjust AI and ML models — no black boxes here — to take control and truly optimize sales and marketing programs. We envision a world where organizations are empowered to collaborate and win through MRP.

DGR: Where do you hope to take MRP in the next few years?

Matthews: Innovation is tantamount. If we can’t innovate and lead through technology, nothing else will matter. You will see us make increasingly higher investments in technology that continue to expand the capabilities and value of our platform. Our customers don’t want to be integrators. They don’t want to have to stitch together a bunch of small solutions. Instead, they are looking for a single platform that is seamlessly integrated — and this is what we will give them. 

In the months ahead, we will continue to expand on the global nature of our company and the multiple channels of execution, which is what our customers value so much today in MRP.

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Buzzworthy B2B: The Latest News & Trends From May 2021 Wed, 02 Jun 2021 12:10:12 +0000 Welcome back to Demand Gen Report‘s blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop. Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout May […]

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Welcome back to Demand Gen Report‘s blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop. Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout May 2021 below!

Movers & Shakers

As it turns out, May was the month of executive leadership expansion. Keep reading to find out the latest who’s who in the C-suite.

Ceros Welcomes New CMO & VP of Business Development, Partnerships

Content creation firm Ceros expanded its executive leadership team through the appointments of Jamie Gier as CMO and Tom Hewitt as VP, Business Development and Partnerships. The new hires will lead brand and marketing strategies, expand partnerships and customer experiences.

Reachdesk Appoints New CEO

Reachdesk, a direct mail and corporate gifting company, hired Temy Mancusi-Ungaro as its new CEO. Mancusi-Ungaro brings 14 years of experience in scaling businesses to spearhead the company’s growth.

Pricefx Expands Executive Team

Cloud-native pricing software Pricefx welcomed Ronak Sheth as President and Chief Revenue Officer to oversee the newly unified marketing, sales, ecosystem and customer organizations.

Money Makers

Seed funding — specifically Series B — was the name of the game this month, as two organizations secured multi-million-dollar investments to improve key areas of their platforms and strategies.

Qualified Completes Series B Funding After Year Of 800% Revenue Growth

In a Series B funding round, conversational sales and marketing platform Qualified raised $51 million in collaboration with Salesforce Venture and existing investors Norwest Venture Partners and Redpoint Ventures. The company will use the funding to innovate products and expand its engineering, sales, marketing and customer success teams.

PartnerStack Secures $29M In Series B Funding Round

PartnerStack, a SaaS platform for partner and performance marketing, closed a Series B funding round after generating $29 million. The company intends to invest into recruiting more high-value partnerships, enhancing the platform to enable easier company/partner discovery, improving built-in payments and automation technologies and scaling go-to-market efforts.

Heads Up

It’s no secret that the B2B marketing world — and the world in general — is entering another phase of transformation as normalcy resumes. To help aid marketing teams in today’s constantly changing world, here are some various platform updates, ideologies and advice for B2B teams.

Forrester Debuts Next-Generation B2B Revenue Waterfall To Help Firms Accelerate Revenue Growth

During the 2021 Forrester B2B Summit, Forrester revealed its next-generation B2B revenue waterfall, which is designed to help firms accelerate opportunity development and revenue growth. The model seeks to help drive new pipeline and revenue opportunities in current accounts, turn buyers into advocates and fuel demand gen activities.

Adobe Summit 2021 Highlighted The Changing Digital Landscape & Associated Pain Points

Throughout the two-day Adobe Summit 2021, the focus revolved around the need to fully embrace the digital medium by revealing a series of solutions to help organizations deliver the digital engagement customers are seeking. Through the help of various celebrities — including Serena Williams and Dan Levy — more than 400 sessions, training workshops and community activities examined the future of a world paved by digital experiences.

Diversifying Virtual Events For Continued Success

Though the industry is starting to return to some sense of normalcy, virtual events and their hybrid counterparts are here to stay — just on a smaller scale. Demand Gen Report’s 2021 State of Virtual Events Report highlighted the transition of virtual events from over-the-top experiences to more personalized, targeted affairs.

The Need To Create Intimate & Engaging Digital Experiences

With digital experiences likely to remain a key component of marketers’ arsenals, organizations are turning to experiential gatherings — such as virtual wine tastings and online cooking classes—to promote attendance and engagement. To help organizations create immersive experiences, the What’s Working In Digital Experiences Report dives into the tactics that are promoting high levels of digital engagement.

Drift Releases New Sales Enablement Solutions

Conversational marketing platform Drift rolled out Fastlane and Sales Seat, two new solutions designed to help sales teams convert buyers with intent while re-routing lower priority leads and acting on intent signals through chat, email and/or video to deliver personalized messages.

SugarCRM Refines AI Model

Customer experience platform SugarCRM revamped the artificial intelligence (AI) and automation capabilities within the SugarPredict platform to improve its predictive lead scoring capabilities.

Stand-Out Stats

Although organizations have been rolling out solutions to address the changes in selling brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of investments are still being made to fully refine and improve the process, including:

  • 83% of content consumed by the pandemic equaled the total amount of content consumed in 2019, according to NetLine research.
  • MRP Prelytix research found that 99% of marketers plan to increase or sustain their investment in ABM in the year ahead.
  • 54% of sales reps in Forrester’s latest sales activity study indicated that the loss of face-to-face meetings negatively impacted their ability to meet sales quotas.
  • Intercom research revealed that 69% of support leaders believe that strong customer relationships are built through personalized support experiences.
  • 77% of sales professionals say their sales organization plans to invest “significantly more” or “more” in sales intelligence tools, according to LinkedIn’s State of Sales Report 2021: North America Edition.

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#COSeries21 Preview: B2B Marketers Adopt New Priorities For Global Digital Marketing Campaigns Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:02:48 +0000 With B2B continuing to live and thrive in the digital space, marketers are hunting for new ways to engage their virtual buyers and audiences. As a result, marketers are seriously considering new tools and tactics to revamp their campaigns and reach their target buyers in an engaging and satisfying manner.

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With B2B continuing to live and thrive in the digital space, marketers are hunting for new ways to engage their virtual buyers and audiences. As a result, marketers are seriously considering new tools and tactics to revamp their campaigns and reach their target buyers in an engaging and satisfying manner.

The 2021 Campaign Optimization Series, hosted by Demand Gen Report, will put a spotlight on how modern marketers are renewing their focus on high-touch engagement strategies that reach buyers at their key accounts. It will also explore new ways to blend those strategies with digital initiatives to help organizations remain relevant in the digital age.

This year’s virtual event will feature multiple sessions from B2B vendors, practitioners, influencers and experts that explore how marketers have successfully navigated digital marketing, and where they plan to take their strategies going forward into 2021. Some of the topics they will explore during the #COSeries include ABM, experience-driven marketing, global marketing, martech, data-driven strategies and more!

Account-Based Experiences Take Center Stage

With many companies doubling down on ABM, marketing teams are exploring new approaches to the typical ABM formula to drive account engagement and move buyers through their journeys.

One session from Demandbase titled, “Evolve your B2B Go-to-Market Strategy with Account-Based Experience (ABX),” will explore marketing leaders’ new focus on creating ABM experiences designed for specific accounts at every stage of the buyer’s journey. The session will also discuss how aligning go-to-market strategies with various stages of the buyer’s journey drives engagement and revenue.

Marketing leaders are also reevaluating how their ABM strategies can adapt to the cookie-less world, which has impacted their ABM programs’ ability to target and engage accounts. In Triblio‘s session, “ABM Campaigns in a Post-Cookie World,” CEO Andre Yee will highlight the importance of proofing ABM programs impacted by the loss of third-party cookie data. Yee will also discuss some of the new technology and initiatives marketers can use to help future-proof their ABM strategies and campaigns.

Additional ABM-focused sessions will include:

  • “Optimizing Optimization: Why Up Leveling Your ABM Means More Than Engagement” with RollWorks; and
  • “Top 3 Ways To Architect Micro-targeted Buyer Journeys At Scale, Featuring Qlik” with Folloze.

B2B Campaigns Go Global, And Digital Marketers With Them

Marketers are scaling their marketing campaigns for the global stage and are looking to be more precise when marketing to global accounts.

In a session from Integrate titled, “Building A Global Demand With Precision At Scale,” Leslie Alore, Global VP of Growth Marketing at Ivanti will join Integrate’s Scott Vaughan to explore the importance of organizational and new data models to create precise, impactful global marketing campaigns. Alore will dive deep into how Ivanti’s journey with precise demand marketing strategies has allowed them to drive leads and overhaul management.

Another session from MRP titled, “5 ABM Strategies That Foster Human Connections At A Global Scale,” will spotlight some of the new tactics enterprise B2B marketers are leveraging to improve their scalability. The session will explore how changing target lists and shifting roles of marketers are key factors to consider when scaling global marketing campaigns, and how savvy marketers leverage new tools and personalized content to overhaul their global go-to-market strategies.

Additional sessions involving digital B2B on a global scale will include:

  • “The Power Of Meal-Based Marketing In The Digital Era” with Grubhub;
  • “How To Win In The Era Of Human-to-Human Engagement” with Sendoso; and
  • “Increase Campaign ROI With Conversational Marketing” with Drift.

Leveraging Content & Data For More Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Content and data have always been essential for B2B marketing, but marketers are now looking for new ways to leverage content and data in their go-to-market campaigns to improve not only engagement but pipeline and ROI as well.

In a session from SurveyMonkey, titled “Standing Out Using Data-Backed Customer Engagement Strategies,” Chris Dalton, Program Manager of Customer Stories, will explain how customer feedback data can help marketers personalize their engagement and empathize with buyers’ needs. The session will also explore a previous conversation Dalton had with Corrina Owens, Director of Marketing at Profisee, to discuss the importance of maintaining a holistic view of the buyer’s journey through data.

On the content side, a session from Vidyard, titled “Watch This! Insanely Creative Ideas For Engaging Key Accounts With 1:1 Personalized Videos” will highlight how video content can be used to engage buyers at key accounts. The session will explore the power of 1:1 video content, and how customized video content help marketers improve their campaign engagement while improving their marketing automation.

There will also be additional sessions based around content marketing and data-driven strategies, including:

  • “Using Purchase Formulas To Build The Perfect Inbound Pipeline” with MarketingProfs;
  • “Best-Selling Content: Storytelling Frameworks That Crush Engagement KPIs With Key Accounts” with Content4Demand;
  • “The Importance Of Data Across The Customer Lifecycle: How To Ensure Your Data Helps You Cultivate Engagement Throughout The Funnel” with Validity; and
  • “The New Marketing Imperative: Audience-First & Experience-Driven” with ON24.

Watch all of these sessions and more live on May 10-14 to learn about all the new digital initiatives and strategies marketers are using to overhaul their marketing campaigns in 2021. Register for the Campaign Optimization Series here and you could even score a free lunch!

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MRP Prelytix Promotes Pierre Custeau To CTO Thu, 22 Apr 2021 21:40:56 +0000 1PierreCusteauMRP Prelytix, a predictive ABM platform, promoted its Senior VP of Product Pierre Custeau to Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Custeau will be responsible for expanding enterprise marketing buyers' ability to forge meaningful, personalized customer relationships. He will report directly to the company's new CEO Scott Matthews.

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1PierreCusteauMRP Prelytix, a predictive ABM platform, promoted its Senior VP of Product Pierre Custeau to Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Custeau will be responsible for expanding enterprise marketing buyers’ ability to forge meaningful, personalized customer relationships. He will report directly to the company’s new CEO Scott Matthews.

Custeau has more than 20 years of marketing technology and global product leadership experience. As MRP’s Senior VP of Product, he helped expand the company’s use of AI and machine learning data to generate higher responses, pipeline and revenue. He also served as VP of Product Management for Oracle Eloqua and in multiple senior consulting, R&D and product management roles at Aptean, Infor and more.

“Pierre’s product leadership has been vital in establishing MRP as the only enterprise-class ABM platform and the first choice for ABM success for large global organizations with sophisticated marketing and sales teams,” said Matthews in a statement. “As CTO, his vision and expertise ensure that our clients’ success remains at the center as we prepare to once again raise the bar on enterprise ABM with the next version of MRP Prelytix.”

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Buzzworthy B2B: The Latest News & Trends From March 2021 Wed, 31 Mar 2021 13:33:29 +0000

Welcome back to Demand Gen Report's blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We've spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop! Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout March 2021 below!

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Welcome back to Demand Gen Report‘s blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop! Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout March 2021 below!

Movers & Shakers

True to form, March came in like a lion with council creations, promotions, M&A activity and new hires. 

PFL Promotes Nick Runyon To President

Nick Runyon, who joined tactile marketing automation solution PFL in 2019 as CMO, was promoted to the company’s President

Clearbit Welcomes CEO

Clearbit, a provider of market intelligence software, appointed Ross Moser as its CEO. Previously, Moser spent 10 years at SurveyMonkey in various leadership roles and, prior to that, led Google’s Product & Operational Team.

DemandGen International Merges With BDO USA

DemandGen International, provider of digital marketing strategy and technology services, merged with BDO Digital, a subsidiary of BDO USA, to strengthen and expand the range of services and solutions available in BDO Digital. All current staff are expected to stay on.

Seismic Appoints VP OfInclusion

Sales and marketing enablement software provider Seismic hired Donna DeBerry as its VP of Inclusion. In her role, DeBerry will build a diverse and inclusive workforce and company culture.


MRP Prelytix, a predictive ABM platform, welcomed Scott Matthews as its new CEOPreviously, Matthews founded and oversaw the acquisition of Webcollage and most recently served as CEO of CrowdTwist, a Saas platform.

Clari Creates Revenue Operations Council

Clari, a revenue operations (RevOps) platform, formed the Revenue Operations Council. The Council’s purpose is to provide market education on strategy, best practices and professional development to the worldwide RevOps community.

Money Makers

Hey, must be the money!… because the following companies raised millions in seed and venture debt funding and total yearly revenue.

6Sense Generates $125M In Series D Funding

6sense, an account engagement platform, raised $125 million in Series D funding, bringing its valuation to $2.1 billion. The new capital will be used to catalyze growth initiatives and further accelerate its product roadmap.

ON24 Announces Full Year & Q4 Results

Digital experience provider ON24 achieved a total revenue of $53.3 million in Q4 of 2020, bringing the company’s full year revenue to $156.9 million.The total revenue represents a 76% increase year-over-year.

Banzai Raises $15M In Venture Debt Funding

Banzai, an event platform, closed a round of venture debt funding that generated $15 million. The company will use the capital to enhance its platform.

Demoflow Secures $4M In Total Seed Funding

Demoflow, a startup platform that promotes sales team collaboration, raised $2.4 million in its second seed funding round, bringing its total seed funding to $4 million. The new funding follows an initial $1.6millionin seed funding in November 2020.

Head’s Up

Sure, people were promoted and money was made, butlet’s dive into the nitty-gritty of new marketing strategies and discuss where B2B leaders see them going. 

There’s no shortage of trends in demand generation, but the recent adaptation to digital strategies has bled over into 2021 and will shape demand gen strategies for years to come. This includes innovating ways of connecting with prospects through a reliance on data and intent signals. 

Organizations are increasing their reliance on AI to help score leads through first- and third-party intent data. Through AI-powered lead scoring, leads are ranked by their likelihood to convert through the analysis of on-site actions and keeping a log of visitors. 

Prospects don’t want just another marketing pitch — they want first-hand accounts that outline a solution’s quality and the success they’ll see. Through consistent brand messaging, aligned internal communication and a customer-centric approach, B2B organizations are turning buyers from satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Stand-Out Stats

We know, we knowAt first glance, some ofthese statistics look a little bit troubling. It’s nothing to worry about, though — wherever there’s a problem, we know a guidethat can help.

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MRP Appoints Scott Matthews As New CEO Fri, 12 Mar 2021 18:53:27 +0000 ScottMatthewsMRP Prelytix, a predictive ABM platform, appointed Scott Matthews as its new CEO. Matthews will report directly to Seamus Keating, CEO of parent company First Derivatives PLC, and will be responsible for driving revenue growth and organizational success.

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ScottMatthewsMRP Prelytix, a predictive ABM platform, appointed Scott Matthews as its new CEO. Matthews will report directly to Seamus Keating, CEO of parent company First Derivatives PLC, and will be responsible for driving revenue growth and organizational success.

Matthews recently served as  CEO of SaaS platform CrowdTwist, where he implemented a people-based behavior model that used predictive analytics to drive customer value and increase revenue. He also founded and oversaw the acquisition of content syndication platform Webcollage, and served as CEO of four other companies under the banner.

“MRP has amazing clients, a clear vision to provide value to them and a platform and organization that are unparalleled in the B2B marketing industry,” said Matthews in a statement. “I’m excited to take on this role because MRP is well-positioned not only to be a leader in enterprise-focused ABM, but also to pave the way to what truly personalized and orchestrated experiences should look like in the B2B environment. In the coming months, we will make many announcements of investments that will further distance our platform leadership role and new ways to drive value for our clients.”

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MRP Prelytix Is Designed To Power ABM Campaigns With Real-Time AI Mon, 02 Dec 2019 15:16:35 +0000 MRP Prelytix is an ABM Platform designed to power global enterprise programs. The technology and services aim to help identify the needs and buyer's journey stage of each target account and apply real-time AI to trigger orchestrations across seven channels, in 20 languages.

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MRP Prelytix is an ABM Platform designed to power global enterprise programs. The technology and services aim to help identify the needs and buyer’s journey stage of each target account and apply real-time AI to trigger orchestrations across seven channels, in 20 languages.


Prelytix offers a variety of tools to power lead intelligence, marketing campaigns and execution. Key features include:

Lead Intelligence:

  • Account-level Insights, designed to help determine the correlation between ad exposure and site visits, assets downloaded, content, leads generated, etc.
  • Lead Analysis, which helps prioritize leads through lead scoring, market insights, account-level insights, etc.
  • Segmentation, which provides customer and prospect segmentation capabilities, which in turn aims to assist marketing prioritization and effectiveness.
  • Predictive Scoring designed to automatically score prospects based on behavior and engagement levels.
  • Account Identification, which aims to help identify and distribute accounts internally, giving prioritization to those that are more likely to convert to sales.

Marketing Campaigns:

  • Omnichannel Tracking, which provides tracking across multiple digital advertising channels, such as video, mobile and social media.
  • Revenue Planning designed to help allocate marketing budget based predicted amount of incoming revenue.
  • Media Attribution, which aims to assist in the attribution of marketing budget by identifying successful campaigns and initiatives.
  • Opportunity Timeline, which provides a timeline that helps visualize the effects of individual campaigns, leads and other opportunities.
  • Customization, which allows for custom report types to match the goals of a company.
  • Journey Analytics, which provides tools to analyze every stage of the customer journey to customize an account-based funnel.

Campaign Execution:

  • Email Campaigns designed to connect sales emails with cross-sell/upsell marketing campaigns across multiple channels.
  • Website Personalization, which provides tools that dynamically serve content, messaging and calls-to-action.
  • Prioritized Accounts designed to help determine which accounts have the highest/lowest opportunity to convert.


MRP Prelytix’s target audience includes mid-range to large enterprises that serve multiple geographies, lines of business or industries. These enterprises require a flexible, mature and scalable ABM solution that can support global companies and coordinate execution across multiple marketing channels.


While integrated custom engagement data includes hardened connections directly into SFDC, Siebel, Eloqua, REST API, Marketo, HubSpot and Pardot, MRP Prelytix enables client systems to behave like ABM tools, making ABM a consistent strategy across client teams and technology.


MRP Prelytix is delivered via software-as-a-service (SaaS) and licensed on an annual subscription basis and is customized to meet the needs and objectives of clients.


MRP works with more than 450 companies, including Oracle, HPE, SAP and Thomson Reuters, managing over 1,000 engagements across the globe. 


For enterprise organizations that serve multiple geographies, lines of business or industries, MRP Prelytix is an ABM platform designed to give you control of your data, visibility into your target market and scale in the delivery of the highest impact engagement strategy.


1818 Market Street
37th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tel: 215-587-8800

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MRP Unveils Oracle Marketing Cloud Integration To Enable Account-Focused Email Marketing Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:19:35 +0000 MRP, a predictive customer acquisition platform, announced that it has partnered with Oracle Marketing Cloud to integrate its Prelytix solution with Oracle Eloqua and position mutual customers to trigger email marketing campaigns in sync with active ABM programs.

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MRP, a predictive customer acquisition platform, announced that it has partnered with Oracle Marketing Cloud to integrate its Prelytix solution with Oracle Eloqua and position mutual customers to trigger email marketing campaigns in sync with active ABM programs.

MRP Prelytix aims to help users create in-depth, customized segments based on firmographic, demographic and engagement data. With the integration, users can deploy email marketing campaigns as part of their ABM programs managed by MRP.

New research from Demand Gen Report shows that email is the top channel used to drive demand by B2B companies, with 54% stating that it is the most successful at driving early engagement and 62% stating it is the most effective at driving late-stage conversions. However, research from the 2018 ABM Benchmark Survey shows that only 38% of ABM practitioners have an integrated process with their demand generation and ABM efforts — meaning marketing teams are overlooking a valuable channel when piloting or deploying new ABM programs.

“By all measures, email is one of the most important marketing channels for B2B marketers, yet ironically most ABM platforms simply ignore it,” said James Regan, Co-Founder and CMO of MRP, in a statement to Demand Gen Report. “That’s so wrong. It’s like taking a telephone away from a sales person. One of the key reasons our clients drive huge revenue impact is because they can harness the data from their email system, coordinate account-focused messages through it (and five other channels) and measure the impact of those messages — all in one platform.”

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