Latest In: Demand Generation

advertising AI
Megaphone and characters people. Marketing, business promotion, advertising, call through the horn, online alerting.

New Research: AI Poised To Be ‘Greatest Influence’ On The Future Of Advertising

Given AI’s potential to transform industry practices now and in the future, 59% of practitioners view it more…

Industry News April 26
AI artificial intelligence Televerde
AI and human touching fingers

Rethinking Demand Gen To Find The Human In The Machine

In the whirlwind that is B2B demand generation, everyone’s trying to catch lightning in a bottle. Every demand…

Demanding Views April 22
Man touching an e mail concept

Litmus Unveils Email Personalization & Monitoring Capabilities 

Litmus, an email marketing platform, released a trio of new features within Litmus Personalize and Litmus Email Guardian…

Industry News April 17
B2B Marketing Exchange
B2B Marketing Exchange East
Campaign Optimization Series
Buyer Insights & Intelligence Series
Strategy & Planning Series