Pam Didner - Demand Gen Report Wed, 26 Jun 2024 14:07:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pam Didner - Demand Gen Report 32 32 The Blueprint For A Winning B2B GTM Strategy Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:44:27 +0000 In case you missed it, my co-host Klaudia Tirico and I kicked off season 10 of the “B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast” two weeks ago! This season, we’re bringing you a mixture of episodes that feature on-site recordings from the B2B Marketing Exchange West, as well as net-new interviews with upcoming speakers for the B2B Marketing […]

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In case you missed it, my co-host Klaudia Tirico and I kicked off season 10 of the “B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast” two weeks ago! This season, we’re bringing you a mixture of episodes that feature on-site recordings from the B2B Marketing Exchange West, as well as net-new interviews with upcoming speakers for the B2B Marketing Exchange East.

As Klaudia and I were plotting out the season, we knew we needed to give fan-favorite (and #B2BMX veteran!) Pam Didner the first episode. She’s a B2B marketing consultant, author and speaker, and she’ll be keynoting the upcoming #B2BMX East, as well as hosting a workshop and campfire-style keynote on-site. She also hosted a workshop at #B2BMX East, which gave us the opportunity to chat with her on the show floor at the event. Klaudia and Pam sat down to talk through all things go-to-market (GTM) strategy, including the role of content, AI and alignment.

Sadly, I missed the recording because I was hosting a panel discussion, so I know all too well how FOMO-inducing it is to miss an opportunity to learn from Pam. I’d hate to put my dear readers in the same boat, so I’m here to share a brief overview of her blueprint for successful GTM strategies (though you’ll have to head over to your podcast player of choice to unlock all of Pam’s expertise!).

1. (Properly) Structure A GTM Plan With Clear Goals & Timelines

Pam emphasized the importance of structured GTM plans and advised practitioners to start building their strategy by first determining what departments need to be involved, which typically includes the product team alongside marketing and sales. From there, she suggested businesses scope out the timeline while also being very specific about what they want to accomplish.

2. Prevent Misalignment By Understanding The Root Of The Issue

Pam explained that the primary hinderance to sales and marketing alignment lies in how each department approaches their responsibilities — marketing traditionally focuses on top-of-funnel, while sales prioritizes lower-funnel activities. The two departments essentially speak different languages, which causes them to approach the same goals with varied actions.

3. Shift Marketing Over To A Sales Mindset

To help bridge that mindset gap, Pam suggested that marketers start thinking like a salesperson — and the first step is to move away from nurture initiatives and into “hunting.” Next, she reminded marketers that their content isn’t necessarily applicable to sales and suggested they create more relevant assets for sales. For example, given sales’ stage-based approach, Pam suggested marketers break up their content accordingly.

4. Allow Content To Power The GTM Journey

Speaking of content, we all know it’s king, and in the ever-lengthening B2B buyer’s journey, one of the primary ways to keep buyers’ attention is through a compelling piece of content. According to Pam, the same ideology applies to GTM strategies. She explained that when a company launches a product, nobody knows about it or its features, and the best way to educate is via engaging assets.

5. Embrace AI On An Individual Level

Pam was one of the first industry bigwigs to discuss AI and its role in B2B sales and marketing, so we naturally had to ask her about the current landscape. She shared two primary pieces of advice for our listeners:

  • Don’t worry about falling behind, as AI is still in its inception and has a long road ahead; and
  • Don’t get overwhelmed by the oversaturated landscape, because the power is ultimately in users’ hands to pick and choose the AI tools they use.

We’ve barely scratched the surface of all the nuggets of wisdom Pam shared — to learn more about the topics we briefly discussed, make sure to tune into episode one of the 10th season of the “B2B Marketing Exchange Podcast” now! If you’d like to hear Pam speak in-person, make sure to register for the B2B Marketing Exchange East now!

The post The Blueprint For A Winning B2B GTM Strategy appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

#B2BMX 2022: Connection, Collaboration & Content Drive Marketing Success Thu, 03 Mar 2022 00:57:20 +0000 The excitement about connecting in person at the 2022 B2B Marketing Exchange was palpable: For many, it was the first non-virtual conference they'd attended since #B2BMX 2020.

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The excitement about connecting in person at the 2022 B2B Marketing Exchange was palpable: For many, it was the first non-virtual conference they’d attended since #B2BMX 2020.

The past two years have brought new challenges — and opportunities — for marketers, and #B2BMX 2022 provided a wealth of speakers and sessions to help them make sense of it all. The five tracks included ABM In Action Live, Content2Conversion, Demand Gen Summit, Sales Impact Summit and Go-To-Market Strategy. Here are some highlights from Day One of the event.

New Customer Challenges Call For Better Content

B2B buying has shifted as buyers work from home in a pandemic world. Instead of reaching out to sales, B2B buyers are educating themselves, often researching anonymously. Combined with the rise in complex buying committees, this trend means key signals may be hidden from traditional martech, said Jon Miller of Demandbase in his talk, “Unspam Your Brand.”

Unsure what’s really happening with accounts, too many marketers resort to spam, which Miller defined as any unhelpful or ill-mannered interaction. Indeed, 2021 saw a 40% increase in marketing messages, said Jay Baer of Convince and Convert in his keynote, “The 3 Drawbridges: How to Cross the Moat of B2B Buyers’ Attention.”

Overloaded customers are “digging a moat” to protect their attention — unsubscribing, deleting and ignoring your messages, Baer said. To be invited inside the castle, you’ve got to be “radically relevant.” Instead of making more content, make better content by delivering the right message, using the right messenger, in the right modality.

  • The right message: Too often, the message is broad and general, Baer said. “The word customers contains the word custom; yet, we often treat them all the same. Specificity makes your content effective.”
  • The right messenger: Since information from customers and peers is more credible than that from a brand, Baer also advised creating content from customers, not just for customers.
  • The right modality: Be sure to provide content in plenty of modalities — including video, which younger buyers love — so customers can educate themselves in the format they prefer.

Speakers throughout Day One agreed on the need for a robust content hub, categorized by demographic, funnel stage, product, format, pain point and much more. However, this plethora of content shouldn’t be served as a buffet, but delivered in a carefully considered cadence, Baer warned. “Providing too many options isn’t helpful. Instead, give them the next best piece of content.”

If creating all that content sounds difficult, Amisha Gandhi of Tipalti offered some ideas to make it easier: “Fifty-one percent of marketers say updating old content is the most effective tactic they’ve implemented. Keep adding to your content, refresh it, cut it up, repurpose it,” Gandhi advised in her keynote presentation, “Creating a Connected Customer Journey to Deliver an Experience That Converts.”

Creating more content can be as easy as reworking existing assets to be more industry-specific, or simply adding industry-specific images, noted Jen Leaver of Bazaarvoice in her talk, “ABM to ABX: The Playbook to Launch a Successful ABX Program and Become a Strategic Partner for Your Organization.” 

Leaving your content ungated may seem counterintuitive — but it is a way to educate buyers who are reluctant to fill out a form and get bombarded with emails and calls, Gandhi said. She shared a success story from SAP: An ungated interactive asset featuring 32 influencers that could be shared in whole or in pieces. Influencers promoted the asset, which spawned videos, webinars and a podcast; was used for more than two years; and generated 21M+ impressions, 4X the engagement and 3X the leads of other assets.  

Sales Enablement & Beyond


Successful organizations do more than enable sales, contended Barry Vasudevan of Forrester in “Winning Buyers By Cultivating Knowledge Across Customer-Facing Roles.” Forrester data shows 98% of organizations that exceed goals enable all their key buyer- and customer-facing roles, Vasudevan said.

To determine who to enable first, he advised, marketers should prioritize those audience-facing roles that support important buyers and have a strong impact. For those roles that are often perceived negatively, organizations can help identify their knowledge gaps and create content to fill those gaps.

Marketers typically think of mapping content to the customer journey. But thinking in terms of sales stages, as salespeople do, can support sales enablement by mapping content in a way sales teams understand, said Pam Didner of Relentless Pursuit in “How to Make the Most of Marketing Content for Sales.”

Didner believes tech tools, such as a content management library, are essential, but the human touch of marketers to classify assets is equally vital to helping sales find the content they need. “Address sales outreach like movie sequels,” advised Didner. “Think in terms of steps sales will take, and proactively provide the content they need at each step.”


Gathering and using account intelligence is key to overcoming “account blindness,” said Miller of Demandbase. To create an account-based experience, Miller advised gauging an account’s fit with your ICP, its intent or interest in your and your competitors’ products, your relationship and history with the account and its engagement with your content.

Marry fit and profile data about department and job titles with activity data, such as intent, to better customize messaging, said Alisa Groocock of Agent3 in the panel discussion “Experts Sound Off: Crafting a Successful Multichannel ABM Strategy.”

“It’s easy to get data but knowing more specific things about the team and the personas makes it more meaningful,” Groocock explained, adding that bringing marketing operations into your ABM team from the start helps optimize value from your data.

As for who to target, fellow panelist Angel Oberoi of Gigamon agreed with Groocock that the most important person in a deal is your champion — who probably isn’t at the C-level. “Don’t ignore the C-level — keep them engaged — but focus deep and heavy on the champion,” advised Oberoi.

The Power Of Collaboration

Now more than ever, successful B2B marketers recognize the importance of teamwork.

“Large companies have a lot of teams,” said Gandhi. “[Those teams] need to cross-collaborate to make campaigns happen. Think about the experiences you can deliver together.”

Today’s marketing and sales processes have more moving parts and more players than ever before. “Sales and marketing today is less like a baton handoff of MQLs and more like a soccer team,” noted Miller. To succeed, you must align data, share insights and coordinate actions.

For marketing to truly become the strategic partner for sales, said Leaver at Bazaarvoice, “find your sales champions and let sales sell to sales. Make sure they know they have a seat at the table. Get their insights. Their feedback is as important as marketing metrics. ABM or ABX can’t work unless we do it together.”

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Chatbot Bootcamp: Training Virtual Assistants To Enhance The Customer Experience Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:51:15 +0000 A key value of chatbots is that their artificial intelligence means they can provide answers and be ready to use right out of the box. However, while bots are smart, the reality they learn over time, so many organizations are realizing bots should still be trained by the organization to perform at their optimal levels.

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A key value of chatbots is that their artificial intelligence means they can provide answers and be ready to use right out of the box. However, while bots are smart, the reality they learn over time, so many organizations are realizing bots should still be trained by the organization to perform at their optimal levels.

“Chatbots are just virtual tools and depending on how they’re built, they can actually reside in multiple virtual spaces,” said B2B Marketing Consultant Pam Didner. “Some depend on what features have been added to it. They can have a very basic function that you have to manually set up, others have an AI functionality built into them where you can actually train the tool.”

The key differences between a chatbot and an AI assistant or AI-powered chat tools are:
  • A chatbot is used to interact with humans via text messaging for tasks such as customer support to answer basic questions around product information, to set up meetings or share related content. Chatbots are not configured with AI; they rely on a rule-based system, where the user can pre-configure it to answer common questions. Other types of bots trigger a live person to engage with a customer via text.

“Chatbots are very conditionally-logic driven, which means they have defined rules that say, ‘If you do this, then do that’” or ‘If you like this topic, go to this web page,’” said Rashmi Vittal, CMO of Conversica. “You could think of it is as an intelligent router.”

  • AI-powered assistants and tools are much more intelligent and can be used to support (and mimic) human activities with artificial intelligence and natural language processing.
  • Interactions with a chatbot are less conversational than an engagement with an AI assistant. With AI assistants, the recipient may not even realize they aren’t interacting with a real person.

“Virtual assistants are really about repeatedly touching and engaging in a two-way back-and-forth dialogue between itself and the contact,” said Vittal. “These asynchronous conversations are similar to the normal concept of how someone would conduct an email conversation.”

AI applications and bots are constantly evolving, but it’s up to the user to “train” the assistant to ensure proper engagement. Currently, B2B businesses are leveraging them to enhance customer support on their websites and answer customers’ questions or share promotions and content. Other organizations such as the telecommunications company CenturyLink are taking it beyond just a chat function on their landing pages to help them close deals, much like a real sales representative.

The company has had great success with its AI-assistant named Angie. Prior to implementing the Conversica Intelligent Virtual Assistant, its lead optimization and lead routing cycle were all done manually.

“We’ve got Conversica plugged into our Marketo instance so we’re able to get people through generic nurture to a certain point and send them over to Angie,” said Kate Cindric Federhar, Sr. Manager of Marketing Operations at CenturyLink. “It allows us to contact a large volume of customers and prospects to get them to get people in the door, in the funnel and start to talk to sales quicker.”

Scott Berns, Director of Marketing Operations at CenturyLink added, “It simulates your ability to reach out and speak to customers and prospects in a cost-efficient manner. And it learns as it goes. It gets smarter as we get smarter.” Berns noted that for every dollar the team spends on the assistant, they get about $20 in return.  

Evolving Bots & Assistants Requires A Human Touch

Whether it’s a simple chatbot or a more intelligent assistant, there is some manual work to be done on the backend to “train” the technology to have relevant and authentic conversations with the contact.

For basic chatbots, users must build in a workflow for the bot to know how to engage with a contact, according to Didner. They have to know their audience and predict the types of challenges and situations they are in so they can configure the bot to answer their questions.

“On the B2B side, a lot of stuff that we do is predictable,” said Didner. “For example, when people come to our website, they probably want to find out something about a product. They want to know how to use it better or they want to talk to a salesperson. There are predictable scenarios that you can build a workflow around to facilitate that conversation.”

However, Didner emphasized that this is not a “one-and-done” type of approach. It’s important for marketers to often go back and update how the bot engages with contacts based on previous conversations and new data and insights about their audience.

“Think of email campaigns, for example, and how B2B marketers check open rates and conduct A/B testing to test subject lines and different content,” said Didner. “We send different samples and we’ll go back to see the results and then we’ll modify it. That same analogy applies to AI training. You need to set up parameters that help the AI to learn. Marketers should come back after a while and see how they are learning so they can feed the right information based on the right questions. It’s kind of like training a dog.”

More intelligent, AI-powered assistants require similar backend work, but down the line, they continue to learn with every passing conversation they have with a contact. With the AI already built-in, the bot is capable of having natural conversations with contacts through email and SMS texting.

“It takes natural language understanding and deep machine learning capabilities to not only be able to decipher what’s being said but for it to learn from the interactions it has,” said Vittal.

Platforms such as Conversica have help centers in place to direct the AI to continue to learn, as well, because experts agreed that all AI solutions should have a human involved in some way, shape or form.

“[The training desk] looks at the exchanges of messages that our assistants are having with the contacts,” said Vittal. “And should AI not be confident in how it’s either interpreting a message or how it should respond to a message, it sends an alert to the desk team to get the guidance it needs to know how to respond. Once it receives that guidance, it learns from it and therefore, the next time it happens, it gets better and smarter.”

Tasking Marketing Teams To Own The Bot For Continued Training

Given the technical components of chatbots and AI assistants, it’s quick to assume that IT should own and manage the technology. But Didner strongly believes it should be the marketing team that owns and monitors it. This allows the team to really get a strong grasp on how the technology is working, as well as learn how contacts are engaging with it. Ultimately, it enables users to better train the assistant down the road and even identify gaps in content offerings.

“I always tell my clients that if you want to train a bot, you’re marketing manager should be responsible for going back and seeing how it is performing,” she said. “Don’t push it to IT or an analyst, because if you are monitoring, you are seeing the results and it will help you learn. In theory, IT can do the job. But marketing should take the initiative to actually monitor the AI thinks and the questions that come back [from the contact]. Those questions can easily be turned to content you can create in the future.”

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#B2BMX: Harnessing AI To Power Customer Engagement; Having A Media Brand Mindset For Content Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:29:15 +0000 B2B marketers react to the thought of artificial intelligence (AI) in different ways, said Pam Didner of Relentless Pursuit LLC. Pessimists may envision dystopian universes as portrayed in the Terminator, Blade Runner or The Matrix; optimists may picture R2D2 or Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Whichever attitude marketers take, “AI is not a fad. It's here to stay,” declared Didner in her keynote address, How AI Is Already Impacting Every Stage of Buyer Engagement, which explored how B2B marketers currently use AI and looked ahead to the technology's future.

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B2B marketers react to the thought of artificial intelligence (AI) in different ways, said Pam Didner of Relentless Pursuit LLC. Pessimists may envision dystopian universes as portrayed in the Terminator, Blade Runner or The Matrix; optimists may picture R2D2 or Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Whichever attitude marketers take, “AI is not a fad. It’s here to stay,” declared Didner in her keynote address, How AI Is Already Impacting Every Stage of Buyer Engagement, which explored how B2B marketers currently use AI and looked ahead to the technology’s future.

The first step to understanding what AI means for our industry is to agree on a definition, said Didner, who defined AI as “intelligence exhibited by machines to enable decision-making, predict outcomes or improve efficiency.” Currently, she explained, we’re in the era of narrow AI, which can handle a task competently and modify its behavior as situations change. Siri, autonomous cars or Google Home are examples of how most of us use narrow AI in daily life.

Further out on the horizon, general AI (AGI) will be able to perform any intellectual task humans can do. Ultimately, Didner said, super AI (ASI) will outperform even the best human brains in every field, including creative pursuits and social interactions.

What are B2B marketers currently using AI for? A better question might be, What aren’t they using it for? A typical marketer’s AI-powered workday might include using AI tools to find an optimal title for content, generate creative ideas, create content and syndicate that content to multiple channels. Marketers also use AI to follow up with prospects via email, sort prospect inquiries for handoff to humans. AI can record sales engagements and determine sentiment, forecast revenue and project closure rates. AI can even personalize gifting, said Didner, citing one vendor whose AI solution crawls a prospect’s social profile to determine the best gift for that person.

While many organizations are implementing AI at basic levels, such as chatbots, sales agents and marketing assistants, the technology has much more potential for B2B marketers. Didner shared several examples of AI tools that, while not widely used, have exciting B2B business applications.

  • The Washington Post’s proprietary AI content creation tool, Hellograf, uses editor-created templates to search for reliable data sources, write and publish content. In 2016, Hellograf wrote 850 articles that generated half a million views. Quill, a similar app, is available for businesses.
  • Creating customer testimonial videos is tedious and expensive, often involving lots of scheduling, travel and time. “What if you could virtually clone the [customer] and use that instead?” asked Didner, screening a video from Hour One, whose platform builds synthetic characters into its video production capabilities. After the video ended, she revealed that the two “people” in the video were actually synthetic characters.
  • AI is even entering what Didner humorously called “the human’s final frontier” — generating creative ideas. She screened two Japanese TV commercials — one written by an award-winning human director, the other written by an AI app that had ingested 10 years’ worth of award-winning TV commercials. Human subjects preferred the human-created commercial — but only by a narrow margin, she said.

While none of these AI technologies will replace humans, Didner said, they can make B2B marketers more efficient and effective. Ultimately, they have the potential to do much more.

“The holy grail of B2B marketing is that we want to reach our customers at the time they’re ready to buy,” Didner said. “Many platforms say they will do this but fail miserably. I think AI may actually have a shot at helping us reach that holy grail.”

Urging the audience to kick off their own AI initiatives, Didner shared three steps to doing so:

  1. Articulate: Identify one to three big, thorny challenges you want to use AI to solve.
  2. Communicate: Hold an internal conversation, top-down and bottom-up, to identify possible AI solutions. These may be internal, external or a hybrid approach.
  3. Incorporate: Include discussion around AI in your annual planning and allocate budget accordingly to make it happen.

The potential of AI is only beginning to unfold, said Didner, reminding B2B marketers who may be on the fence that “all initiatives are about experimentation, and everything digital can be undone.” By using good data and setting expectations to prepare management for failures as well as successes, forward-thinking B2B marketers can implement AI solutions that may one day be as indispensable to their organizations as R2D2 was to Luke Skywalker.

Redefining The Way B2B Marketers Create & Amplify Content

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Whether content is created by humans or by AI, speakers at #B2BMX sounded a common theme: In order to attract and maintain attention, the type of content marketers create must undergo a transformation. Many B2B brands are looking to media brands for inspiration. In From Content Producers To Media Brands: How B2B Companies Are Redefining the Way They Create and Amplify Content, Mark Bornstein, VP of Content Marketing at ON24, convened three leading marketing professionals to discuss this trend.

Creating an editorial voice can help B2B brands make an emotional impact on customers, said Lynne Sampson, Managing Editor for Oracle’s The Modern Finance Leader, citing the passion Fox News incites with its strong point of view.

“Brands often establish great brand guidelines [for their visual branding] but don’t include voice and tone,” noted Anna Hrach, Strategist at Convince & Convert.

In addition, while the marketing team may have a firm grasp on the editorial voice, it’s vital to ensure that it carries throughout the organization.

Is written content dead? Sampson, whose Modern Finance Leader publishes one article daily, contends, “There is still a place for the written word; it just needs to be shorter and more informative. Tying content to news topics that are very topical will catch people’s attention in a way that a white paper will not.” A former journalist, Sampson said B2B marketing content doesn’t need to rival a newsroom’s in topicality. However, she advised B2B brands to stay on top of news and trends in their industry, consider how it will affect their customers and create relevant content about it.

Matching the message, format and channel to the audience is key to successful content creation, the panelists agreed. “Ask yourself what is the right fit for your brand and what is the right style for the product you’re trying to sell,” advised Elizabeth Giorgi, co-founder and CEO of soona. For example, soona recently created a series of videos targeting Millennials and designed the content specifically for Instagram. “The kind of video people want to watch on YouTube is completely different from what they want to watch on Instagram,” Giorgi explained.

Whether marketers are producing written content or video, thinking like a broadcaster can help. Too many B2B organizations are guilty of “random acts of content — a white paper here, a blog post there, but nothing cohesive,” said Hrach. To avoid this pitfall, she said, Convince & Convert structures their editorial calendar by thinking like a TV network. “We have three types of content: binge-worthy content, which we do a few times a month; quarterly ‘specials’; and our regularly scheduled programming, such as blogs.” This approach ensures a consistent cadence of content but also enables the flexibility to create new content “on the fly” when timely topics arise.

How much new content do organizations actually need to create?

“Everybody is generating huge garbage piles of content. It just creates more noise,” said Giorgi, whose viewpoint clearly resonated with the audience. “A lot of your content is like old socks. Quit trying to organize them.”

Keeping old content on your site may boost SEO, Giorgi noted, but how does it help your brand? “Prioritize the cream of the crop your organization has to offer,” she urged. “Throw out the old socks. Throw out anything in the middle, too. You want to put your best foot forward on the Internet, not a mediocre foot forward. My challenge to you: Do less and have it mean more.”

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5 #Bii19 Sessions On My Can’t-Miss List Wed, 10 Jul 2019 17:12:27 +0000 In our digital age, having the right resources is pivotal to success. But as more tools and trends pop up left and right, it can be overwhelming to cut through the clutter and find what works best for your company. That's why #bii19 is here to help.

From July 15-19, Demand Gen Report will host its Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series (#bii19), a week-long virtual event designed to provide sales and marketing practitioners with insights on the latest strategies, tools and technology used by today's top B2B companies to achieve their goals.

The post 5 #Bii19 Sessions On My Can’t-Miss List appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

In our digital age, having the right resources is pivotal to success. But as more tools and trends pop up left and right, it can be overwhelming to cut through the clutter and find what works best for your company. That’s why #bii19 is here to help.

From July 15-19, Demand Gen Report will host its Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series (#bii19), a week-long virtual event designed to provide sales and marketing practitioners with insights on the latest strategies, tools and technology used by today’s top B2B companies to achieve their goals.

Here are five webinar sessions I’m looking forward to:

1. How To Personalize And Accelerate The Customer Journey Through Targeted 1:1 Experiences

As marketing teams look to better engage their prospects, they’re relying more on personalized website experiences and targeted account-based advertising.

During this webinar, John Dering of Demandbase will reveal new data from Demand Gen Report’s B2B Buyers Survey and share his expertise around how B2B buyer behavior is impacting today’s go-to-market initiatives. The session will uncover where buyers’ time and effort are being spent in the B2B buying timeline and how certain tactics like AI-driven website personalization influence anonymous buyers.

2. What Buyers Want: Developing A Buyer-Focused Sales Engagement Process That Works

In today’s sales and marketing landscape, looking at sales statistics just doesn’t cut it. You need to look at the buyer and what’s capturing their attention.

In this session, David Hood, President and CEO of VanillaSoft, and Darryl Prail, CMO of VanillaSoft, will also reveal new research around needs and sales engagement preferences as seen from the buyer’s point-of-view. They’ll discuss elements like the significance of word-of-mouth and review sites during the buying cycle, new communication channels to focus on and effective follow-up strategies.

3. 2019 Video In Business Benchmarks—What You Need To Know

Video continues to be a popular medium in marketing. In fact, research shows that businesses in the top-three industries publish more than on video per day on average. But there is more to video marketing that posting a clip on YouTube.

Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing at Vidyard, will disclose key findings from the 2019 Video in Business Benchmark Report during this webcast. Attendees will learn how companies are using video to support content marketing, digital marketing, demand gen, ABM program efforts and more. Plus, Tyler will share his video predictions for 2020 and beyond.

4. Unlocking Buyer Insights With Content Analytics

In order to be successful, companies need to not only look at the content their buyers are consuming but also why they’re consuming it.

This session, starring Pam Didner, Founder of Relentless Pursuit, and Meg Guarente, Product Marketing Manager at Seismic, zeros in on content engagement analysis so companies can better understand buyer preferences, as well as what to look for as they monitor the buyer journey.

5. Marketing Leaders Reveal Secrets To Impactful Buyer-Focused Content

As technology continues to evolve and change, so does content. During this session, Alicia Esposito of Content4Demand and a panel of practitioners will delve into all things content marketing, ranging from implementing effective copy tone and style to leveraging different formats, such as auditory storytelling, interactive content and “meme-like content.”

The panel will feature Amanda Maksymiw, Content Marketing Director at Fuze, as well as Dave Bruno, Marketing Director at Aptos, who will discuss their successful approaches to effective storytelling.

To view the full lineup of #bii19 sessions and speakers or to register for the event, click here.

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Top B2B Marketers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions Wed, 02 Jan 2019 17:04:38 +0000 As 2019 kicks off, it's time to reflect on your goals for the New Year and brainstorm how you can meet and exceed them in your personal and professional life. 

If you're looking for some inspiration, check out this collection of resolutions from industry experts, including authors David Meerman Scott and Pam Didner, Jeff Pedowitz of The Pedowitz Group, Masha Finkselstein of Google, Kelvin Gee of Oracle and Michael Brenner of Marketing Insider Group — all of whom will be speaking at the B2B Marketing Exchange in Scottsdale, Ariz. on February 25-27, 2019.

The post Top B2B Marketers Share Their New Year’s Resolutions appeared first on Demand Gen Report.

As 2019 kicks off, it’s time to reflect on your goals for the New Year and brainstorm how you can meet and exceed them in your personal and professional life. 

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out this collection of resolutions from industry experts, including authors David Meerman Scott and Pam Didner, Jeff Pedowitz of The Pedowitz Group, Masha Finkselstein of Google, Kelvin Gee of Oracle and Michael Brenner of Marketing Insider Group — all of whom will be speaking at the B2B Marketing Exchange in Scottsdale, Ariz. on February 25-27, 2019.

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Discover a plethora of trends and tactics B2B practitioners are planning to focus on in 2019. Topics covered include:

  • Operationalizing the customer experience;
  • Creating more customized and personalized ways to communicate with existing customers and prospects;
  • Developing more engaging B2B content through effective storytelling.


Keep your marketing resolutions in 2019 by attending #B2BMX. Early bird pricing is available until January 16, 2019! Rooms at the Hyatt are selling out fast, so make sure to book your room when you register!

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DGR Book Club: 3 New Reads To Help Marketing & Sales Teams Grow Wed, 03 Oct 2018 14:37:38 +0000 “Summer reading” may be a thing, but in my opinion, Fall is the ultimate season for snuggling up at home with a good book and a pumpkin spiced latte — preferably after a long day of apple picking and wine tasting while wearing plaid. Is the Millennial in me obvious or what?

As the end of the year creeps up, and marketers begin planning and strategizing for 2019, it's also a good time to read up on a new skill, learn new ways to lead and manage your team, and even figure out how to close more deals and gain customer advocates for your business.

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“Summer reading” may be a thing, but in my opinion, Fall is the ultimate season for snuggling up at home with a good book and a pumpkin spiced latte — preferably after a long day of apple picking and wine tasting while wearing plaid. Is the Millennial in me obvious or what?

As the end of the year creeps up, and marketers begin planning and strategizing for 2019, it’s also a good time to read up on a new skill, learn new ways to lead and manage your team, and even figure out how to close more deals and gain customer advocates for your business.

This month alone, four industry experts have or will release their latest books just in time to prep for the new year. It’s never too early to get a head start, so read on to find the perfect Fall book to make the rest of your 2018 and beyond a success.

“Break the Wheel: Question Best Practices, Hone Your Intuition And Do Your Best Work” — Jay Acunzo


Jay Acunzo is a leading keynote speaker, podcaster and founder of Unthinkable Media who challenges professionals to break from conventional wisdom and best practices in order to help them deliver greater results for their companies. His new book, “Break the Wheel,” features real-world stories that revolve around how to think outside the box by challenging conventional thinking, creating internal best practices and differentiating your brand.


“Talk Triggers: The Complete Guide To Creating Customers With Word Of Mouth” — Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin


If you’re looking to bank in on word-of-mouth marketing and/or peer reviews in 2019, this book by co-authors Jay Baer, Keynote Speaker and Founder of Convince & Convert, and Daniel Lemin, Co-Founder of Selectivor and Professional Speaker, is for you. Delivering experiences that get your customers raving about your brand is essential in today’s marketing world. In fact, Demand Gen Report’s own research shows that 65% B2B buyers say reviews are “very important” when they evaluate potential purchases. “Talk Triggers” features proprietary research on why and how customers talk, success stories on how 30+ B2B and B2C companies surprise and delight their customers, how to be a talk trigger, five types of talk triggers and a six-step process for creating talk triggers.


“Effective Sales Enablement: Achieve Sales Growth Through Collaborative Sales And Marketing” — Pam Didner


Sales representatives and marketers are sure to find many “golden nuggets” within Pam Didner’s new book (which is available on pre-order right now). Didner is an author, speaker and B2B marketing consultant that believes “marketing is the hidden sales force and sales is another marketing channel.” Her latest book shares insights into the development and evolution of sales enablement, revealing how sales has been transformed by martech. Inside, you’ll find case studies from companies such as Google, Cisco and Salesforce to help you better bridge the gap between marketing and sales — something many B2B companies struggle with today.

“Effective Sales Enablement” goes on sale on October 28, 2018.

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5 Ways #B2BMX Will Look At Marketing Through A New Lens Wed, 01 Aug 2018 16:12:02 +0000


To be successful in today's B2B marketplace, companies must make innovative decisions throughout their organization to stay above the competition. This not only includes product or service innovation, but also innovation in how marketing and sales teams engage potential customers to offer genuine, seamless buying experiences.

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To be successful in today’s B2B marketplace, companies must make innovative decisions throughout their organization to stay above the competition. This not only includes product or service innovation, but also innovation in how marketing and sales teams engage potential customers to offer genuine, seamless buying experiences.

 At the 2019 B2B Marketing Exchangewhich takes place February 25-27 in Scottsdale, Ariz., we understand that marketing and sales innovation is what makes — or breaks — go-to-market efforts. That’s why it’s vital to think outside the box to identify new strategies to engage buyers or look at well-known strategies through a new lens.

We plan on doing just that throughout our 70+ sessions at next year’s event. Here are five areas that we plan to elaborateon at #B2BMX 2019: 

1) Create A Fanbase Around Your Brand

Customer centricity has been discussed at length within the B2B community. However, some progressive companies are going even further to turn their customers into a brand “fanbase.” During his keynote presentation, best-selling author David Meerman Scott will share a blueprint for how people and organizations are moving beyond leads and prospects and building passionate fans of their ideas, companies, art, solutions and services. David will preview some strategies and examples from his upcoming book, including specific recommendations on how B2B companies can:

  • Apply the neuroscience of fandom to marketing and sales strategies;
  • Expand communities by breaking down the gates and making content and thought leadership easily accessible;
  • Lead with authenticity by being a true thought leader, and scrapping generic messaging and imagery; and
  • Build relevance and context with innovative new content formats, channels and personalization practices.

2) Take A Media Company Approach To Content Strategy

Content is the fuel for innovative brands, and B2B businesses continue to strive to think outside the box to create better content that gives buyers what they need. Carlos Abler, Leader of Content Marketing & Strategy at 3M, will discusshow companies must adopt publishing and media company methodologies to address the demands for content excellence in contemporary customer/audience creation/relations.

Carlos will dive deep into how we have an opportunity to apply social innovation and entrepreneurialism to identify and productize relevance for our value-added content and app products.

Key takeaways will include:

  • How to use content to build better and more profitable relationships and uncover new business model opportunities;
  • Ways to deliver thought leadership that changes the way a person sees the world in a manner that reveals new actionable approaches; and
  • Case studies drawn from the world of content marketing, as well as NGOs and others.

3) Enable Sales In The World Of ABM

ABM has been the biggest buzzword in the B2B marketplace over the past couple of yearsand for good reason. Companies are seeing great results when putting ABM into action

However, sales teams have been thinking in an account mindset for years, meaning marketing teams must position themselves to better enable their sales counterparts. Pam Didner, content marketing consultant, author and speaker, will discuss this topic in detail to help position marketing teams with the strategies they need to better enable sales teams in an ABM environment.

4) Transformation Is A Necessity For Scale

Innovation fuels growth and scale is a vital part of continuing that innovation and streamlining it throughout the organization. This continues to be necessary as companies grow into global brands that still must meet the individual expectations of buyers and prospective accounts.

Kelvin Gee, Senior Director of Modern Marketing Transformation at Oracle, will take the stage to talk about how he and his team are positioning the company to scale their account-based initiatives to meet buyer demands on a global scale.

5) Activate Your Entire Business To Market Your Brand

Marketing and sales shouldn’t be the only departments that focus on customer value. With the entire organization focused on the customer, businesses can drive better outcomes and meet customer expectations more effortlessly. 

In presentation by veteran marketerand bestselling author Michael Brenneryou’ll learn how the future of B2B marketing is about activating the talent and expertise of your entire organization.

Key takeaways will include how to:

  • Push back on the things that B2B marketers know won’t work;
  • Take your marketing to the next level and engage your audience through storytelling; and
  • Rally the entire organization around the customer with an intricate new framework.

Are you looking forward to the B2B Marketing Exchange next February? Summer pricing for tickets ends September 15, so save your seat to join us at the place to be for B2B!


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