Latest In: Content Strategy

ABM ABM Content Plays account based marketing Folloze
Folloze Unveils ABM Content Plays, New Campaign Capabilities

Folloze Unveils ABM Content Plays, New Campaign Capabilities

Folloze, an account-based marketing (ABM) platform, has announced the availability of ABM Content Plays, a new product which…

Industry News April 13
#B2BMX 6sense Ana Villegas B2B Marketing Exchange B2BMX18 crosschannel marketing campaigns CTA Dell EMC Flashtalking Kristen Cardinalli marketo oracle + bronto susan wall
B2B Marketers Fine Tune Cross-Channel Strategies To Streamline Self-Directed Journeys

B2B Marketers Fine Tune Cross-Channel Strategies To Streamline Self-Directed Journeys

With B2B shoppers doing as much as 70% of their research before contacting a company, marketers are striving…

Industry News April 11
AI artificial intelligence Customer Experience Cloud Suite CX Cloud Suite Oracle Oracle CX Audience Oracle Infinity Shashi Seth
Oracle Adds AI Features To Customer Experience Cloud

Oracle Adds AI Features To Customer Experience Cloud

Oracle has updated its Customer Experience (CX) Cloud Suite with AI-powered features designed to help marketing and sales…

Industry News April 10
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series