What Is Samsung Gauss? The Latest Generative AI Contender

Samsung Gauss can produce text, images and code. But how does it compare to current AI models?

Not one to be left behind in the race for AI dominance, South Korean electronics company Samsung has just unveiled its own generative artificial intelligence (AI) model, Samsung Gauss, at its annual AI forum.

The new model will be incorporated into Samsung's Galaxy S24 handset in the first half of 2024, in an effort to improve its product offering and become less reliant on large language models (LLMs) provided by competitors like OpenAI.

Samsung's announcement comes just days after the launch of GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI's upgraded language model. But how will Samsung Gauss compare to the litany of existing LLMs that are already on the market?

What Are Samsung Gauss's Core Features?

Another day, another generative AI model created by one of the biggest names in tech. The latest entry? Samsung Gauss — an unusually named AI model that responds to user-generated prompts in a similar way to ChatGPT.

Samsung Gauss is split into three divisions: Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code, and Samsung Gauss Image. As the name of these functions suggests, the AI tool is capable of generating text, code, and image responses, offering versatile applications to its users.

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Samsung Gauss Language aims to streamline productivity in a number of different ways, including helping users write and edit emails, summarize documents, and translate languages.

Its coding function, Samsung Gauss Code, utilizes a code assistant called code.i. It was primarily designed to help developers write code quickly, by supporting “code description and test case generation through an interactive interface.”

By providing coding services right out of the gate, Samsung Gauss already has the edge over other chatbots that were slower to incorporate the tool, including Google Bard, which only began offering coding capabilities in April of this year.

Lastly, Samsung Gauss Image can create and edit images, akin to the OpenAI image generator DALL-E. For example, the model is capable of creating unique, lifelike visuals, and improving the resolution of existing images.

Samsung Is Playing Catch Up on AI

Samsung's new AI tool is part of a wide effort to bake artificial intelligence into its core strategy, with the company incorporating generative AI into its Bixby virtual assistant for home appliances earlier this year.

The model, which is named after Carl Frederich Gauss — a prominent mathematician who established the normal distribution theory — will be able to run locally on Samsung devices, including the Galaxy S24 handset due to be released next year.

Samsung is expecting to sell 35 million Galaxy S24 units next year, with the help of this AI boost. Such a feat could see Samsung's smartphone sales leap ahead of its biggest rival Apple, as well as other leading manufacturers.

How Does Samsung Gauss Compare to Other AI Models?

Despite Samsung Gauss's versatile offering, it's hard to see how its user numbers will ever trump that of established rivals like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

However, while it may not have the same name recognition as other chatbots, Samsung Gauss aims to set itself apart from the competition by focusing on productivity through comprehensive language functionalities.

Samsung Gauss hopes to have an edge over rivals when it comes to privacy, too. Unlike most other AI models, the tool is an “on-device AI.” This means it will process data on the device itself, allowing it to bypass security concerns that can result from data being processed through the cloud. This also enables the model to be customized more heavily to the user's liking, while taking up less energy than conventional generative AI alternatives.

Samsung Gauss is currently being used internally to aid employee productivity and will be expanded into a variety of Samsung products from January 2024.

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Isobel O'Sullivan (BSc) is a senior writer at Tech.co with over four years of experience covering business and technology news. Since studying Digital Anthropology at University College London (UCL), she’s been a regular contributor to Market Finance’s blog and has also worked as a freelance tech researcher. Isobel’s always up to date with the topics in employment and data security and has a specialist focus on POS and VoIP systems.
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