Hushly - Demand Gen Report Thu, 07 Mar 2024 22:18:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hushly - Demand Gen Report 32 32 Mindtickle Generated More Than $2.2M In Pipeline In Under 8 Weeks With Account-Based Experience Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:49:00 +0000 When Paige Gerber joined sales readiness platform Mindtickle as Director of Demand Generation, the company was just starting to implement a new buyer experience solution called Hushly to create personalized experiences for visitors to their content hub. But when Hushly innovated its offerings and released an Account-Based Experience functionality, Mindtickle quickly jumped in as Hushly would be a foundational core technology in its account-based strategy.

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When Paige Gerber joined sales readiness platform Mindtickle as Director of Demand Generation, the company was just starting to implement a new buyer experience solution called Hushly to create personalized experiences for visitors to their content hub. But when Hushly innovated its offerings and released an Account-Based Experience functionality, Mindtickle quickly jumped in as Hushly would be a foundational core technology in its account-based strategy.

“We started working more on ABM because we knew the content hub would be more of a long-term play in terms of generating demand, while developing ABM pages would almost immediately influence SQA and pipeline,” said Gerber. “We decided to focus on ABM while we built out a plan for the rest of the experiences around content.”

The Challenge: Shifting From A Lead-Focused Mindset To ABM-Centric

Mindtickle had a lead-focused (MQL) mindset, so Gerber had to flip the script and shift the teams over to an account-based model where leads still mattered, but in a completely different context. Identifying and targeting in-market accounts, engaging them with unique and personalized experiences and handing off a marketing qualified “account” (MQA) to sales was very new to the organization.

As Gerber shifted the focus of the Hushly implementation delivering account-based experiences. She had to scale a 1:1 ABM approach and a 1:Many approach, which meant dynamically creating experiences for any in-market accounts at a particular buying stage. Sales reps were split on the new system: While some account executives loved the automation features, others were uncomfortable with stage-based ABM on their behalf without them knowing.

“We were trying to shift the organization’s perception of what it means to work in an account-based model and programs,” said Gerber. “We really wanted the team to understand the accounts to pick, leverage the predictive and intent models we built out with 6sense and build off of it to move accounts through the buying stages and engage with sales.”

The Solution: Leveraging Hushly’s ABM Platform To Build Stage-Based Models & Custom LPs

Utilizing Hushly’s ABM platform, Mindtickle built a stage-based model that dynamically put web visitors into personalized experiences with relevant content based on what stage of the buying journey (awareness, consideration, decision, purchase) that company was in. Gerber explained that she was transparent with the sales teams and opened lines of communication so she could understand their likes and dislikes with the new processes and systems. After a lot of “negotiations and give-and-takes,” Gerber ultimately united the team with a “we can do this” mindset by listening to their concerns and working to address them.

“With Hushly operationalizing those predicative and intent signals, my time was now spent focused on the message and refining the look and feel of the experiences,” said Gerber. “I was not worried about whether the technology worked.”

On the account experience side, Hushly enabled the Mindtickle team to present the unique account experience for their 1:1 target accounts and Hushly solved the problem of scaling to thousands of in-market accounts with automation.

“We built a template in Hushly with the target accounts and told our account reps, ‘Here are your accounts; we’re going to give you personalized account links — you need to put whatever headline and description message you want that account to see,’” said Gerber. “Obviously sales reps aren’t the strongest writers, so we had our copy editor go through and ‘massage’ the copy to clean it up. And then we uploaded them all into the system so they could preview it.”

The account-based landing pages customized by the sales reps featured the usual header and description, but also included a section with a video message customized to the account. The page was loaded with relevant content that was aligned to different stages of the account’s journey.

“On an account’s initial visit, the landing page served them more top-of-funnel content such as targeted reports, blog posts and thought leadership videos,” said Gerber. “Once they returned to the page, the content automatically swapped for more targeted content, such as product videos, buyer’s guides and data sheets.”    

Along with that, if a visitor showed up from a late-stage account for the first time, the Hushly platform would detect that and change the entire experience from the graphics, all the way down to the content in real-time.

“It’s sort of like a traffic cop saying, ‘This is who you are, here’s what stage you’re in — here’s not only your page, but here’s your content that has multiple dimensions based on the signal we saw,’” Gerber explained. “While we were previously able to do that, we created a better experience with the pages by dropping someone in and out of different pages and experiences, and swapping graphics, texts and imagery based on who the account was and what stage they were in.”

The Results: More Than $2.2M Generated In Pipeline In Under 8 Weeks

Gerber successfully leveraged Hushly to “blow out” Mindtickle’s ABM project. Mindtickle didn’t forget about its content hub, either, as the organization plans on leveraging Hushly’s AI recommendations to serve the right content to visitors while they browse. In fact, the company launched a new website that features embedded content on every solution page to direct visitors and accounts to the appropriate content.

“There were a ton of learnings,” said Gerber. “We learned how clean data has to be to run an account-based model, and that made us realize we had internal data issues. We learned the best ways to track within Hushly when intent insights came from each of the different channels and how we needed to report it to the sales team. We realized that we could make our content better in the long run by analyzing the account and visitor-level activities on the pages at different stages.”

Specific results include:

  • An average of two assets consumed per page, with an average page viewing time of 90 seconds to two minutes;
  • Out of 100 accounts, sales reps booked 34 meetings, which generated 25 opportunities and more than $2.2 million in pipeline in just under eight weeks; and
  • 25% conversion rate with 100 accounts.

“You can only do so much with technology — it can help you build and scale, but you also need to take the time to engage and personalize because technology can’t fully take that off your plate,” said Gerber. “Our Hushly program was successful as a pilot so now we have a model to work off. We have so much more tech; we have chatbots now and Alyce gifting. We took the time and went through the growing pains to figure out what the best way to leverage this technology is.”

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RollWorks Announces New Integrations With Multiple Personalization Platforms Fri, 25 Sep 2020 20:10:44 +0000 RollWorks, an account-based platform, announced a new Site Visitor API that powers new integrations with Reactful, Hushly and Uberflip, aiming to provide insights and improve personalized account-based strategies.

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RollWorks, an account-based platform, announced a new Site Visitor API that powers new integrations with Reactful, Hushly and Uberflip, aiming to provide insights and improve personalized account-based strategies.

The personalization integrations include:

  • Uberflip’s Personalized ABM Destinations leverages Rollworks’ data to create personalized ABM campaign destinations that matches the account’s industry, purchasing intent, etc.;
  • Reactful’s Account-based Experience Platform positions Rollworks’ customers to target the high-value website visitors, aligning the website’s messaging and content in real-time for a personalized experience; and
  • Hushly’s AI-Powered Personalized Content Experience uses AI to provide content engagement and lead conversion and enrichment to supercharge account-based strategies.

By partnering with multiple personalization orgs, the new Site Visitor API is designed to enable account-level identification and help marketers create personalized web experiences website visitors. The company also announced a new integration with Google Analytics, aiming to provide account-level analysis for alignment with marketers’ strategies.

“Many marketers want to better understand their anonymous website traffic to create a more tailored experience for accounts visiting and analyze trends over time,” said Justin Cooperman, VP of Product at RollWorks, in a statement. “Our Site Visitor API directly addresses this growing use case in ABM and helps improve web, chat, and landing page personalization by identifying accounts that were previously unknown. By integrating these insights with leading personalization partners like Uberflip, Reactful and Hushly, we’re helping customers activate these insights, no matter what platform they may already be using.”

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Data, Content And ABM Experimentation Helping B2B Marketers Perfect Their Demand Plan For 2019 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 16:34:33 +0000

To create the perfect demand plan for 2019, B2B organizations must identify what channels, content and other tactics work best at different stages of the buying journey based on the company's business objectives, buyer demands and expectations. In-depth analysis of past campaigns, and the results generated from them, ultimately position marketers to better map out their go-to-market strategy for next year. 

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To create the perfect demand plan for 2019, B2B organizations must identify what channels, content and other tactics work best at different stages of the buying journey based on the company’s business objectives, buyer demands and expectations. In-depth analysis of past campaigns, and the results generated from them, ultimately position marketers to better map out their go-to-market strategy for next year. 

This has been one of the many key themes from this week’s Strategy & Planning Seriesa week-long webcast series designed to share tactics, channels, KPIs, data signals and tools progressive B2B businesses are putting their attention towards in 2019. The 11 sessions span a variety of topics, including data strategy, attribution, content strategy, ABM and conversion optimization.

With ABM in particular, practitioners have been hard pressed to better understand how their new account-based strategies are making an impact on the company’s bottom line. Roughly nine out of 10 B2B companies (93%) say that ABM is important to their marketing team’s success, according to research from SiriusDecisions. However, research from Forrester shows that 77% of CMOs believe that their lack of an ability to measure results is a top concern.

In the first session of the series at the beginning of the week — titled, “Scale And Precision For An Account-Based Marketing Strategy” — Demandbase’s John Dering shared some unique findings from a recent campaign the company conducted to drive more engagement via top-of-funnel channels, including:

  • Paid search;
  • Google Display;
  • Paid social; and
  • Account-based advertising.

Instead of comparing channels solely on traditional KPIs, Dering suggested that it is important to take a step back and understand the scale and precision of these channels based on business needs, and then justify it based on their performance and cost. For example, LinkedIn advertising saw greater precision of qualified clicks from target accounts, while Google’s Display Network scaled well in terms of click volume.

“We have to think about our data from the right perspectives in order to understand what actions are most important to us at the top of the funnel,” Dering said during the presentation. “Of course, with ABM we’re supposed to be measuring pipeline and all these funnel metrics. But at the top of the funnel where we’re thinking about awareness channels, we want to think about what is going to go the furthest and fastest for the best cost and optimized performance.”

One of the other biggest challenges B2B companies are plagued with going into the New Year revolves around producing the right content to get audiences engaged. In a buyer-driven world filled with feeds that provide readers content at an alarming rate, engagement has become harder than everIn fact, research from the Harvard Business Review shows that blog output by brands has increased by over 800%, while organic social sharing of blogs has decreased by 89% over the last five years. This highlights the notorious issue that buyers are inundated with the amount of content available to them, making it harder for brands to engage with the right people at target accounts.

In a session titled: “Make 2019 Your Best Content Year Yet! How To Bust Through Roadblocks And Think Differently, the Mx Group’s Kellie de Leon noted that different content formats have a much greater impact at different stages of the sales funnel. For example, blogs and social media tend to attract better traffic at the top of the funnel, while case studies and testimonials are stronger in the middle of the funnel when looking to uncover buyer needs and pain points that can help close deals.

“It’s important to think through your different objectives and the funnel stages you’re trying to address with your content,” said de Leon. “Ensure that you’re marrying the message with the format that best aligns with where your prospects are at in their buying decision.”

Ultimately, de Leon noted that while aligning content to business objectives, buyer needs and the buyer’s journey is key, it’s important to “experiment with different content types to find the right mix to break through and engage your potential customers.”

Setting A Data Foundation To Plan, Measure Go-To-Market Efforts

Throughout this week’s series, it has been reiterated that an effective data strategy is what fuels the content, programs and tactics used to drive demand planning for the New Year. Research shows that more than half (54%) of B2B companies say there is room for significant improvement in their data strategies.

Specifically, data segmentation is seen as a great opportunity to identify gaps in a company’s database, clearly identify target accounts and understand what content and messaging will resonate with them. In a session on Tuesday titled, “Slice And Dice: Making Your Data Work For You,” DiscoverOrg’s DeAnn Poe shared best practices to effectively segment and target a database with the right messaging that moves the needle forward on business decisions.

Presenters also highlighted how the right data strategy can only be found at the intersection of the right strategy, planning and measurement. In Thursday’s session, “How To Leverage Funnel Metrics And Attribution Data For Your 2019 Planning, Bonnie Crater of Full Circle Insights will share the company’s data-driven framework that focuses on four key steps: planning, achieving, optimizing and evaluating. With this framework, fueled by the right funnel metrics and attribution data, companies can position themselves with the next steps to formulate a 2019 strategy that can drive measurable results.

The strive for better measurement initiatives comes from understanding that there is more to a customer’s journey than the first and last touch — which are typically the most measured areas of the sales funnel. Experts note that multi-touch attribution models are becoming more popular as companies look to understand the individual return of each specific touchpoint. In today’s webcast, titled: “Why You Need To Move To Multi-Touch Attribution,” Maile Johnson of LeanData and Cailin Radcliffe of Vidyard plan to discuss the importance of drilling down into each customer touchpoint to fully understand the impact of marketing efforts. 

New Framework, Case Studies For ABM Success In 2019 

The buzz around ABM continues, but new Demand Gen Report research found that those in the early stages of ABM are starting to see some growing pains and challenges when it comes to kicking off programs and clearly tracking the impact of their investments. 

One key challenge revolves around delivering a personalized, B2C-like experience. Making sure you provide meaningful interactions that are insightful, relevant and timely is crucial to a successful ABM strategy. Companies such as Adobe, Informatica and Masergy, for example, are taking an “omni channel ABM” approach and using AI and data to engage with buyers at the right time and place. Nipul Chokshi of Lattice Engines shared these three success stories during Monday’s session titled, “Jumpstart Omni Channel ABM With Customer Data Platforms.”

Because true ABM is multi-touch, these three companies are leveraging AI and data to get nitty-gritty information about their target accounts in order to deliver messages on the channels they’re on — whether it’s social, email or at live events. However, every channel has its own silo of data, so successful omni channel ABM is no easy feat. Chokshi walked attendees through the steps all three companies took to see results such as a 40% win rate and 25% year-over-year growth. 

Another top challenge with ABM is sales and marketing alignment, especially when it comes to identifying MQLs and turning them into SQLs. While marketers struggle to prove marketing spend generates a clear ROI, sales often reject a majority of their MQLs. In a session on Thursday led by Darryl Praill of VanillaSoft, titled “2019 — The Year That Marketing Holds Sales Accountable,” he will discuss how organizations can overcome these challenges and implement highly scalable processes using an effective sales engagement strategy. 

When it comes to building an end-to-end account-based strategy, companies such as Terminus use a T.E.A.M framework — Target. Engage. Activate. Measure. — which helps them identify the right accounts, reach decision makers, enable sales and measure success. During a webcast this afternoon presented by Derek Slayton and Todd McCormick of Terminus, attendees will learn how the company leveraged the T.E.A.M. framework in their ABM efforts to see a 125% increase in conversions from stage one to closed won, a 35% increase in average contract value and more improved marketing and sales alignment. 

Master Content Marketing From Beginning To End

Content is still king, although many marketers struggle to turn their content strategies into gold. Research from the Content Marketing Institute shows that 58% of marketers have increased their budget for content marketing over the past year and 37% have increased their content creation staff. Yet, nearly half (41%) name turning content marketing into a revenue center as a top challenge.  

When it comes to content creation, marketers should always prioritize quality over quantity. In fact, churning out new content isn’t always necessary — you may have existing content that can be repurposed for a new campaign. In Friday’s session, “The Payoffs Of A Strategic Content Audit: The Gift That Keeps On Giving For Unlimited Content Opportunity,” Dana Harder, VP of Strategy at Content4Demand, and Christine Elliott, Executive Director of Global Strategic Content at JLL Corporate Solutions, will discuss the importance of conducting a content audit and how it can help you discover hidden treasures in your content library.

Personalization is another key element of a successful content marketing strategy. But delivering a truly personalized customer experience requires going beyond just first name and company personalization. This afternoon, Katie Staveley, VP of Marketing, at Mautic will outline new ways to personalize the entire customer journey using artificial intelligence, dynamic content and more in her session, “Five Examples That Prove Personalized Marketing Doesn’t Start With ‘Hello [First Name].'”

Once you’ve created standout, personalized content for prospective and current customers, you still need to make sure it’s reaching the right people across the right platforms. By leveraging paid advertising on LinkedIn, Facebook, AdRoll and more, leading brands such as Google and Intel have been able to increase landing page conversions and drive up content engagement. Hushly Co-Founder and CEO Geoff Rego shared insights into these case studies and other content optimization best practices in his session on Tuesday, “The Blueprint For Boosting Landing Page Conversions & Content Engagement: Lessons From Top Enterprise Accounts.”

Looking for new tactics, channels and offerings to kick off your marketing and sales plans for 2019? Click here to check out all the sessions taking place throughout this week’s 2018 Strategy & Planning Series!

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GDPR Countdown: Experts Sound Off On Last-Minute Preparations Thu, 19 Apr 2018 13:00:00 +0000 The countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliancy deadline is on. In T-minus 35 days, any company that has business relations with residents in the European Union is required to be GDPR-compliant — all in an effort to give EU citizens more control over their personal data.

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The countdown to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliancy deadline is on. In T-minus 35 days, any company that has business relations with residents in the European Union is required to be GDPR-compliant — all in an effort to give EU citizens more control over their personal data.

Ahead of the big deadline, Demand Gen Report reached out to a variety of industry experts and B2B marketers to learn their last-minute tips on preparing for GDPR and what to expect when it comes to enforcement. Plus, hear first-hand what these companies are doing to establish compliancy for GDPR.

Whether you’re a leader or laggard, read on to better prepare yourself for the May 25 deadline.

Stephanie Kidder, CMO, Azalead

Stephanie Kidder AzaleadWhile GDPR is just weeks away now, it’s never too late to take the first steps (and a demonstrated effort to become compliant, even if incomplete, may help in the worst-case scenario of an audit). If you are engaged with suppliers of marketing automation tools, a quick first step should be to ensure they are complaint. Under GDPR, liability extends to suppliers. So, if you are using a tool or a vendor that is not compliant — and many are not — you’re liable, too.

To get your internal house in order, there are some basic issues outlined in the regulation. Of course, the devil is in the details and some of these are more complex and time consuming than others. But review this checklist to get an understanding of what you need to do:

  • Purge all existing data that is not strictly necessary;
  • Ensure data collection is limited to what is allowed by law;
  • Have in place adequate security and consent measures;
  • Have mechanisms in place to delete or return personal data on request and/or contract end;
  • Keep comprehensive records of data processing activities; and
  • Cooperate with regulators and data controllers, and provide access rights to systems, premises and records.

As an ABM supplier with its roots in Europe, Azalead has always built its marketing platform to be compliant with strict data privacy regulations. In fact, the marketing approaches we enable are 100% GDPR-compliant. Azalead does not collect any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person as defined by GDPR.

As far as enforcement, it is likely the authorities would first focus on large B2C companies who use marketing techniques that would present obvious concerns – heavy users of personal email data, for example. There are still a lot of potential loop holes and ambiguity in GDPR as we know it today, and we expect a new ePrivacy regulation from the EU later this year that will provide more clarity on certain issues. For now, it’s better to be safe than sorry and at least take some high-level steps toward compliance.

Jamie Walker Headshot

Jamie Walker, Head of Marketing, Synthio

Data accuracy is top of mind for all marketers now. If it’s not, I’d suggest starting there and then focusing on creative tactics to put in place for last-minute, opt-in campaigns.

We’ve been aggressively working on gathering consent with our opt-in campaigns. Our biggest goal was making sure we were casting a wide net and gathering consent from all targets within our Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

I believe the EU will start to enforce the new law immediately. This has been in play for a long time. The marketers I’ve spoken to who reside in the EU are ready for this law to pass because it will help reduce the noise that we all are facing in the B2B space. There is a tone that must be set. Because of that I feel the enforcement will not be taken lightly. 

Peter Gillett, CEO, Zuant

Peter Gillett ZuantHere are seven final things B2B businesses do to prepare for GDPR:

  • Appoint a Data Protection Officer to focus on this area and be a source of information training within your organization;
  • Make sure privacy notices meet the “transparency” challenge;
  • Assess the impact ‘opt-in’ would have on your CRM database(s); ensure that they can store proof of consent and multiple permissions;
  • Test and optimize data collection statements, and consider a web-based Preference Center to communicate more intelligently with information your customers and prospects want;
  • Review contracts with processors;
  • Check whether the type(s) of profiling your organization conducts will need explicit consent; and
  • Prepare to fulfil the new rights of natural persons, i.e. requests for information and the right to be forgotten.

In addition, to the above, we at Zuant Mobile need to take this one step further than most companies as we are storing information on a whole array of devices that will not be online all the time. Fully auditable data trails for all data activity will now ensure proof of GDPR compliance for all contacts. A clever data evaporation process will ensure data doesn’t stick around on devices longer than it should.

Annika Svennson VendemoreAnnika Svensson, Head of Marketing, Vendemore

Preparing for May 25th, we at Vendemore have secured that our data and thus our services are GDPR compliant. As we advise our clients, we have looked both at our external data providers, as well as our own data to ensure that we don’t store personally identifiable information.

We also believe it is important to be prepared to continue the efforts after May 25th. We all need to continue to manage new practices.

When it comes to enforcement of the regulation, we expect that the EU will enforce GDPR through local authorities. It will, however, take some time to see the results from the first reviews.

In general, this is a good direction and we hope that the regulator will develop guidance and tune practices for ways of working along the way. In a year from now, we believe GDPR will have become common practice. 

EdKing previewEd King, Founder & CEO, Openprise

If full GDPR compliance is not achievable by the deadline of May 25th, then focus on obtaining consent for existing database contacts, as you are not allowed to contact them for permission after that time. Conduct a database inventory to identify EU data subjects and request opt-in. If you do not have the time or tools to identify EU data subjects, then you should re-opt-in your entire database.

Openprise prepared for GDPR by creating and updating policies for privacy, data retention, third-party management and data handling. We inventoried EU data subjects and requested opt-in. Openprise also implemented privacy language and cookie banners for landing pages, as well as a data subject request process. We asked partners and vendors to sign a data processing agreement.

James Kessinger, Chief Marketing Officer, Hushly

James Kessinger HushlyThe most prudent thing to do if you haven’t done anything yet is sit down with your legal counsel and define or redefine your privacy policy, so that you have “opt-in” language included in that. Also, be specific regarding circumstances you want to communicate with people about and by which means.

Second, get your rules of engagement defined for treating new contacts and existing contacts from various countries (not just the EU). Segment your contact data accordingly and purge older data where you have not had contact with someone for some period of time or where you know you don’t have double opt-in permissions to have further communications with a person.

Next, look at your martech stack to determine which vendors you are relying on to hold any of your customers’ data or perform some sort of communication on your behalf. Make sure you understand their privacy policy and if they are at odds with your own.  

Finally, if you haven’t already, stop buying lists. You don’t want to run the risk of getting some EU citizen.

I think enforcement will be gradual with some smaller cases at first and more than likely one or two landmark cases that test the limits and help establish some definition and legal precedence.

Caitlin Culbert Pedowitz GroupCaitlin Culbert, Marketo Practice Director, The Pedowitz Group

Depending on the size of your business, engage legal representatives to help determine how much if any risk you want to take on. How are you choosing to interpret the law, and what decisions is that driving in your organization? How large or small is your exposure? What changes to data collection are you making? What changes to your forms are you making; have you implemented a double-opt in? What changes have you made to your use of inferred data? How are you addressing the use of all the public domain email addresses where establishing the country of residence of the recipient is difficult or impossible?

We have identified all the public domain email addresses, and based on the country or inferred country, we are excluding them from our email campaigns until we obtain the double opt-in. We are adding double opt-in to our forms for visitors from outside the U.S. and Canada. We will be changing our website to alert visitors about our use of cookies.

David Raab, Founder, CDP Institute


Alas, many B2B businesses are just starting to look seriously at GDPR. At best, they only have time left for short-term fixes. One easy change is to review your privacy statement and terms of service to ensure they comply. Then, of course, you’ll need to change the underlying processes to match the revisions. This could well mean a halt in much of the data sharing until you’ve secured proper consent. This can be limited to data related to EU persons, so you might put some filters on data-sharing programs to block transmission of those records, without disrupting the rest of your operations.

We never shared data with unaffiliated organizations, so we didn’t really need to change much beyond clarifying our privacy policy. Our CRM vendor deployed some features such as an option for users to review and erase their data, so we are compliant in those areas. We are currently reviewing our opt-in emails and may change some language to include more explicit consent.

One very interesting question is whether GDPR will end up creating a global standard. There’s much less government appetite for privacy enforcement in the U.S. and much more business resistance. But it will be considerably easier for many big companies to apply the same rules globally and some U.S. consumers may be attracted by firms that commit to GDPR-compliant practices.


Brian Hession, President and Founder, Oceanos

Businesses should audit their data and isolate contacts residing in the 28 European Union countries and their associated territories. This is straightforward, but stakeholders should recognize that postal addresses, especially if sourced from third parties, often contain a company’s headquarter address.

With GDPR, you need to understand where the person resides. This requires an overlay of self-reported location data. It’s not uncommon to uncover that up to 4% of records with a U.S. postal address align with a person that resides internationally. This is a hidden risk facing organizations that seek to comply with GDPR in good faith.

Here at Oceanos, we’ve rolled out a complimentary GDPR data screen to help our clients identify contacts residing in the affected geographies. Since there is a lot of confusion with some of the law’s basic terms — such as “data subject” — it’s likely enforcement will be focused on EU organizations first.



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Okta Elevates Lead Generation 126% With Conversion Optimization Thu, 05 Apr 2018 13:00:00 +0000 Okta, an identity management service provider, was only converting 10% of its website traffic into leads. The company turned to Hushly, a conversion optimization software, to remedy the issue and generate more high-quality prospects.

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Okta, an identity management service provider, was only converting 10% of its website traffic into leads. The company turned to Hushly, a conversion optimization software, to remedy the issue and generate more high-quality prospects.

The Challenge

Okta’s website features thought leadership white papers, case studies, webinars and more. But to access these resources, as well as live events and virtual training, visitors must complete a request form.

Lennard Fischer, VP of Global Demand Generation at Okta, discovered that roughly 10% of website traffic was being converted into leads, while the other 90% of visitors were abandoning landing pages without further action.

Of the converted traffic, only 0.47% were new-net contacts — half of which included non-business email addresses or false contact information. As a result, Fischer’s team needed to review and filter all new leads before sending them to SDRs.

The Solution

To address the company’s 90% abandonment rate and cultivate both a higher volume and higher quality leads, Fischer utilized Hushly’s Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) solution, which is designed to reengage website visitors who are about to leave the webpage. The software was added to all of Okta’s landing pages.

When someone moves their mouse towards exiting a web page, Hushly presents a pop-up preview of the resource and prompts the person to watch the video or download the file. It also asks visitors for a verified business email address and LinkedIn profile. By doing so, Hushly aims to convert abandoning visitors into double opt-in leads and generate a verified and enhanced business profile for each person.

“Hushly focuses on getting web abandoners to give their business email in exchange for the [resource] offer,” Fischer said. “Then, Hushly enriches that business email with the additional contact elements you need to create a lead and pass it seamlessly to your marketing automation platform.”

The Result

By applying Hushly’s conversion optimization software to its landing pages, Okta created 126% more high-quality, net-new website leads from visitors who would have previously abandoned the page. As a result, 595 new leads were generated, which led to 293 influence opportunities and 34 closed deals.

“Hushly is an essential element of our martech stack,” said Fischer. “Not only do we convert abandoning visitors into more net-new leads, [but we also] receive human-verified, enriched business profiles. A seamless connection into our website and marketing automation makes things easy.”

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Hushly Aims To Limit Website Abandonment With Relevant Content Recommendations Mon, 05 Mar 2018 17:17:09 +0000 Hushly is a conversion optimization software designed to capture website abandoners as they are ready to leave a company's web page. It can also capture double opt-in website leads through un-gated content, mobile conversions and more.

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Hushly is a conversion optimization software designed to capture website abandoners as they are ready to leave a company’s web page. It can also capture double opt-in website leads through un-gated content, mobile conversions and more.


Hushly aims to detect website abandoners when they are about to leave the web page. The solution intercepts that abandoner and provides a preview of an asset. By showing a content preview, they engage with the asset and are asked only for a business email to gain full access to that content and anything else on the website.

Hushly is also designed to:

  • Turn the 90% of website abandoners into double opt-in leads before they leave the website;
  • Get website visitors to double opt-in for un-gated content like case studies; and
  • Remove the web form just for mobile traffic and get more website visitors to double opt-in.


Hushly targets B2B marketers, including CMOs, VPs of Demand Generation, VPs of Digital Marketing or Director level marketers with demand generation responsibilities. Hushly is used across any vertical using gated content for lead generation.


Every website lead captured has prospects’ verified business email, is GDPR and CASL compliant, auto-enriched and human-verified with prospects’ LinkedIn Profile.  Hushly publishes human verified website leads, via API to:

  • Eloqua;
  • Marketo;
  • Hubspot;
  • Pardot;
  • Salesforce; and
  • Webhook/Webform.


Hushly features a tier-based (50 leads per month to 20,000 leads per month) CPL pricing model.  


Hushly clients include B2B marketers from companies such as Google, Intel, Red Hat, as well as leading security technology companies like Symantec, Palo Alto Networks, Okta and Checkpoint Software.


Hushly turns website visitors who elect not to submit a registration into double opt-in leads, which are GDPR and CASL compliant. Hushly guarantees website leads produced are not “Mickey Mouse” leads, and are human verified against prospects’ LinkedIn profiles.



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